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🔆Baler Machine

With the problem of farm fires being taken up by the Supreme Court, Baler machines have been in demand in Punjab.

Baler machines have been around for a decade, and currently around 2,000 of them operate in Punjab. Of
these 1,268 are highly subsidised (50-80%) under the Centre’s Crop Residue Management (CRM) scheme.
Need Of The Machine

Upon harvesting, the paddy crop leaves a stubble on the ground. Farmers need to get rid of this stubble before the next crop can be sown.

Farmers burn the stubble, the smoke from which becomes one of the largest air pollutants around November each year.

More environment-friendly methods include incorporation of the stubble into the soil using machines such as super seeders (in situ management).

However, this leaves fields vulnerable to insect attacks, necessitating the use of toxic insecticides. Thus, ex situ management is preferable. This is where baler machines come in.


🔆Bharat 6G :India’s 6G roadmap

The vision document has been prepared by the Technology Innovation Group on 6G (TIG-6G) constituted by the Department of Telecommunications (DoT).

6G Vision is based on principles of Affordability, Sustainability, and Ubiquity.

The Vision is fully aligned with the national Vision of Atmanirbhar Bharat and will seek to empower every Indian to become Atmanirbhar (self-reliant) in their lives.


India's Long Term Low Emission Development Strategy (LT-LEDS)
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MISHTI (Mangrove Initiative for Shoreline Habitats & Tangible Incomes) MISHTI is a new programme that will facilitate mangrove plantation along India’s coastline and on salt pan lands. The programme will operate through “convergence between MGNREGS, Campa Fund and other sources • Sundarbans in Bengal being one of the largest mangrove forests on the planet. • Mangroves can sequester up to four times more carbon than tropical rainforests.

PM PRANAM (Prime Minister Programme for Restoration, Awareness, Nourishment and Amelioration of Mother Earth) This programme will seek to incentivise states and union territories promoting alternative fertilisers and the balanced use of chemical fertilisers Amrit Dharohar (Wetlands) This is a scheme that will be implemented over the next three years to encourage optimal use of wetlands, and enhance bio-diversity, carbon stock, eco-tourism opportunities and income generation for local communities.

Amrit Dharohar will emphasise on the importance of wetlands and their preservation, with an outlook that is inclusive of local communities as caretakers of the ecosystem.
Ozone concentration is measured in dobson
• Over the rest(apart from Antarctica) of the world, the ozone layer is expected to be back to where it was in 1980 by 2040 itself
• The assessment has reported that nearly 99 per cent of the substances banned by the Montreal Protocol have now been eliminated from use
• The ozone hole over Antarctica is the biggest during the months of September, October, and November.
• chief cause of ozone depletion was the use of chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs, that were used extensively in the airconditioning, refrigeration, paints, and furniture industries.
• The Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol seeks to eliminate 80-90 per cent of the HFCs currently in use by the year 2050
Kosi river:

The Kosi River is a trans-boundary river, running across important cities in Bihar and Nepal.
Its origin is in Tibet.
Joins Ganga in Bihar.
The Koshi River System includes some rivers that have their sources in the self-governing territory of Tibet in China.
These rivers include the Sun, Kosi, the Arun, and the Bhote Kosi.
The Kosi River is famous for being one of the biggest tributaries of the Ganga (or the
It is also known as the “Sorrow of Bihar” as the annual floods.
Its unstable nature has been attributed to the heavy silt it carries during the monsoon season, and flooding in India has extreme effects



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-109 days for 70th bpsc prelims (30 sept)

Amir Khusro:

Amir Khusrow was a Sufi mystic and a spiritual disciple of Nizamuddin Auliya.
He was patronized by Khalji rulers of Delhi Sultnate.
His primary language to write poems was Persian but he composed almost half a million verses in Persian, Turkish, Arabic, Braj Bhasha, Hindavi as well as the Khadi Boli.
Considered as father of Quawalli.
He is also credited with enriching Indian classical music by introducing Persian and Arabic elements in it.
was the originator of the khayal and tarana styles of music.
Father of Urdu Language.
Considered as Parrot of India (Tut-e-Hind)
Introduced Ghazal Gayaki in India.
Invented Sitar instrument.


Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs)

Some tribes are identified as PVTGs due to their higher vulnerability among tribal groups, previously classified as primitive tribal groups.

Total Groups: 76 tribal groups designated as Special Backward Tribes by the Government of India. Odisha highest number of PVTGs

Most Vulnerable Groups:
Jarawas of Andaman and Nicobar
Bonda of Odisha
Chola Naikkan of Kerala
Abuj Madia of Chhattisgarh
Birhors of Jharkhand

PVTGs have some basic characteristics - they are mostly homogenous, with a small
population, relatively physically isolated, social institutes cast in a simple mould, absence of written language, relatively simple technology and a slower rate of change etc.

The Government of India follows the following criteria for identification of PVTGs:
i. Pre-agricultural level of technology
ii. Low level of literacy
iii. Economic backwardness
iv. A declining or stagnant population

- Historical Context:
Dhebar Commission (1973) introduced the category of Primitive Tribe, renamed to PVTG in 2006.
Forest Rights Law grants habitat area rights to these tribes by the Central Government.
In 2003, a committee chaired by Professor Virginia Xaxa advocated for PVTG habitat rights, based on the recommendation of the Student Task Force.
India has three of these meteor impact craters:

1.Ramgarh in Rajasthan
2.Lonar in Maharashtra
3.Dhala in Madhya Pradesh.

Interestingly, these meteor impact craters are called Astroblemes.

When translated from Greek, they mean star wound
🔆Indian vulture:

The Indian vulture (Gyps indicus) is an Old-World vulture native to Asia.
They are also known as Indian long-billed vultures due to their comparatively longer beak.
It is a medium-sized and bulky scavenger feeding mostly on the carcasses of dead animals.
Females of this species are smaller than males.
Distribution: These are native to India, Pakistan, and Nepal.
Habitat: They are usually found in savannas and other open habitats around villages, cities, and near cultivated areas.
Threats: The Indian vulture has suffered a 97-99% population decrease due to poisoning caused by the veterinary drug This drug is toxic for vultures; it was given to working animals as it reduced joint pain and so kept them working for longer.
Conservation status
IUCN Red List: Critically Endangered



2 days for CSP24 [ 16-06-24]
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345 days left CSP25 [ 25-05-25]
434 days left CSM25 [ 22-08-25]

-9 days mppsc pre 2024 ( 23 June 2024)
-108 days for 70th bpsc prelims (30 sept)

Awaous Motla:

Awaous Motla is a fish species characterized by its vibrant yellow-colored body and distinctive fleshy upper lip.
This species was discovered in the Mahanadi River.
The discovery of Awaous Motla is a result of ongoing research efforts that are being funded by the Department of Science and Technology of the Odisha government.
Taxonomically, Awaous Motla belongs to the family ‘Awaous’ (Oxudercidae), hence its name ‘Awaous Motla.’
🔆Zaglossus attenboroughi

It is a kind of long-beaked echidna named for famed British naturalist David Attenborough.
Echidnas are nocturnal and shy, making them difficult to find at the best of times.
It had last been seen in 1961.
It is a member of the monotremes — an egg-laying group that separated from the rest of the mammal .
Habitat and Distribution: It is found in tropical montane forest, probably from lowland to montane elevations.
It lives in Cyclops Mountains in extreme northern Papua Province, Indonesia
They are the last vestiges of an ancient animal line.
List status : Listed as Critically Endangered
listed on Appendix II of CITES


🔆The Muthuvan tribe:

These people live in the border hill forests of Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
They speak slightly different dialects and call each other Malayalam Muthuvan and Pandi Muthuvan.
They are animists and spirit worshippers and also worship the forest gods.
They believe that the spirits of their ancestors were the first migrants to the hill forests.
They are known for coexisting with wildlife with their traditional knowledge.
These tribal people follow a unique system of governance called the 'Kani System'.
Under this system, each village is headed by a 'Kani', who is responsible for the administration of the village.
They are experts in traditional medicines, which are extremely effective, and the medicine is kept confidentially and passed down through generations.
Occupation: Agriculture is the main occupation of these Muthuvan tribes, producing quite a number of products like ragi, cardamom and lemon grass.


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Tomorrow for CSP24 [ 16-06-24]
97 days for CSM24 [ 20-09-24]

344 days left CSP25 [ 25-05-25]
433 days left CSM25 [ 22-08-25]

-8 days mppsc pre 2024 ( 23 June 2024)
-107 days for 70th bpsc prelims (30 sept)

2024/10/01 19:19:53
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