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Tomorrow at the same time as now (6pm Moscow) I'm waiting for you for live Q&A session, in YouTube.
Just published the 9th lecture of the Project Management Beyond Agile (PMBA) course for Innopolis students, this time about procurement management. Watch: 83 minutes (with English subtiles).
I'm very happy to share good news: IEEE supports our ICCQ conference, for the 4th time (papers to be published in IEEE Xplore and indexed by Scopus). Due to some schedule conflicts we have to push back the event to June, though. New CFP deadline is the 18th of February. You are welcome to submit your research papers, if they are related to source code quality, static and dynamic analysis, programming language design, software maintenance, and testing. Innopolis University (Kazan, Russia) will host the event.
Сегодня буду записывать интервью с профессором мехмата МГУ, академиком Анатолием Тимофеевичем Фоменко, автором Новой Хронологии (мне очень симпатичной). Какие вопросы порекомендуете задать?
The 8th lecture in the SQM course just published, about TCC and LCC metrics to measure cohesion of objects in object-oriented programming languages. Watch: 74 minutes.
I need your help again. A group of students is doing a research related to software testing and project management. Please, fill up this two-minutes questionnaire. I assisted them in preparing the questions, thus your criticism is very welcome :)
Записали интервью с Зуевым Евгением Александровичем, профессором Университета Иннополиса, обсудили состояние высшего образования в РФ, сложности развития, перспективы ближайших и стратегических побед. Смотрите: 68 минут (русские субтитры добавим немного позже).
Before you start a new software project, hire an independent expert, who will regularly (ideally, every two weeks) review everything we programmers are doing and tell you where and how you may lose. This expert will maintain a Risk List for you. You will take necessary preemptive actions. Don’t trust us programmers. We are smart, lazy and spoiled. You will lose. — Trust. Pay. Lose. (2017)
Some of you may remember the software quality award I was organizing for five years, in 2015-2020. Now it's renamed to Kaicode Open Source Festival. Every year we will invite open source projects, put together a jury, and distribute monetary awards and recognition badges among winners. Right now, we are looking for volunteers to join the jury. If you are passionate about software quality, please text me directly, we will consider.
Девятая лекция из серии SQM, посвященная метрикам CAMC и NHD для расчета object cohesion: 76 минут.
Десятая лекция из той же серии SQM, посвященная некоторым полезным "измерениям" объектов в ООП. Смотрите 80 минут (Russian subtitles are available).
Интервью с академиком Анатолием Тимофеевичем Фоменко, автором Новой Хронологии, смотрите: 62 минуты. Поговорили собственно об альтернативной истории и о борьбе с сопротивлением традиционных убеждений и верований в науке.
That’s why a good customer for a software outsourcing company them is a paying customer. Not a customer with a successful project. Not a customer with a properly solved problem. Not a customer with optimized costs. Not a customer with the best possible technology utilized. Not at all. The best customer is the one that pays, pays a lot, and pays on time. Period. — Why Software Outsourcing Doesn't Work ... Anymore (2015)
11-я лекция из SQM серии, в этот раз о клонах в исходном коде и методах их обнаружения, смотрите: 82 минуты.
12-я лекция из SQM курса для студентов ВШЭ (Москва), в этот раз о феномене dead code, а также о monolithic repositories и о том, почему они — вредная, но очень популярная практика. Смотрите: 82 минуты (with Russian subtitles, auto-translatable to English).
Just published a new blog post with a set of recommendations for those who review research papers: Review a Research Paper: Constructive Critique in Five Steps
"You should be where your boss(es) can physically see you. No, not your work—that’s immaterial. They need to see you in person. This strategy might not necessarily make you a better programmer, but it will certainly convince your boss that you are one."

— Just Show Up (2023)
В эту субботу будем записывать новый выпуск «черно-белого айти», какие новости стоит обсудить?
Опубликовали интервью с Глебом Владимировичем Носовским, доцентом МГУ, со-автором "Новой Хронологии". Смотрите: 81 минута.
The last 10th lecture in the Project Management Beyond Agile (PMBA) course for BSc students of Innopolis University, this time about stakeholder management. Watch it: 80 minutes.
2024/10/01 22:16:36
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