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A devotee should establish the idea of 'mine-ness' with God only and see everything else as 'not mine'.

God = mine
Everything else = not mine

Thereby, dealing with everything else in the world normally but dispassionately, while internally retaining passion for God all the time.

Like how an actor plays his allotted roles normally without forgetting his real identity, a devotee must do all his worldly duties playfully without forgetting God.

​​Shubh Navaratri | शुभ नवरात्रि

🌿I move about with the rudras and vasus, and also with the ādityas and vishvadevas. I hold in me both mitra and varuna, and also indra, agni and the two ashvins.

🌿I sustain the pressed soma plant, the gods thvashtru [architect of the gods], pūshan and bhaga. I give wealth/power to the possessor of havis [oblation], to the mindful yajamāna [patron of the sacrifice] and to the person who performs the soma sacrifice.

🌿I am the sovereign ‘queen’ [of all existence], the gatherer of treasures, the knower of the supreme, the first among those worthy of worship. That Me, the gods spread in many directions, so that I have many abodes to enter and live in.

🌿He who eats food, eats through me; he who sees, who breathes, who hears what is spoken, does so through me; those who are ignorant of me, perish; hearken who is capable of hearing, I tell you that which is trustworthy.

🌿I alone myself speak this – which is pleasing to both gods and men. Whoever I wish, him I make powerful, a brahma [i.e., creator god], a rishi [realised sage] or a wise one [learned scholar].

🌿I bend the bow of Rudra for [aiming] the arrow for killing the hater of brahman. I rouse and make wars for the people [fight for the welfare of noble ones]. I have pervaded heaven and earth [all over].

🌿I bring forth the father [i.e. creator] of the heavens above. My womb [source of creation, or genesis] is in the waters, in the deep [cosmic] ocean. From thereon I pervade the entire world and the universe, and touch the apex of heaven with my body.

🌿I verily myself breathe forth like the wind, issuing out form to all the created worlds; beyond the heaven, beyond the world [I Exist eternally - beyond space & time] - so vast am I, in my greatness.

~Devi Suktam
•Rig Veda, Mandala 10

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On this auspicious occasion of Navaratri, may the grace of Ma Shakti bring all the health, wealth, joy, love, peace and wisdom to all of our lives. May the Divine Mother bless us so that we continue to grow spiritually and attain the highest good. 🙏😇

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🍃🌸Divine Mother's Grace🌸🍃

Explained by Jagadguru Chandrashekarendra Saraswati

~Duration - 2:03 minutes


🌿Kindly develop faith in the Vedas and in the power of Mantras. Practise Japa and Meditation daily. Take Sattvic food. Do not overload the stomach.

🌿Obey the laws of nature. Take plenty of physical exercise daily. Perform the prescribed duties at the appointed time. Develop simple living and high thinking. You will realise God in this very birth.

🌿May you remember the Holy Names of the Lord at all times and live in an ocean of divine ecstasy and divine communion! May you prosper gloriously!

~Swami Sivananda

🎋Whatever is consumed or drunk by the mother passes through the nerves and vessels to the child, becoming the source of his satisfaction. During the ninth month, all outer signs attain completeness. And he is reminded of his previous birth, and recounts the good and bad deeds committed.

🎋He thinks: "I have seen thousands of wombs, eaten several kinds of food and sucked many breasts. Born and dead again and again, I am immersed in grief but see no remedy. Thinking of my good and bad deeds, I am suffering alone, although the bodies that enjoyed the fruits are gone."

🎋When I get out of this womb, I will take refuge in Sāmkhya-Yoga, which destroys misery and yields liberation; when I get out of this womb, I will take refuge in Maheśvara, who destroys misery and grants liberation.

🎋When I get out of this womb, I will take refuge in Nārāyana, who destroys misery and grants liberation. When I get out of this womb, I will meditate on the eternal Brahman.

🎋But when he reaches the birth canal and comes out of it with great difficulty, he is touched by an all-pervading movement [Māyā] that causes him to forget previous births and the good and the bad deeds performed therein.

~Verses from: Garbha Upanishad

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​​🌿Shubh Dussehra🌿

Dussehra - The tenth day of celebration

Navratri is replete with symbolism about vanquishing evil and wanton nature, and about having reverence for all aspects of life and even for the things and objects that contribute to our wellbeing. The nine days of Navratri are classified as per the three basic qualities of tamas, rajas and sattva. The first three days are tamas, where the goddess is fierce, like Durga and Kali. The next three days are Lakshmi related – gentle but materially oriented goddesses. The last three days are dedicated to Saraswati, which is sattva. It is related to knowledge and enlightenment.

Vijayadashami - The Day of Victory

Investing in these three will make your life in a certain way. If you invest in tamas, you will be powerful in one way. If you invest in rajas, you will be powerful in a different way. If you invest in sattva, you will be powerful in a completely different way. But if you go beyond all this, it is no longer about power, it is about liberation. After Navratri, the tenth and final day is Vijayadashami – that means you have conquered all these three qualities. You did not give into any of them, you saw through every one of them. You participated in every one of them, but you did not invest in any one of them. You won over them. That is Vijayadashami, the day of victory. This brings home the message of how being in reverence and gratitude towards everything that matters in our lives leads to success and victory.

Dussehra - Devotion and Reverence

It is my wish and my blessings that all of you should celebrate Dussehra with total involvement, joy and love.

Of the many things that we are in touch with, of the many things that contribute in making and creating our lives, the most important devices that we employ in making a success of our lives are our own body and mind. Being in reverence towards the very earth that you walk upon, towards the air that you breathe, the water that you drink, the food that you eat, the people that you come in touch with and everything else that you use, including your body and mind, will lead us to a different possibility as to how we can live. Being in a state of reverence and devotion towards all these aspects is a way of ensuring success in every endeavor that we partake in.

Celebrate Dussehra With Joy & Love

Traditionally, in Indian culture, Dussehra was always full of dances, where the whole community mixed, met and mingled. But because of external influences and invasions over the past two hundred years, we have lost that today. Otherwise Dussehra was always very vibrant. Even now it is still so in many places, but it is being lost in the rest of the country. We have to bring it back. The Vijayadashami or Dussehra festival is of a tremendous cultural significance for all who live in this land – irrespective of their caste, creed or religion – and should be celebrated with gaiety and love. It is my wish and my blessings that all of you should celebrate Dussehra with total involvement, joy and love.

~Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev


🍃🌸 We wish you all a very auspicious and joyful Vijayadashami/Dussehra. May you all conquer and attain victory over your shādripu [kama (lust), krodha (anger), lobha (greed), moha (attachment), mada (pride), and matsarya (jealousy)] and attain the highest good. 🌸🍃

​​🌿श्रीगोप्य ऊचुः - भजतोऽनुभजन्त्येक एक एतद्विपर्ययम्। नोभयांश्च भजन्त्येक एतन्नो ब्रूहि साधु भोः॥

The Gopis say, "There are some people who love only those who love them. And, some people love even those who do not love them back. Still, others are those who neither love those who love them nor those who do not love them. O dear, can you tell us who is the best among these?"

🌿श्रीभगवानुवाच - मिथो भजन्ति ये सख्यः स्वार्थैकान्तोद्यमा हि ते। न तत्र सौहृदं धर्मः स्वार्थार्थं तद्धि नान्यथा॥

Lord Krishna says, "Those, who love only those who love them, love falsely. Their reciprocation is based only on their self-interest without any real companionship. Know their conduct to arise out of selfishness and there is no other reason.

🌿भजन्त्यभजतो ये वै करुणाः पितरो यथा। धर्मो निरपवादोऽत्र सौहृदं च सुमध्यमाः॥

Those, who love others who don't love them back, do it due to their compassion like our parents. O slender girls, there is righteousness and companionship without exception in this type of love.

🌿भजतोऽपि न वै केचिद् भजन्त्यभजतः कुतः। आत्मारामा ह्याप्तकामा अकृतज्ञा गुरुद्रुहः॥

And those, who do not love even the people who love them, why do they not love them? They are of two types, those who are blessed within and do not desire anything anymore, and others are those who are ungrateful and disloyal to their teachers".

~From: Shrimad Bhagvatam, 10.32.16-19

🌿Every line of the Hanuman Chalisa is a Mahamantra.

🌿Even if a person hurts you, give him love. The worst punishment is to throw someone out of your heart. You should love everyone as God, and love each other. If you cannot love each other, you cannot achieve your goal.

🌿See all women as mothers, serve them as your mother. When you see the entire world as the mother, the ego falls away.

🌿The whole universe is our home and everyone residing in it belongs to our family. Instead of trying to see God in a particular appearance, it is better to see him in everything.

🌿The best service you can do is to keep your thoughts on God. Keep God in mind every minute. Keep God in your heart like you keep money in the bank.

~Neem Karoli Baba


🌿One must have devotion somewhere, whether in one's Master or in the one God. Without devotion, everything is in vain.

🌿If upon having gained knowledge of That which is without attributes, one ignores That which has attributes, such a "knowledgeable one" looses out on both sides.

🌿For such a one there is no Devotion [Bhakti] and no Knowledge [Jnana], but only pride that takes over in between. Therefore, don’t give up chanting and repeating the Lord's name in meditation.

🌿Even though one may be knowledgeable, by giving up the worship of God with attributes, one becomes unsuccessful in realizing Brahman, so don't give up the worship of God with attributes.

🌿Worship without any desire in the intellect has no equal in all the three worlds. Desireless worship without any expectations cannot happen without strong power.

🌿With desire, one gains various fruits, however when one worships without any desire or expectation, the devotee is one with God. Gaining some fruit and being God are two very different things.

~Sri Samartha Ram Daas
•Dasbodh, Chapter 10.7, Verses 15-20

There are so many who take the dawn for the noon, a momentary experience for full realization and destroy even the little gain by excess of pride. The sun of truth remains hidden behind the cloud of self-identification with the body.

~Nisargadatta Maharaj

🌿Bury yourself in the Reality, in Divinity, in God, in the true Atman. Keep yourself buried in the Spirit, in the Truth. Live alone for a time, set apart sometime of your day for keeping in touch with the Reality; merge yourself, bury yourself in God. Do that and the spoiling magnetism and wrong hypnotism that you have got from these worldly objects will leave you, your mind will be running in order again. You will be again inspired.

🌿Renunciation is from the mind. We do not live where our bodies live. We live where our minds live. Solitude can be had at home or it cannot be had in the remotest forest.

🌿If you deserve, you need not desire; the object of desire will be brought to you. If you make yourself worthy, help must come to you.

~Swami Ram Tirtha

🌿Say to the stubborn and proud: O you of little faith! Life on Earth lasts but a moment. Before you know it, you are overcome by Death. Of this there can be no doubt. If, at the end of your life you find that there is no Afterlife and no God, then you shall have no reason for concern. For, he that no longer is, has no concerns. But if at the end of this life you find that there is an Afterlife and a God, then you shall be overcome by remorse. Thus you shall cry, Alas! would that I had not come hither unprepared. For, you will go to an unknown place unprepared, like a fool who sets off upon a long journey with no provisions and no knowledge of the land he is bound for. Therefore, beware! do not knowingly walk in the footsteps of fools. Think not that your knowledge is faultless and that there is no one above you whose knowledge is best. You have been forewarned.

​​🌿Say to the thinking man: Do you believe in Love, Beauty and Joy? Do you believe in Truth, Justice and Goodness? If so, then you believe in God. For God Is Truth, Goodness and Beauty. He Is also the Force that drives man to seek, and empowers him to appreciate and enjoy, these things. Verily, God is all that and much more beside. If all this is, then God Is, too. Open your eyes and see! Up there, the Sun, the Moon and the shining Stars forever mark the day and night, the fortnight, the month, the seasons, the year and the space of many years. From the smallest atom to the Universe itself, all is established in Perfect Harmony and Order. Say, could all this be without a Wise Creator?

~Lord Shiva to Sage Vyasa 🕉
•Shiva Rahasya, Chapter 1, Verses 75-76

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Bhikshu: Will the world be rejuvenated?

Maharshi: There is One who governs the world and it is His business to look after it. He who has created the world knows how to guide it also.

Bhikshu: Does the world progress now?

Maharshi: If we progress, the world progresses. As you are, so is the world. Without understanding the Self what is the use of understanding the world? Without Self-knowledge, knowledge of the world is of no use. Dive inwards and find the treasure hidden there. Open your heart and see the world through the eyes of the true Self. Tear aside the veils [of ignorance] and see the Divine Majesty of your own Self.

~Excerpt from: Surpassing Love and Grace, P.18


~Devrishi Narada 🕉
•Narada Bhakti Sutras, 39-45

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As we all know, Satsang is the boat that helps the soul cross the ocean of samsara and bondage. This channel is a humble endeavor to provide you all with Satsang [timeless teachings of Sanatan Dharma] in this age of Kaliyuga.

May by God's Grace, this channel proves to be helpful and beneficial to you and all the dedicated spiritual seekers. 😇


🌼The Conquest of Hell [Naraka] The Puranas say that Lord Narayana has killed the demon [of misery], Naraka-Asura. This demon is none other than the one who lives as “I am this body, the source of misery”. One who seeks Naraka-Asura’s [i.e., the ego’s] source, and thus annihilates him, is truly Lord Narayana Himself.

🌼The Deepavali-bath, which is taken by all people on the fourteenth moon in remembrance of the conquest of Naraka, signifies the bath of Jnana, which is taken after destroying the ego Naraka-Asura, by searching for his source.

The above two verses were summarised in the following verse by Sri Bhagavan:

🌿He who kills Narakasura [the ego]
with the Wheel [i.e.weapon] of Jnana,
by enquiring, “Where is the source of Narakasura, who rules over Narakaloka, this wretched body, as ‘I’?”, is Lord Narayana; and that day [of the ego’s destruction] is the auspicious day of the fourteenth moon.

🌿Deepavali signifies the great Self-Effulgence which shines after destroying the reflected light [i.e. the ego], Narakasura, who was ruling this filthy body, which is the form of hell, as ‘I’.

🌿Deepavali signified the shining of Self after the destruction, through enquiry, of the greatest sinner, Naraka [the ego], who took the abode of this filthy body, which is the form of hell, as ‘I’.

🌿He is Narakasura [a demon] who feels attached in the thought that he is the body. That attachment to the body itself is a Naraka [hell].

🌿The life of a person who has that attachment, even if he be a Maharaja, is hellish. Destroying the attachment to the body, and the Self shining by itself, as Self, is Deepavali.

🌿He is the king of hell who says that he is the body which is hell itself. He is Narayana who ascertains who Naraka is, and destroys him with His vision of wisdom, Jnana-Drishti. That is the auspicious day of Narakachathurdasi.

🌿The false belief that this hell-like house called body is me, is Naraka himself. To destroy that false belief and let the self shine as Self, is Deepavali.

~Verses from: Guru Vachaka Kovai


wish you all a very auspicious and joyful Deepawali! 🪔

May by God's grace your life gets filled with peace, love, light and joy. 🙏

2024/10/02 06:25:03
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