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🌿How to test your spiritual advancement🌿

Make a list of your possessions. Everything that you call "mine", write a big list. If your list is this long, you are that far from your peace. If you have a small list you are closer to peace. If you have nothing to write you are in peace all the time, nobody on earth can steal your peace.

- Swami Satchidananda Saraswati

✈️@HinduismAsItIs || @SpiritualGroup✈️
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🌿He is indeed an unfortunate person who, not knowing his own Self, takes pleasure in sense- objects, like one who realizes too late that- the food eaten by him was poisonous.

🌿That perverted man who, even after knowing that worldly objects are deceptive, still thinks of them, is an ass [donkey], not a man.

~Verse from Yoga Vashistha Sara, Chapter 1

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When the mind moves even a little, that is samsara [worldly bondage]; when the mind abides firmly and motionlessly in the state of Self, that is mukti [liberation]. This is certain. Therefore know that the wise man must hold his mind firm by Supreme Self-awareness.

~Lord Shiva to Devi Parvati 🕉
•Devikalottara Agama, Verse 10

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Wishing you all a very Auspicious Gita Jayanti! 🙏
सभी को श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता जी की जयंती की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं। 😇

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🌿Bhagavan Gopinath Ji - Pearls of Wisdom🌿

A Kashmiri Saint offers some priceless spiritual insights that contain simple yet intense spiritual wisdom, in order to help and guide the spiritual aspirants on their journey.

Explained By: Bhagavan Gopinath Ji

•Duration - 48 seconds

👉Video Link -

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✈️@HinduismAsItIs || @SpiritualGroup✈️
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Oh Devi,
You are existing in each and every form;
in each and every step;
in each and every movement of this world.

~Acharya Abhinavagupta
•Devi Stotra, revealed by Swami Lakshmanjoo

✈️@HinduismAsItIs || @SpiritualGroup✈️
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Every duty is holy and devotion to duty is the highest form of the worship of God.

~Swami Vivekananda

✈️@HinduismAsItIs || @SpiritualGroup✈️
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Dattatreya is the universal Guru, isn’t he? And he has said that the whole world was his Guru. If you look at evil you feel you should not do it. So he said evil also was his Guru. If you see good, you would wish to do it; so he said that good also was his Guru; both good and evil, he said, were his Gurus.

It seems that he asked a hunter which way he should go, but the latter ignored his question, as he was intent upon his aim to shoot a bird above. Dattatreya saluted him, saying, "You are my Guru! Though killing the bird is bad, keeping your aim so steadfast in shooting the arrow as to ignore my query is good, thereby teaching me that I should keep my mind steadfast and fixed on Ishwara. You are therefore my Guru."

In the same way he looked upon everything as his Guru, till in the end he said that his physical body itself was a Guru, as its consciousness does not exist during sleep and the body that does not exist should therefore not be confused with the soul - dehatmabhavana (the feeling that the body is the soul). Therefore that too was a Guru for him. While he looked upon the whole world as his Guru, the whole world worshipped him as its Guru.

~Sri Ramana Maharshi

🍃🌸Wishing you all an auspicious Dattatreya Jayanti. May the Avadhuta's grace bless and guide you all to the highest good of Self Realisation.🌸🍃

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All creatures are fundamentally one, for the whole universe is a manifestation of the One! A man who hears the word 'Himalaya' without having actually set eyes on the mighty range, will be under the impression that it is but a single mountain, whereas once face to face with the Hima­layas he will realize that they consist of hundreds upon hundreds of peaks, stretching over hundreds of miles, with milliards of trees, animals, birds, insects, with streams and waterfalls.

Similarly, the farther one advances or the deeper one penetrates on the path of sādhana, the more clearly will be perceived the One revealed in the many and the many in the One. In actual fact we are always with the One, but distracted by the many we forget Him. Step by step we learn to walk, mouthful by mouthful we satisfy our hunger; single letters are composed into words, groups of days form a month, and months added together con­stitute a year. You often say: "There is only the One-Without-A-Second." This is indeed a fact, for in this universe there is nothing except the One.

The world is made up of sense perceptions. Although each one of the five senses reveals a different facet of the imm­ensity of Creation, yet their endless move­ment originates from the One, and they again find their rest in Him. Their whole significance lies in giving expression to the One. With the one goal before you, try to focus your whole attention on one form, one perfume, one contact, or one sound, and you will eventually come to see that everything is contained in this one. Thereupon you will realize that the One appears as the many and that in very truth the many are the One; you will know that nothing whatso­ever exists outside of the One.

~Anandamayi Ma

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🌿Is the World Full Of Misery?🌿

What is the nature of the world? Is the world full of misery or is it full of bliss? (Hindi Explanation also included).

Explained By: Lord Varaha

•Duration - 34 seconds

👉Video Link -

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Though we can't always see it at the time, if we look upon events with some perspective, we see things always happen for our best interests. We are always being guided in a way better than we know ourselves.

~Swami Satchidananda Saraswati

@HinduismAsItIs || @SpiritualGroup✈️
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2024/10/02 06:32:50
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