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I don’t think funding our military should require funding Ukraine’s, which is why I’ve introduced an amendment to defund Ukraine aid from the NDAA.

This is the United States’ National Defense Appropriations Act, not Ukraine’s.

The Department of Defense mission statement states, “Our mission is to provide the military forces needed to deter war and ensure our nation's security.”

Funding a war in Ukraine is completely against the DoD’s mission statement and furthers aggression with Russia by pushing us closer to World War 3.

89 Republicans voted for this amendment last time, including Speaker Johnson. I look forward to seeing the same Republicans, and hopefully more, vote for my amendment.

I’m proud to have the best consistent services staff in the country! We’re always ready to provide assistance to constituents who need help working with the federal government.

Here are just a few of their success stories!

In NW Georgia and need help with a federal agency?

Visit my Website:

Media is too big
Electric vehicles are unreliable and unpopular, yet the Democrats want to force them on our military.

Our troops' lives shouldn't depend on vehicles that China controls the materials for and might not start in a crisis.

We need reliable, American-made vehicles for our American heroes!

That's why I introduced an amendment that would prohibit funds from being made available to the DoD for electric vehicles or EV infrastructure.

Media is too big
Attorney General Merrick Garland believes he’s above the law and doesn’t have to comply with legally issued Congressional subpoenas.

Today, the House held Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress.

Garland has completely weaponized the Department of Justice against the American people and created two tiers of justice. One for himself, Joe Biden, and the Democrats, and another for President Trump and conservative Americans.

BLM and Antifa thugs caused billions in damage all across our country as they burned our cities in 2020. AG Garland has refused to go after these criminals.

Meanwhile, he has destroyed the lives of innocent patriotic Americans who protested the fraudulent 2020 presidential election.

We must end the two-tiered system of justice in America.

Will Joe Biden’s Department of Justice now pursue charges against AG Garland just like they did against Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon??

Media is too big
Either Mike Rogers doesn’t know what his committee’s bill actually does, or worse, he’s just lying to the American people.

The NDAA *does* authorize $300 MILLION of your tax dollars to fuel Ukraine’s war.

It’s in the text, but they tried to hide it.

My amendment will strip that funding and prevent your money from paying for yet another endless war.

I urge my colleagues to support it.

Media is too big
Today's hearing with Microsoft highlighted how serious the cyber threat has become.

The federal government must step up assistance to help protect not just big companies but also small businesses and regular Americans.

I was thrilled to hear President Trump suggest we raise tariffs and reduce the income tax for Americans to zero as a new tax policy after the tax plan expires this year.

This will really help struggling Americans get back on their feet after 4 bad years of Bidenomics.

Nothing’s worse than a reporter that only reports half the story.

She left off all the nice compliments Pres Trump said about me to our conference.

President Trump is right.

I’m loyal and unapologetically support him everywhere and all the time, and I am capable.

That’s why I’ll be nice to Johnson as long as he’s nice to my favorite President.

And that means Speaker Johnson better use the full weight of his office to stop the politically weaponized government and pass our Republican agenda, not Biden’s agenda.

“Significant financial upheaval is potentially ahead of the financial world as Saudi Arabia has decided not to renew its 80-year petro-dollar deal with the United States. The deal, which expired on Sunday June 9th, was a cornerstone of the United States global economic dominance.”

There is practically a complete U.S. media blackout on this story because they are too busy spinning lies and trying to convince Americans that Donald Trump is the greatest threat to democracy, while in reality this story should seriously concern every American.

Saudi Arabia dropping the petrodollar and trading oil and other goods in multiple currencies, including the Chinese RMB, Euros, Yen, and Yuan, instead of exclusively in U.S. dollars is a major blow and could affect the strength of the dollar as Saudi Arabia is one of the top oil producers in the world, along with the U.S. and Russia, and has the second largest oil reserves in the world.


Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene
“Significant financial upheaval is potentially ahead of the financial world as Saudi Arabia has decided not to renew its 80-year petro-dollar deal with the United States. The deal, which expired on Sunday June 9th, was a cornerstone of the United States global…
This is a huge referendum on the weakness of Joe Biden’s presidency and America’s respect and position in the world.

If the dollar falls it will hurt EVERY American, no matter what political party you belong to and no matter who you are.

There are more dangers ahead for the dollar as BRICS nations are threatening to start trading in other currencies and stop trading with dollars.

Inflation is hurting many Americans as it is, but it’s nothing compared to what it would be like if the dollar is weakened.



Here’s what you need to know about today’s NDAA vote because lots of Ukraine over America politicians are LYING about it.

In this year’s bill text, the cash for Ukraine, your hard earned tax dollars, was hidden with no explicit language.

But this is what the liars don’t want you to know. Inside the bill, it authorizes funding for a DoD program called the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA)

Inside of this program, the Biden admin has explicitly requested $300,000,000 in funding for the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative.

You can see it for yourself! This screenshot is directly from the bill and directly from Biden’s DoD website.

It’s all a shell game! They lie, cheat, and steal YOUR money and send it straight to Ukraine.

If the NDAA isn’t authorizing funding for Ukraine, then my amendment to explicitly prohibit it would have passed.

But the Ukraine over America caucus in the House knows money is going to be authorized, so they blocked my amendment.


Happy birthday to my favorite president and yours, President Donald J. Trump! 🇺🇸

Media is too big
Major victory for #2A rights at the Supreme Court!!

Here’s a great explanation why this case was so important by Michael Cargill, the plaintiff in the case.

I’m happily cosponsoring!

No tax on tips!!

If each ICE worker worked 10 hours 6 days per week, that means they work 3,120 hours the entire year.

With over 7,000 cases EACH, that means they have less than 30 minutes to give to each case!!!

And that’s beyond humanly possible.

We have to DEPORT!!!

2024/06/29 05:30:54
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