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Media is too big
Republicans have a history of washing their hands and kicking the can down the road so that they never have to hold anyone accountable.

That isn’t leadership.

80 years ago, American heroes led the charge on D-Day to liberate Europe from tyranny.

Their courage and sacrifice are a testament to our nation’s strength and commitment to freedom. #DDay80

Steve Bannon is being sent to prison July 1st for a bogus contempt of congress charge from Nancy Pelosi’s FAKE Jan 6th committee that was set up against House rules.

I have been begging, pleading, and practically yelling at my Republican House colleagues and our Speaker to DO SOMETHING to stop the weaponized government!!!

I swear Democrats would gun down patriotic Americans in the streets and Republicans would just write a strongly worded letter condemning it. It makes me sick.

Democrats have turned our federal government into everything our founding fathers warned us about and our constitutional conservatives just keep powdering their wigs.

Yes, Speaker Johnson should at least start with those, but the American people do not think he will do anything at all.

He should also kick the Democrats, who worked on the CORRUPT J6 committee, off of their current committees like McCarthy kicked Schiff, Swalwell, and Omar off of committees.

Those Democrats destroyed much of the evidence and files from their sham J6 committee and should be held accountable.

If people can go to jail for contempt of congress then people should go to jail for abusing the power they possess in the government in order to sway elections and attack their innocent political opponents.

If Alex Jones owes $1.5 BILLION for spreading misinformation, how much money does Fauci owe everyone?

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The fix was in from the beginning.

If true, this is even further proof President Trump never had a chance of being innocent.

It was a sham trial from the beginning and the “guilty” verdict came down from the Deep State and “the Big Guy.”

This is exactly why I filed articles of impeachment on Joe Biden on his first full day in office.

He has abused his position of power to personally enrich himself and his family for years.

There is no bigger scandal in American politics.

Joe Biden must be IMPEACHED, convicted in the Senate, and removed from office.

Then he must be prosecuted for his crimes and thrown in prison.

Media is too big
Once again, Democrat protesters are terrorizing Washington, DC.

When will Joe Biden’s DOJ go after and charge every participant with insurrection for assaulting police and vandalizing statues in the park directly across the street from the White House?


In 2020, 51 Intelligence officials LIED by signing their names on a letter calling Hunter Biden’s laptop “Russian disinformation.”

The laptop & contents are REAL, not Russian.

When will the 51 be prosecuted for election interference?

I think the American people have standing.

From the very beginning, I have never voted for a single penny to Ukraine.

Zelenskyy’s thug regime has deemed me an Enemy of the State, and for good reason.

Zelenskyy has never had one single American vote for him. Not only am I a Ukrainian Enemy of the State, but I’m banned from Russia.

Zelenskyy is a thug who doesn’t deserve a single American tax dollar.

All they care about is taking our money and our weapons. Then they put elected members of Congress like me on their state KILL list.

Zelenskyy is the real enemy of democracy.

He has canceled elections, canceled freedom of speech, canceled freedom of religion, and canceled freedom of the press.

Speaker Johnson, will we be voting this week to declare subpoenas on Navarro and Bannon illegitimate just like the Jan 6 Committee was illegitimate?

Nancy Pelosi broke House rules forming the committee by refusing McCarthy’s appointed Republicans and this is why a Republican controlled House should stop any actions stemming from the fake Jan 6 Committee.

We should also hold Jan 6 Committee members accountable for destroying the committee’s records.

We should stop all funding to the DOJ’s political prosecutions.

Congress should also pass the Matthew Perna Act, allowing political protestors to move their cases out of DC in order to get a fair trial.

Thousands of J6 election protesters have been sentenced to years in prison while over 95% of Antifa and BLM rioters charged were dropped.

House Republicans need to do more than talk.

Media is too big
Incredibly strong statement from the American College of Pediatricians following the science: there are only TWO genders!

I completely agree, which is why we must pass my bill, the Protect Children’s Innocence Act, to END the genital mutilation of kids in America.

No child should have their body mutilated in irreversible ways before they are old enough to even vote.

We must stop this sick, profit-driven industry that preys on America’s youth, and my bill will do just that!

Matthew Graves is continuing to hunt down and persecute new January 6 protestors every single day, including MAGA grandmas, but refuses to prosecute real criminals who MURDER grandmas in Washington, DC.

This is two-tiered justice and Matthew Graves must be impeached.

One of the most rewarding parts of my job is the opportunity to nominate qualified candidates for our military’s service academies. It was an honor to host this year’s distinguished appointees for a send-off dinner.

Congratulations to each of them on their appointment to the Class of 2028!

Brandon Barker, U.S. Military Academy, West Point
Kody Clancy, U.S. Naval Academy
Alexis Gabriel, U.S. Naval Academy
Bailey Hynes, U.S. Air Force Academy

Media is too big
Conservatives like Peter Navarro, and soon, Steve Bannon, are being jailed for standing up for election integrity and against Nancy Pelosi's sham J6 Committee.

Republicans must find their courage and stop this authoritarian abuse of power before it's too late!

The biggest crimes of the Biden Crime Family remain untouched.

Millions of dollars from foreign influence peddling into Joe Biden’s bank account.

Hunter Biden just became the Deep State’s sacrificial lamb to show that Justice is “balanced” while the other Biden crimes remain ignored.

Paul Ryan just said I’m an entertainer not a legislator after I forced a vote to vacate Speaker Johnson for fully funding Biden’s agenda in a two part omnibus, voting for spying on the American people w/ FISA, and funding the war in Ukraine instead of pursing peace.

I guess Paul Ryan thinks funding full term abortions, trans agenda on kids, Biden’s DOJ, and the full Democrat agenda is “serious Republican legislation.”

Then again when he was Speaker he funded Planned Parenthood $500 million dollars, didn’t fund the border wall, couldn’t repeal Obamacare, funded sanctuary cities, and passed the most expensive omnibus in history at that time.

So that makes sense.

Media is too big
The globalists in the D.C. Swamp don't want peace - their pockets are lined with cash from the never ending wars.

I'll keep pushing for peace to end the Ukraine war, end the bloodshed, and keep our hard-earned American tax dollars at home.

Speaker Johnson needs to put the vote to hold Merrick Garland in Contempt of Congress on the floor immediately.

Expose anyone who is loyal to Biden’s politically weaponized DOJ and the intel community.

2024/07/01 09:23:09
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