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🔊 አሁንም በነጻ ኮርሶችን በመፈለግ ላይ ናችሁ?

እስቲ አዋቂ እትዮጵያ ዌብሳይት  ላይ ጎራ ይበሉ በአሁኑ ጊዜ እጅግ ተፈላጊ የሆኑ ኮርሶችን በነፃ ያገኛሉ ::  ብለው ይፈልጉ ከ16 በላይ ኮርሶችን በነጻ ያግኙ በተመቸዋት ጊዜ እና ቦታ ይማሩ !

ለበለጠ መረጃ ሙሉ ቪዲዮውን ይመልከቱ !

🔊ሀምሌ 1 ደረሰ! በጉጉት ሲጠበቅ የነበረው ስልጠና ሊጀምር ነው!

ብቃት ባላቸው አሰልጣኞች በአንድ ወር ክህሎቶን እንደራሴ ኮንሰልታንሲ ጋር ያዳብሩ!

1. ሙያዊ ማንነት(Professional Identity) -
ሰኞ እና እሮብ 12:00 - 2:00
ቅዳሜ 8:00 - 11:00

2.የንግድ ግንኙነት (Business Communication) - ማክሰኞ ፣ ሀሙስ ፣ ቅዳሜ ከ 12:00 - 2:00

በአዋቂ ኢትዬጵያ በኩል ለሚመዘገቡ ስልጣኞት የ20% ቅናሽ ያገኛሉ

አድራሻ፡- 22 ከጎላጎል ፊት ለፊት ታዎን እስኲር ሞል 6ኛ ፎቅ

ለበለጠ መረጃ :-0991959394 ይደውሉ

🔊 አዋቂ ኢትዬጲያ የወንዶች ጉዳይ ጥያቄና መልስ በ ቲክቶክ ገፃችን ላይ በቅርቡ ይዘን እንመጣለን!


እንዝናናለን * እንሸልማለን ፤

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🔊 Who's excited for AwaQi’s Laptop eQub and transform your 5,000 ETB monthly contribution into a gateway to success! 🤩

To participate in AwaQi’s Laptop eQub, you can follow these steps:

1. Visit the Official Website: Go to the official eQub website to get started or Playstore/Appstore.

2. Download the App: If you prefer mobile access, download the eQub App from the Google Play Store or App Store.

3. Sign Up: Register to become an eQubber, which will allow you to start or join an Awaqi eQub.

4. Contribute: Make your monthly contributions as specified, which in this case is 5,000 ETB.

5. Win: Stay updated on the live lottery draws and see if you’re one of the lucky winners to receive a top-of-the-line laptop.

Four lucky winners will walk away with top-of-the-line laptops, perfect for conquering academic challenges. Invest in your future—where every contribution brings you closer to winning!

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🔊 Gain the Skills and International Certifications You Need for Remote Work

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Application deadline: July 2nd, 2024

🔊 Awaqi invites you to explore the secrets of self discovery with “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz.

🎯 Learn the wisdom of ancient Toltec philosophy and learn how to achieve personal freedom through four simple, yet profound agreements.

📖 Happy Reading 🙌

🔊 Podcast Alert | ማታ 2 ሰዓት on our YouTube Channel

In this episode we covered a wide range of topics, including:

Business Decisions: Learn about effective decision-making practices in the business world.

Podcast Production: Behind the scenes insights into creating compelling podcast content.

Employment and Professionalism: Tips for career growth and maintaining professionalism.

Client Hunting and Management: Strategies for attracting and retaining clients.

Navigating Failure in Business: Honest discussions about overcoming challenges.

🎥 Tune in for valuable insights, practical advice, and inspiring stories.

🔈New Video Out Now

Awaqi Podcast Episode 11 📹

❝ ችግሩ ችግር የለውም ነው ❞

Watch now 🎬

🔊 አዋቂ ኢትዮጵያ እያዘጋጀው በሚገኘው የማሳወቅ መድረክ በትናንትናው እለት ሀዋሳ ፖሊቴክኒክ ኮሌጅ በመገኘት ስለ አዋቂ ገለፃ አድርጓል።

ከሀዋሳ ፖሊቴክኒክ ኮሌጅ በሚገኘው የአዋቂ አምባሳደሮች በተለየለ መልኩ አዋቂ ኢትዮጵያ ስለሚሰጣቸው አጫጭር ኮርሶች እንዲሁም የትምህርት እና የስራ መረጃዎችን የሚያጋራ መድረክ እንደሆነ ተማሪዎችን በሚገባ እያሳወቁ ነበር።

አምባሳደሮቻችን ከልብ እናመሰግናለን!!!

2024/09/29 11:22:06
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