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46 days for CSM24 [ 20-09-24]
111 days IFoS Mains 2024 ( 24 nov )

293 days left CSP25 [ 25-05-25]
382 days left CSM25 [ 22-08-25]

-57 days for 70th bpsc prelims (30 sept)
83 days UPPSC prelims 2024 ( 27 Oct )
140 days UPPSC RO/ARO prelims ( 22 DEC)


🔆Crimes Against Women :

NCRB 2022:
4% increase in crimes against women from 2021.
Domestic violence/cruelty by Husband and Relatives: 31.4%
Dowry deaths: 6450 deaths - Decreased by 4.5%
Rape: 7.1% of the committed crimes against women
Sexual Harassment at workplace: 31% of firms are not compliant with Prevention of Sexual Harassment at workplace Act.
Shadow Pandemic: Term used by UN women for increased violence against women during COVID lockdown
Female infanticide: At least 9 million girls are ‘missing’ in India between 2000-2019 as a result of female infanticide (Pew Research)

Mission Shakti: Sabla and Smarthya sub schemes
Swadhar Greh
Working Women Hostel
One Stop centre
Women Helpline
Mahila Police Volunteers Schemes
Nirbhaya Fund
Stree Manoraksha



A cloudburst is a localised but intense rainfall activity.
Not all instances of very heavy rainfall, however, are cloudbursts. A cloudburst has a very specific definition: Rainfall of 10 cm or more in an hour over a roughly 10 km x 10-km area is classified as a cloudburst event. By this definition, 5 cm of rainfall in a half- hour period over the same area would also be categorized as a cloudburst.


Orographic Lift: Cloudbursts frequently occur in mountainous regions where moist air is forced to rise over a mountain, cooling and condensing rapidly.
Convective Clouds: They can also result from convective clouds, such as cumulonimbus clouds, which can extend up to 15 kilometers (9.3 miles) above the ground.
Sudden Condensation: When warm air mixes with cooler air, it can lead to rapid condensation and precipitation.


Flooding: The intense rainfall can lead to flash floods, causing significant damage to infrastructure and posing risks to life.
Disasters: Cloudbursts can result in landslides, especially in hilly areas, further exacerbating the damage.

Detection and Forecasting

Challenges: Detecting cloudbursts is challenging due to their small scale. Satellite precipitation radars often miss them, and weather models struggle to simulate them accurately.
Forecasting: Predicting cloudbursts remains difficult, particularly in hilly regions where the interaction between moisture and terrain is complex.


UP Police Constable Re Exam
🔆Possible Causes of Landslide in Wayanad:

According to the Geological Survey of India (GSI), almost half of Kerala’s land area is prone to landslides.
The heavy rainfall in the region and the slope of the Western Ghats mean that 31.54% of the Wayanad district is highly susceptible to landslides.
Increasing construction activities:
The Wayanad region has become a tourist hotspot, with homestays and monsoon tourism being the latest trends.
The construction of resorts, artificial lakes and quarrying activities in the eco-sensitive zones (ESZ) have exacerbated the danger of a landslide.

Changes in crop patterns:

Land use changes have occurred starting with the British-era tea plantations.
In Wayanad, there has been a 62% reduction in forest cover between 1950 and 2018, coupled with a 1,800% increase in the area under plantation.
Such monocropping leads to a loosening of the topsoil that was once held in place by the roots of a forest.

Climate change:

Climate change has played an indirect role, leading to changes in rainfall patterns in the State.
The warming of the Arabian Sea is allowing the formation of deep cloud systems, leading to extremely heavy rainfall over a shorter period. Heavy rainfalls cause run-offs that can lead to landslides.
Issues with landslide warnings:
The IMD issues warnings for heavy rainfall (in a colour-coded system) and the week before the landslides, the alert was largely yellow, which does not call for action.
The GSI has been designated the nodal agency for landslide studies, and has been given the responsibility of evolving an early warning system and protocols for landslide risk reduction.
However, this is still in the experimental stage and will take four or five more years to be ready for public use, a senior GSI official said.

45 days for CSM24 [ 20-09-24]
110 days IFoS Mains 2024 ( 24 nov )

292 days left CSP25 [ 25-05-25]
381 days left CSM25 [ 22-08-25]

-56 days for 70th bpsc prelims (30 sept)
82 days UPPSC prelims 2024 ( 27 Oct )
139 days UPPSC RO/ARO prelims ( 22 DEC)


Scholar Warriors

Scholar warrior is a military professional who combines intellectual acumen with combat prowess in today’s increasingly complex and dynamic security environment.
It is aimed at creating well-rounded military practitioners who possess academic knowledge and statecraft alongside their core war-fighting skills.
Significance: Trained in warfare strategies, latest technologies and strategic relations with other countries, scholar warriors are understood to be well-versed to decipher complex situations, think critically and act in anticipation of threats emerging from a situation, and formulate unique responses accordingly.
Their training, knowledge and strategic thinking also promotes adaptability in different operational scenarios.


Nutritional security through Diversification: Presently, the production basket of agriculture is dominated by Rice and Wheat. However, there has been shift in consumption pattern towards more protein-based foods such as Pulses, Milk, Egg, Fish, Meat etc. leading to demand-supply mismatch and thus nutritional insecurity. The diversification towards cultivation of other crops and livestock rearing would address the micronutrient deficiencies, Vitamin, iron deficiencies etc.
Annual electricity demand has been growing by 7-9% since the COVID-19 pandemic, exacerbated by climate change-induced weather extremes, leading to power outages.
55% of the total health budget is spent through the National Health Mission.
Out-of-pocket expenditure in the health sector reduced from 62% to 47.1%.

Nearly 50% of women face domestic violence, and two out of three Dalit women face sexual violence in their lifetimes.

Despite intimate partner violence, India has one of the lowest divorce rates in the world at 1%.

Chief Justice of India D Y Chandrachud expressed concerns over prolonged court proceedings commenting that the “process” becomes “the punishment”.
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NATS 2.0 Portal:

The NATS 2.0 portal, developed by the Ministry of Education with AICTE support, manages the entire apprenticeship lifecycle.
This initiative supports the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020’s goals of integrating vocational and general education.
🔆Socio-economic deprivations that fueled the Naxalite movement

Behind the peasant unrest in Naxalbari lies a deep social malady- malafi de transfers, evictions and other anti-people actions of tea gardeners and jotedars.

All the regions in which the Naxal movement took hold are ones with alarming levels of
poverty. In Telangana, in the districts of Karimnagar, Adilabad and Warangal poverty was 95.8% while in the rest of the state it was between 50 and 60 per cent.

After independence, the Indian government pursued agricultural policies focused on massively improving output without doing enough to check economic and social disparity. With the commercialization of agriculture, economic disparities widened. The rich got richer and the poor got poorer.

The attempt of the government to abolish zamindari created a class of rich peasants from the
backward classes. With the spread of communist ideology, there was greater mobilization of the sharecroppers
(bargadars) and landless laborers, who mostly belonged to the so called lower castes and tribes. This polarized the agrarian classes and created an environment of confrontation.

After independence the Indian government started the protracted and diffi cult process of abolishing the Zamindari system, to eliminate the role of intermediaries. By the end of the 1950s, the process8 was completed – on paper. However, to a large extent this was caused due to eviction of tenants by landlords and not by actual reform in the system.


ES ( 2023 - 24 ) : The country’s overall score/composite score measured by the SDG India Index(NITI Aayog) has ascended from 57 in 2018 to 60 in 2019-20, 66 in 2020-21 to 71 in 2023-24.
Vinesh in Final ❤️
Plenty of people miss their share of happiness not because they never found it but because they did not stop to enjoy it.

William Feather

44 days for CSM24 [ 20-09-24]
109 days IFoS Mains 2024 ( 24 nov )

291 days left CSP25 [ 25-05-25]
380 days left CSM25 [ 22-08-25]

-55 days for 70th bpsc prelims (30 sept)
81 days UPPSC prelims 2024 ( 27 Oct )
138 days UPPSC RO/ARO prelims ( 22 DEC)


2024/09/30 13:26:24
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