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American citizens are being murdered and raped by Biden’s criminal illegals and 300 are killed daily by the cartel’s fentanyl weapon of mass destruction.

BUT today, Joe Biden wrote a vote-buying free citizenship executive order bypassing Congress’s lawmaking authority.

I fully support and am co-sponsoring Rep. Thomas Massie’s resolution to rescind the subpoenas for Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro by repudiating Nancy Pelosi’s illegitimate J6 committee.

Nancy Pelosi violated House rules by refusing to accept McCarthy’s appointed Republicans on the committee. Now, our Republican-led House must nullify any actions taken by the illegitimate J6 committee.

We must also hold the J6 Committee members accountable for the destruction of the committee’s records.

House Republicans need to start taking action!

I’m proud to join Rep. Thomas Massie in co-sponsoring the Tax Free Tips Act!

President Trump is right, no one should be taxed on the tips they receive for providing a good service.

The Republican Party must fight fire with fire.

The Democrats are literally imprisoning their political enemies and we’re sitting back and watching it happen.

I’m proud to support Eric Burlison’s resolution to revoke the illegitimate subpoenas issued by Nancy Pelosi’s sham J6 committee.

Peter Navarro is sitting in a prison cell because the GOP doesn’t have the backbone to fight.

When we get back next week, “Speaker” Johnson should immediately move to pass this resolution, reverse the subpoenas, and stop Steve Bannon from going to jail.

The Democrats have declared war on us.

They want to see every Republican in prison because they hate what we stand for, they hate the American way of life, and they hate that we are winning on the issues.

We have to WAKE UP. We have to utilize every legal means necessary to prevent their Communist takeover of America.


Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene
The Republican Party must fight fire with fire. The Democrats are literally imprisoning their political enemies and we’re sitting back and watching it happen. I’m proud to support Eric Burlison’s resolution to revoke the illegitimate subpoenas issued by…
Republicans have to realize the game that we are playing and that the rules that are constantly changing because the Democrats will stop at nothing to vanquish us.

I commit to fighting this battle, but we have to have leadership that will back President Trump, force the opposition to heel, and SAVE AMERICA!


When Joe Biden is getting hammered by Politico, you know it’s real.

Every one of these issues that are driving the unforgivable debt that we’re passing on to our kids, grandkids, and every generation after them is something I fight against every day in Congress.

America First isn’t just a rallying cry, it’s a commitment to saving our country.

If we don’t stop putting every country and their citizens above our own, we will become exactly like their failed nations.

With the money spent on foreign wars, we could have rebuilt every school in America, reopened mental hospitals, and opened drug rehab facilities to help Americans!

That’s the America First message.

If we are going to go into debt it should benefit America, NOT kill people in foreign wars that don’t involve us at all.

AMERICA FIRST or America no more!



Ever since the war started, I’ve voted against every single bill appropriating YOUR money to be sent to Ukraine.

We shouldn’t have sent a single penny, but unfortunately Congress has sent over $100 BILLION.

I’ve been fighting tooth and nail and maybe, just maybe, my colleagues have seen the light.

DOD appropriations are coming. And OUR country should not send another dollar to fight another country’s war.

Pay close attention because the Ukraine over America caucus is going to try to spend more of your money to fuel the precursor to WW3.

I’m not going to let them.

Former border patrol agent says over 600,000 illegal alien children are missing. He also claims many are being sexually abused.

I impeached Secretary Alejandro Mayokas for high crimes and misdemeanors.

After reading this article, I’m convinced impeachment is simply not enough!

Media is too big
Biden State Dept officials saying they’re intentionally importing people to change US demographics, saying how they’re getting more ppl to cross the border.

“I wish people knew that we’re letting in criminals, daily.”

“All the good hard working Mexicans stay in Mexico, all the pieces of garbage are the ones we let in. The Mexican government has no reason to stop it bc they’re pieces of garbage, they go to another country, send money back to them. Like if all the worst American criminals went to Canada and sent back billions. Why would you stop that?”
- State Dept Consular Officer

They admit to pouring $4 billion into Latin America in four years which incentivized illegal border crossings.

Joe Biden has filled our country with murderers, rapists, child rapists, and every kind of monster foreign countries do not want.


No it’s not Russian aggression or Israel and Gaza or China or North Korea or Iran or fictional climate change that is murdering them!!!

It is illegal criminals that our pathetic traiterous government LET IN!!!

The American people must stop tolerating the Democrat controlled invasion of America!!!

More success stories thanks to my incomparable constituent services team!

We are honored to serve you!!

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We must END the genital mutilation of our kids.

The House must pass my bill, the Protect Children’s Innocence Act, to put a federal ban on so-called “gender-affirming care.”

It’s not gender-affirming, it’s gender-destroying child abuse.

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This should not be happening.

Imagine if Russia using a Russian satellite, fired cluster munitions on a Florida beach.

The only border our American military should be defending is our own border and the constitution mandates the federal government to defend the states.

My amendment to Holman Rule Secretary Mayorkas (reduce his salary to $1) is first on the list for DHS appropriations.

The House impeached Mayorkas, why should we pay him?

I expect my amendment to pass and effectively FIRE Mayorkas.

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No, what’s scary is men pretending to be women reading gender cult lying books to our children, provocatively dancing nearly nude in public spaces, and taking over our bathrooms, sports, and private spaces.

Women and children need protection from them.


I’ve been leading the fight to strip Ukraine funding out of our appropriation bills.

It was a big fight last year and FINALLY there’s no Ukraine funding in this year’s bill to fund OUR national defense.

However, the Ukraine First caucus has an amendment to cram YOUR hard-earned tax dollars back into the DOD bill to be shipped overseas and fund the War in Ukraine.

We can’t let that happen!

Stripping the Ukraine funding from DOD appropriations is a HUGE victory, but unfortunately there’s more spending bills coming this week.

The State and Foreign Operations appropriations bill (aka the Deep State foreign meddling bill) has a blank check for Ukraine and I’ll be fighting tooth and nail to strip that too.

Media is too big
Julian Assange is now a free man.

It’s a miracle he’s walking free and a huge victory for the freedom of press.

I don’t like the way our government has conducted itself for decades now when it comes to foreign policy, foreign wars, and regime change.

Julian revealed the secrets the Deep State never wanted to see the light of day and that’s why they came after him.

I wish Julian and his family all the best and hope that one day his name is cleared and receives a full pardon from all charges.


I voted NO to all 3 bills tonight, even the Republican bill sponsored by McCormick defending democracy in Pakistan.

None of the bills tonight did anything for Americans.

Totally over it!

2024/07/01 09:16:45
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