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India’s FTA

India has signed 13 FTAs with various countries.
🔸These include Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Thailand, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Mauritius, United Arab Emirates and Australia.
Exports to countries/regions with which India shares trade agreements such as FTAs have registered a growth of 20.75% in the last five years.

Recent developments in FTAs of India:

Innovative design: For the first time, India has included digital trade within the ambit of its FTA with UAE.
Addressing NTBs: Recently, signed FTAs like Australia-India also address the non-tariv barriers (NTBs).
Focus on the services sector: Previous agreements did not pave for a robust trade in services.
Natural trading partners: The trade baskets of these nations show a good degree of complementarity, thus classifying them as natural trading partners.
India-ASEAN FTA: India and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have agreed to conclude the review of the existing FTA in goods by 2025.


Post Mauryan Architecture

With the decline of the Mauryan Empire several small dynasties rose to power. Among them, Shungas, Kanvas, Kushanas & Shakas in the north & Satvahanas, Ikshavakus, Abhiras, & Vakatakas in Southern & Western India gained prominence
The architecture in the form of rock-cut caves & stupas continued, with each dynasty introducing some unique features of their own
Similarly, different schools of sculpture emerged and the art of sculpture reached its climax in the post-Mauryan period
The construction of rock caves continued as in the Mauryan period.However, this period saw the development of 2 types of rock caves Chaitya and Viharas. Chaitya was a rectangular prayer hall with a stupa placed in the center, for the purpose of prayer & Viharas were used as the residences of the monks
Post Mauryan period stupas became larger.
Post Mauryan empire three prominent schools of the sculpture came into prominence in 3 different regions of India namely Gandhara, Mathura & Amravati schools

founded by Basava in the 12th century.
Lingayat, also called Virashaiva, member of a Hindu sect with a wide following in southern India that worships Shiva as the only deity.
The followers take their name (“lingam-wearers”) from the small representations of a lingam, a votary object symbolizing Shiva.
both the men and the women always wear hanging by a cord around their necks, in place of the sacred thread worn by most upper-caste Hindu men.

▪️Its Doctrine and Philosophy:

Philosophically, their qualified monism and their conception of bhakti (devotion) as an intuitive and loving knowledge of God show the influence of the 11th–12th-century thinker Ramanuja.
Strongly opposed Brahmanical Hinduism.
strongly anti-Brahmanical and opposed to worship of any image other than the lingam.
🔸 Against Caste System.
🔸 Rejected Authority of Vedas.
🔸 Rejected Transmigration of soul.
🔸 It was also kind of social reform movement and supported widow remarriage and opposed child marriage.



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353 days left CSP25 [ 25-05-25]
442 days left CSM25 [ 22-08-25]

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-116 days for 70th bpsc prelims (30 sept)

🔆ISRO to boost NavIC, widen user base of location system

In News:
On the side-lines of the India Space Congress, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) recently revealed its plans to expand the reach of NavIC (Navigation with Indian Constellation) beyond India and not to a limited territory around India.

ISRO is also working on a series of NavIC improvements to encourage more people to install and use it.

NavIC, also known as the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS
), is an independent stand-alone indigenous navigation satellite system developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).

NAVIC was approved in 2006 and was expected to be completed by 2011, but only become operational in 2018.

NavIC, which consists of 7 satellites, covering the whole of India's landmass and up to 1,500 km from its boundaries, is conceived with the aim of removing dependence on foreign satellite systems for navigation, particularly for "strategic sectors.".
🔆Buddhist Terminology

Pratyeka Buddhas: Beings who have attained enlightenment without guidance but have not taught it to the world.
Arhat: Who have achieved Nirvana.
Bodhisattva: Abeing about to become Buddha shows charity and helper of man.
Sramanas/Bhikshu: Buddhist monks.
Upasakas: Lay followers.
Mahaparinirvana: Final blowing out, death.
Arya-Atthangikamagga: Noble eight-fold path.
Ashtamahasthanas: Eight holy places.
Tathagata: One of the titles of Buddha.
Prajna Parimita : Female deity of perfection and insight associated with Mahayana.
Anatta: Soullessness.
Samnera: Buddhist monks before being introduced into sangha as full-fledged member.
Paramita: 10 percepts (vows) observed by monks.
Pratimoksa: Rules of 150 articles (a part of Vinay Pitaka).
Skandhakas: Monastic rules.
Poshadha: Fortnightly meeting in Sanghas.
Siddha: Perfected being in Vajrayana.
Sakra: Gold identical with Indra used by the monks.
Sangha: Buddhist order.
Vassa: Retreat during rainy season by the monks.
Sangharam: Resting place for monks.
Vihara: Buddhist monastery.
Pravajya: Initial ordination for old and experienced monks.
Sramanas: Buddhist monks, in general.
Upajjhaya: Spiritual leader.
Sanketas: Four noble truths.
Upasotha/Roya: Days of fast on full moon, new moon and two quarter moon days in a month.
Chaitya: Temples of Buddhists.


🔆The Largest Lakes (surface area) by Continent

Australia – Lake Eyre (salt lake)

Africa – Lake Victoria, also the third-largest freshwater lake on Earth. It is one of the Great Lakes of Africa.

Antarctica – Lake Vostok (subglacial)

Asia – Lake Baikal (if the Caspian Sea is considered a lake, it is the largest in Eurasia, but is divided between the two geographic continents)

Europe – Lake Ladoga, followed by Lake Onega, both located in northwestern Russia.

North America – Lake Superior.

South America – Lake Titicaca, which is also the highest navigable body of water on Earth at 3,812 metres above sea level. The much larger Lake Maracaibo is a contiguous body of water with the sea, so it is ignored. ,


Draft red herring prospectus
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105 days for CSM24 [ 20-09-24]

352 days left CSP25 [ 25-05-25]
441 days left CSM25 [ 22-08-25]

-16 days mppsc pre 2024 ( 23 June 2024)
-115 days for 70th bpsc prelims (30 sept)

Total installed Energy capacity source wise
PUSA 2090

IARI has developed Pusa-2090, an improved version derived from a cross between Pusa-44 and CB-501, an early-maturing Japonica rice line.
It matures in a shorter duration of 120-125 days while maintaining comparable yields, addressing the core issue of stubble burning.
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2024/10/01 18:34:17
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