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بعضي از مردم در اوقات فراغتشان با شما حرف ميزنند
اما بعضي ها وقتشان را آزاد مي كنند تا با شما حرف بزنند.

BrE /ɪnˈtrɪnsɪk/ , /ɪnˈtrɪnzɪk/
NAmE /ɪnˈtrɪnsɪk/ , /ɪnˈtrɪnzɪk/

belonging to or part of the real nature of something/​somebody

📘the intrinsic value of education

📕These tasks were repetitive, lengthy and lacking any intrinsic interest.

intrinsic to something Small local shops are intrinsic to the townʼs character.

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📕You just need to watch this video to learn all about the word.. 'just'!⠀

Add 'just' to this sentence to indicate that something is happening at the moment:⠀
“I'm arriving at the studio to record a programme.”

Sometimes saying sorry is the most difficult thing on earth.. but it's the cheapest thing to save the most expensive gift called relationship.

گاهي گفتن متاسفم سخت ترين کار روي زمين است. اما ارزان ترين چيزي است که براي ارزشمند ترين موضوع يعني رابطه خرج ميکنيد.


درخواست خرید به زبان انگلیسی..

📕Request for shopping.👇

📘چه رنگی میخواهید؟  
What colour do you want?

📕 این یکی را میخواهم . 
I like this on.

📘 من آن یکی را ترجیح میدهم 
   I prefer that one .

📕 من این رنگ را دوست ندارم .
I don't like this colour.


📕 آیا چیز بهتری دارید؟
If you have anything better?

📘آیا رنگ دیگری از همین دارید؟
Do you have one in a different colour?

📘 آن یکی را میخواهم
I'd like another ..

📕 چه اندازه ای؟
What size? Or Size?

📘 آیا بزرگتر/ کوچکتر دارید؟
Have you a larger one/smaller one ?


📕The difference between Big and large ..

Big” and “large” are both r adjectives,
📘They can both be used with countable nouns, meaning anything which can be counted or measured,

a large house, a big garden. However, they cannot be used with uncountable nouns, for example, traffic. “Large” and “big” both refer to more than average size, height, weight, length,

Big” is one of the most common adjectives used and is one of the most used words in the English language; “large” is not as commonly used as “big.”


Big” is used for many different meanings like, elder, important, successful, powerful, etc; “large” has many different usages where it is used for more than average breadth, capacity, or scope. It also means “significant, liberal, pretentious,”


Large” is used less commonly than “big.” It is used with quantity words, for example, large scale, a large number, a large amount of something, a large proportion, to a very large extent, large volume, large part of something, large area,
It refers to a greater than average size, for example:
“A large house or large garden.”

📕It also refers to more than average breadth, capacity, or scope,


📕📘 the confusing words..

travel, a journey, a trip.

📕📘Travel (noun)

The noun travel is a general word, meaning to move from place to place, usually over long distances.
We can say: air travel,  travel, space travel, business travel, a travel agency.
📕We can also say travels, which is a plural noun:
Where did you go on your travels?


📕📘Journey (noun) 
A journey means moving from one place to another, especially in a vehicle.
📘It is a single piece of travel.
A journey can also be a regular thing.
Let’s say we go from Iran to Brazil then back again.
That is two journeys
(Iran to Brazil is the first journey, Brazil  to Iran is the second journey).
We can say: a bus journey, a train journey, the journey to school, my journey to work.
📕Be careful with the plural: journeys NOT journies
How long does your journey to work take?
Did you have a good journey?


📕📘Trip (noun)

A trip describes the whole process of going somewhere and coming back.
📕(It is more than one journey.)
Once again, let’s go from London to Leeds then back again.
📘As I said above, that is two journeys, but it is one trip.
a day trip, a round trip, a round the world trip, a boat trip and a business trip.
📕 We say go on a trip.
He’s gone on a business trip to Iran .

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English jokes.

جملات براي ابراز مخالفت در انگليسي.

Sentences for expressing disagreement .

No Way..
راه نداره
Bad idea
ايده بديه
Forget it
فراموشش کن
Go to hell
برو به جهنم
I disagree.
من مخالفم.
I sure as hell hope not.
من به هيچ وجه اميد ندارم

It's not going to happen.
اين اتفاق نمي افته.

I’m sorry, but I don’t agree.
متاسفم اما موافق نیستم .


Difference  between "Tell" and "Say"

Say and tell have similar meanings, but they are used in different ways.


📕 A good way to know when to use each is to remember that somebody says something, but somebody tell someone something.
So the main difference is that when you use say, you don't mention who said it, while when you use tell you do.

📘 Tell..
Tell me everything, please.
(Me = someone / everything = something)


📕 Say..
Say this to her tomorrow.
(This  = something / to her = to someone)

Media is too big
20 Incredibly British Slang Words & Phrases (with examples and pronunciation)

📕📘‍ اصطلاحاتی با چشم

📕📘Some idioms with Eye .

I'm all eyes .
✔️چهار چشمی مراقب هستم.

He has an evil eye.
✔️چشمش شور است.

Keep an eye on something .
✔️مراقب چيزی بودن.

Eye eye.
چشم ، بروی چشم
( انجام دادن کاری )


BrE /dɪˈlaɪtɪd/
NAmE /dɪˈlaɪtɪd/

📘meaning: very pleased

a delighted smile

delighted to do something
Iʼd be absolutely delighted to come.

Can you stay for dinner?ʼ ‘Iʼd be delighted (to)!ʼ

delighted that…
I was delighted that you could stay.

delighted by/​at something
She was delighted by/​at the news of the wedding.

delighted with something
I was delighted with my presents.


📕📘📕In the end VS at the end

📚 What is the difference between in the end and at the end, and when to use them?

📕📘 In the end..
در آخر ..

In the end is used mostly as an idiom that means "finally," "after a long time," or, "when everything is considered." It is often followed by a comma.

📕 Here are some sentences with this idiom:

We worked hard, and in the end, we achieved our goal.
In the end, what really matters in a friendship is trust.


📕📘📕 At the end..
آخر ...

📚At the end is used in the idiom "at the end of the day." which means something similar to in the end (= when everything is considered).
👉However, at the end is most commonly used more literally, as a prepositional phrase followed by of, to refer to the end of a specific noun. This noun can be a physical object, a period of time, an event, a place, or something more abstract, such as one's patience.

📕📘Here are some sentences with at the end + of:

At the end of his life, he had no regrets.

Put a period at the end of every sentence.

I pay the phone bill at the end of each month.

📕There is a brick building at the end of the driveway.


درخواست خرید به زبان انگلیسی..

📕Request for shopping.👇

📘چه رنگی میخواهید؟  
What colour do you want?

📕 این یکی را میخواهم . 
I like this on.

📘 من آن یکی را ترجیح میدهم 
   I prefer that one .

📕 من این رنگ را دوست ندارم .
I don't like this colour.


📕 آیا چیز بهتری دارید؟
If you have anything better?

📘آیا رنگ دیگری از همین دارید؟
Do you have one in a different colour?

📘 آن یکی را میخواهم
I'd like another ..

📕 چه اندازه ای؟
What size? Or Size?

📘 آیا بزرگتر/ کوچکتر دارید؟
Have you a larger one/smaller one ?

📕📘Confusing words:

از خواب بیدار کردن ؛ بیداری

awake .
بیدار شدن ، بیدار ماندن ، بیدار کردن ، بیدار

sleep .
خوابیدن ، خواب رفتن 

asleep .
خواب ، خفته ، خوابیده

📕Sleep and wake are verbs (although we usually use
👉 wake up for when you stop sleeping, and “go to sleep” for the moment when you begin sleeping..

My kids go to sleep at 10 PM. 
I slept during the 6-hour flight.
I wake up at 7 AM and I have to be at work by 8...
Yesterday I woke up late because my alarm didn’t go on..
📕You can also use wake up for the action of making someone else stop sleeping:

Don’t talk so loudly! You’ll wake up my baby!
Your sister is taking a short nap. Can you wake her up in about 20 minutes?


📕📘 Awake and asleep are adjectives.
Use them with the verb to be:
He’s awake. = He isn’t sleeping.
He’s asleep. = He is sleeping.

📕It’s common to use the expressions stay awake / stay up (to continue awake) and  fall asleep (to begin sleeping):
On New Year’s Eve, my children stay awake until midnight.
I always fall asleep in history class – it’s so boring!

2024/09/28 22:23:53
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