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🌿यस्मिन्सर्वाणि भूतान्यात्मैवाभूद्विजानतः ।
वायुरनिलममृतमथेदं भस्मांतँ शरीरम् ॥ 

When a man realises that all that exists is but the Self and sees oneness of entire existence, what delusion, what grief is there, for that perceiver of oneness? 

~Isha Upanishad, 1.7

🌿ब्रह्मैवेदममृतं पुरस्ताद्ब्रह्म पश्चाद्ब्रह्म दक्षिणतश्चोत्तरेण । 
अधश्चोर्ध्वं च प्रसृतं ब्रह्मैवेदं विश्वमिदं वरिष्ठम् ॥

All this that is in front is [nothing] but Brahman, the immortal. Brahman is at the back, as also on the right and the left. It is extended above and below, too. This world [in truth] is nothing but Brahman, the highest.

~Mundaka Upanishad, 2.2.11

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The literal meaning of Stavan is praise or being praiseworthy of worship. The Hanuman Stavan is a collection of verses in praise of the powers, glories deeds and devotion of Lord Hanuman

The person who recites this Hanuman Stavan daily, gets the blessings of Lord Hanuman. All problems will vanish by Bajrangbali's Grace, if one keeps on chanting this prayer daily with love and devotion.

Duration - 5:29 mins

➡️ Link to English and Hindi Translation

The spiritual seek should not worry about who the Guru is, or what the Guru will do. The seeker's first concern is getting prepared, organising his or her life and thought in a spiritually healthy way and then working towards a way of life that simplifies and purifies. At the right time, the master will be there.

~Swami Rama


🌿Spirituality For Householders🌿

What should be the attitude of a spiritual practitioner while living the life of a Grihasta [householder]? How should Karma Yoga be performed? How to spiritualize one's daily work and duties?

Explained By: Anandamayi Ma

•Duration - 59 seconds

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அப்பகை யாலே அசுரருந் தேவரும் நற்பகை செய்து நடுவே முடிந்தனர் எப்பகை யாகிலும் எய்தார் இறைவனைப் பொய்ப்பகை செய்யினும் ஒன்றுபத் தாமே.

They defied the Lord,
Devas and Asuras,
And they defied themselves one another
And destruction met,
However little, defy not Lord,
Not even for fun,
They snow-ball, one into ten.


போகமும் மாதர் புலவி யதுநினைந் தாகமும் உள்கலந் தங்குள னாதலில் வேதிய ராயும் விகிர்தனாம் என்கின்ற நீதியுள் ஈசன் நினைப்பொழி வாரே.

Learned they are in Vedic lore;
Knowing God is within them,
They bethought themselves to be God
And plunged into pleasures distracting
Forgetting all thought of God.


[Remember the fate that overtook the rishis that were learned in the Vedic lore. Postulating that God is within them, they presumed they themselves were God, and so plunged into distracting pleasures, forgetting all thought of the Lord. The reference here is to the rishis of Daruka forest, who eventually had ignored Siva and performed unholy sacrifice.]

~Sage Tirumular
•Verses From - Tirumantiram, 528-529

You can chant this name Ram, but nobody knows how to chant it. Chant the name on the breath, not with the tongue. Let the breath chant the name, not the tongue.

Don't put pressure on anything. Just let the breathing in and out happen without your notice, naturally and habitually.

Then this will continue while working, walking, shopping and sleeping. Do it this way and within days you will see the one whose name is chanted.

In the Kali yuga there is no time for penance, but the power of the word is tremendous. Ram purifies. The word "Ram" will enter your heart.

~Sri Papaji
•From The Truth Is book


Whenever a thought arises, instead of trying even a little - either to follow it up or to fulfil it, it would be better to first enquire - "To whom did this thought arise?"

When one thus inwardly enquires, "Is it not to me that this thought has arisen – then who am I?", the mind will return to subside in its Source, and the already risen thought will also vanish.

When one daily practices in this manner, since the impurities are being removed from the mind, it will become purer and purer to such an extent that the practice will become so easy, that the mind will reach the Heart as soon as the enquiry is commenced.

~Ramana Maharshi
•Guru Vachaka Kovai, Verses 397-399

Forwarded from God
Let me tell you a little secret -

If you always tell the truth and abide by the truth, so much so that you speak nothing but the truth, that will eventually make you "established" in the truth.

When you thus really become established in the truth, I (being the very spirit/essence of Truth) will myself ensure that whatever you utter, becomes the truth.


🌿Essential Qualities of a Spiritual Seeker🌿

What are the necessary attributes that a spiritual aspirant must have in order to progress on the spiritual path and realise the Truth?

Explained By: Adi Shankaracharya

•Duration - 3:53 minutes

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Forwarded from Hinduism As It Is
Who among the following, as per Hindu texts, claims to have witnessed the Destruction of Tripura by Lord Shiva, 30 times, in different cycles of creation?
Anonymous Quiz
Devrishi Narada
Adi Shesha-Naga
Kak Bhusunda
Devguru Brihaspati
Which one of the following is the primary reason for saluting (bowing before) the elders, as per Hindu Dharma-shastra(s)?
Anonymous Quiz
To get their Knowledge/Wisdom
To attain the 8 Siddhis/Powers
To recover the Vital Airs/Prana
To respect them. Nothing more
Honestly, I don't know.
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Questioner: All my efforts to abide at the source of the mind had proved futile.It is my deep-rooted tendencies. I need your grace.

Maharshi: Your repeated effort is bound to erase them. All sadhana is meant for this purpose only. Keep up your practice. There is no need to remind God about His business which is to always keep an eye on our welfare. The mistake one is prone to make is to abandon effort under the mistaken impression that God's grace is absent. But one should not slacken, for God's grace is bound to operate at the ripe time.

~From: Face to Face with Sri Ramana Maharshi

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🌿How to worship Shiva?🌿

What is the gist of all the worship? What is the main factor that brings us closer to Shiva [God]?

Explained By: Swami Vivekananda

•Duration - 58 seconds

👉Video Link -

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🌿तस्मिन् ब्रह्मण्यद्वितीये केवले परमात्मनि ।
ब्रह्मरुद्रौ च भूतानि भेदेनाज्ञोऽनुपश्यति ॥ ५२ ॥

In Me, the all-comprehending and all-pervading Self, known as Brahman, the ignorant man sees Brahma, Rudra and other entities as different.

🌿त्रयाणामेकभावानां यो न पश्यति वै भिदाम् ।
सर्वभूतात्मनां ब्रह्मन् स शान्तिमधिगच्छति ॥ ५४ ॥

He attains eternal peace who does not perceive any difference between the three - Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara - who are one in nature and pervade in all beings.

🕉 Lord Vishnu to Daksha 🕉
•Srimad Bhagavata Purana, 4.7.52, 4.7.54

✈️@HinduismAsItIs || @SpiritualGroup✈️
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🌿How to see [the vision of] God?🌿

Can we have a vision of God [Ishvara]? How can we be able to see [have a darshan of] God? What needs to be done?

Explained By: Sri Ramakrishna

•Duration - 52 seconds

👉Video Link -

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✈️@HinduismAsItIs || @SpiritualGroup✈️
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The Yaksha asked —
🌿What is that which, if renounced,
makes one agreeable?
🌿What is that which, if renounced,
leads to no regret?
🌿What is that which, if renounced,
makes one wealthy?
🌿And what is that which if renounced,
makes one happy?

Yudhishthira answered —
Pride, if renounced, makes one agreeable;
Wrath, if renounced leads to no regret;
Desire, if renounced, makes one wealthy;
And Avarice, if renounced, makes one happy.

✈️@HinduismAsItIs || @SpiritualGroup✈️
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2024/10/02 04:31:20
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