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I released a tiny Java jping library, which may help you protect your JUnit5 tests from "we are offline" situations.
"The cure for all management problems: make them (your subordinates) chase you. How do you do that? You turn yourself into a buyer making them be sellers of their results. You’ve got the resources (money), which you are ready to release if your people provide you what you need."

Inversive Management (2019)
I just published a new blog post, about ChatGPT and its negative effect on the process of education of students: Defend Me Against ChatGPT. I see ChatGPT as a big threat to the education process and believe that very soon, tools that validate texts for the presence of generative AI in them will become powerful enough to defend me, a teacher, from ChatGPT.
Интересная статья профессора Анатолия Абрамовича Шалыто (ИТМО, Санкт-Петербург) об олимпиадном программировании, в которой он спорит и с моим мнением в том числе, рекомендую изучить.
Наконец-то! Контрабандой из США в Москву, в обход санкций. Elegant Objects Vol1 and Vol2, Code Ahead, и Junior Objects. Пишите, пока есть в наличии: @yegor256
Повторно выкладываем интервью с Владимиром Ицыксоном, профессором ИТМО. В прошлом видео были технические неполадки, теперь все устранили. Смотрите: 82 минуты.
Media is too big
This movie deserves being watched multiple times (unlike Seasons 4 and 5, which are too much of a propaganda): Fargo Season 3 (2014) by Noah Hawley.
Новый N21 выпуск черно-белого айти, смотрите: 74 минуты.
Dear reader of my Telegram channel,

I'm very thankful to you, for being with me this year. Your "likes" and comments are the primary motivator for me, especially when they are negative... not. Thanks to you, my online presence was increased this year: +420 followers on GitHub (+11%), +4833 subscribers on YouTube (+28%), +260 on Telegram (+6%), also a little bit on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook, but I don't care about them as much.

A quick summary of my contribution in 2023: 6500+ GitHub commits/issues/pull requests, three research papers , 50 lectures in two Universities, a few interviews, 11 new open source products released, 17 technical blog posts, ICCQ'23 conference, four patents, four political articles, and one film.

A quick summary of my failures in 2023: Elegant Objects Vol.3 is not yet published, Code Ahead Vol.2 is not yet written, PhD thesis is not yet finished. I'm committed to complete them all in 2024.

I rely on your help in 2024: stay subscribed, no matter how bad is my content, and encourage your friends to subscribe — to my GitHub, YouTube, and Telegram!

Happy New Year!

P.S. The image was generated by Kandinsky Telegram Bot by the following request: "Снегурочка поздравляет Деда Мороза с Новым Годом и дарит ему коробку с искусственным интеллектом внутри."
13-я лекция из курса SQM для студентов ВШЭ опубликована, она посвящена Code Churn и Hits-of-Code (как частный случай), смотрите: 74 минуты.
"No matter how large the difference in skills between regular programmers and 10x programmers in the same project, they will get almost the same, or very similar, compensation. In order to get more, a programmer has to change location, company, or both. It seems very wrong!"

— 10x Paychecks for 10x Programmers (2019)
As you may remember, this year we organize the 4th ICCQ conference in cooperation with IEEE Computer Society and Innopolis University. What's especially interesting this year is that we had to refuse eight applications to the Program Committee (so far) because we are fully packed already. However, in previous years, we were investing a lot of time into inviting PC members (getting a lot of rejections, also due to political reasons).

Moreover, this year there are two ACM Fellows in our PC: Philip Wadler and Ranjit Jhala — this is an exceptional honor for us!

Thus, if you work in the field of program analysis, testing, programming language design, code optimization and generation, software maintenance and your work contributes to code quality — consider submitting your research papers to ICCQ'24, the deadline is the 18th of February (published in IEEE Xplore and indexed by Scopus).
Новая статья о политике у меня в блоге: I can't speak. Меня огорчает то давление, которое власть в Европе (и не только) оказывает на науку. (English translation is here).
Сегодня прямой эфир отменяется потому что я в городе Ярославль на экскурсии в музее «Новой Хронологии». Очень рекомендую к посещению, если будете в городе Великий Новгород (он же Ярославль) — три этажа медиа презентаций, аудио историй, фотографий и реконструкций. Доступным языком рассказывают версию Анатолия Фоменко и Глеба Носовского об искажениях истории и их причинах.
14-я лекция из курса SQM для студентов ВШЭ опубликована, она посвящена Tech Debt и методологии Puzzle Driven Development, смотрите: 78 минут.
If you code in Rust, you most certainly may be interested in the micromap crate — a hash table with a linear implementation that is faster than any other existing Rust map, when the size of the map is small enough (smaller than 30 keys!). The library was released eight months ago, but only recently we managed to make it faster than all competitors (thanks to open source contributors!).
2024/10/01 18:36:04
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