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BrE /ˈædʒɪteɪt/
NAmE /ˈædʒɪteɪt/


[intransitive, transitive]
📘 to argue strongly for something you want, especially for changes in a law, in social conditions, etc.

SYNONYM  ​campaign

agitate (for/​against something) political groups agitating for social change

📕Some militant groups have been agitating for autonomy for the region.

📘agitate to do something
Her family are agitating to have her transferred to a prison in the UK.


agitate somebody to make somebody feel angry, anxious or nervous

📕This remark seemed to agitate her guest.

📘Richard felt agitated by a mixture of anger, fear and pleasure.

Rolly polly
تپل مپل

My friend is really rolly polly..

دوستم واقعا تپل مپل ه .

عذاب وجدان .

I got consceience_stricken

عذاب وجدان گرفتم.

ستاره سهیل شده بودی

You were being most inaccessible.

Picture dictionary about hand gestures


'📕Wish' is a verb which talks about unreal or imagined situations. Because of this, it has some unusual verb patterns:

A present wish
When we want to make a wish about a present situation, we use wish and a past simple or continuous verb.

📘I don't have my umbrella. I wish I had my umbrella.

📘She doesn't know the answer. I wish she knew the answer.

📕You're at work, but you wish you were playing football, right?

A past wish
When we want to make a wish about a past action or situation, we use wish and the past perfect [ had+past participle verb].

I'm so tired. I wish I had slept for another hour last night.

She knows she made a mistake. She wishes she hadn't been so silly.

You were right. I shouldn't have quit my job. I wish I had listened to you.


Travel with the train

Travel by car, plane,by bus ,...

📘We travelled by train across Eastern Europe.

📕Note: We also have
travel to/across/through/around...

We’re planning to travel across America this summer.

Travel is an uncountable noun. It means the general act of travelling or the general idea of travelling. Here are some example sentences:

📘She is studying travel and tourism at college.

📕I am passionate about art, reading, and travel.

How was your travel?

This question is incorrect because we are not referring to travel in general.

Instead, we could use one of two nouns ( trip, journey )

How was your trip?

How was your journey?

Both of these nouns are countable, and we can use them to talk about instances of travel.

Did you enjoy your trip to France?

📕I hope you had a safe journey!

We use travels to talk about a long trip, with many different stops.

I decided to write a book about my travels in South-East Asia. (The journey included many different stops in South-East Asia.)

Ways to say important


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برای کلاس های آنلاین به این ایدی پیام بدید
Rise and Raise.

(a) Rise
Don't say: Val raises very early in the morning.
Say: Val rises very early in the morning.

(b) Raise
Don't say: She rose their salaries too often.
Say: She raised their salaries too often.

📘Rise" is an intransitive verb and means to go up, stand up, or get out of bed. It doesn't require an object. Raise is a transitive verb and means to lift up something. Their principal parts are: rise, rose, risen, and raise, raised, raised.

📕Note: "Arise" is often used for "rise", but it is better to use arise only in the sense of begin :A quarrel (a discussion, an argument, a difficulty, etc.) may arise. This is formal but is still used.

The propositions of transportation systems..


Living is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist, that's all.

زندگى كردن كمياب ترين چيز در دنياست, اكثر مردم فقط وجود دارن ، همين !


📘 very noisy 👉🏻deafening

📕 very often  👉🏻 frequently

📘very old👉🏻 ancient.

📕 very old- fashioned 👉🏻 archaic

📘 very open 👉🏻transparent.

📕very painful 👉🏻excruciating.

📘 very pale 👉🏻 ashen.

📕 very perfect 👉🏻 flawless.

📘 very poor 👉🏻 destitute.

📕very powerful 👉🏻 compelling.

📘very pretty 👉🏻 beautiful.

📕 very quick  👉🏻 rapid.

📘 very quiet  👉🏻 hushed.

📕very rainy 👉🏻 pouring.

📘 very rich 👉🏻 wealthy.

📕very sad 👉🏻sorrowful.

📘 very scared 👉🏻petrified.

📕very scary 👉🏻chilling.

📘 very serious 👉🏻grave.

📕very sharp 👉🏻keen.

📘 very shiny 👉🏻 gleaming.

📕 very short 👉🏻brief.

📘 very shy 👉🏻 timid.

📕 very simple 👉🏻basic.


📘It's drizzling: very light rain

📕It's raining: normal rain

📕It's pouring: heavy rain

📘It's bucketing down: very heavy rain - bucket of rain

📕It's raining cats and dogs: heavy rain

📘It's wet outside: it's raining

To get wet/to get soaked: to become wet, very wet

📕I just wanna remind you that some of the best days of your life haven't even happened yet.

📘فقط خواستم يادآورى كنم ، يكسرى از بهترين روزهاى زندگيتان هنوز اتفاق نيفتادند .

Difference between the number of and A number of.

🔷تفاوت بین...👇👇

📕📘 The number of
📕📘 A number of

توجه کنید که
بعد از the number of حتما از فعل مفرد استفاده نمایید.

اما بعد از A number of از فعل جمع استفاده شود.
این نکته در سوالات تستی به کررات استفاده می شود.

The number of students is increasing.
A number of students are absent today.

نکته ی دیگر در ارتباط این دو عبارت این است که اسم استفاده شده بعد از هر دو باید بصورت جمع باشند.

“the number of” doesn’t mean “many.” think of it as one number.
So even though that number might be large, the purpose of this expression is to compare this one number/amount with another number/amount. For example, we would say “The number of crimes in New York has increased this year.”

A number of means many. Because “many + plural noun” takes a plural verb, you would say “Many cars are on the freeway during rush hour

Forwarded from English learners
Media is too big
Eat one's heart out

To be very jealous. The phrase is often said as an imperative and mentions a famous person (the speaker comically claims to be more talented than that person
Life is divided into "B" C" D"

📕B, Birthday ,, D , Dead .
And we have "C" between them as a "Choice " that we should be careful in our life , as our choices r the most important part of our life

زندگی حد فاصل بین B و D است
(‌تولد : birth  و  مرگ : death )

📕ولی بین B و D یک حرف دیگر یعنی C هم هست !
( انتخاب : choice )

📘انتخاب‌های ما مهمترین بخش زندگی ما هست !
در انتخاب‌هایمان دقت کنیم


Ask and some phrasal verbs and questions with it .

📘Ask a favor
📕 درخواست مساعدت کردن

Can I ask a favor?

📕 Ask a question
📘 سوال پرسیدن

Sally interrupted me in midstream to ask a question.


ask for somebody

📕if you ask for someone, you want to speak to themThere’s someone at the door asking for Dad.

📘 Ask after sb.
📕 خبر گرفتن

Tell your father I was asking after him.

📕 Ask for advice .
📘 نظر خواهی کردن

You should go to doctor and ask for advice.

📕Ask for directions.

instructions for doing something or for reaching a place  .


📘 آدرس پرسیدن
How do you ask for directions in Iran?

📕Ask permission .
📘 اجازه خواستن

You must ask permission if you want to leave early.

Ask sb out.. 👉to go out with sb

از کسی درخواست کردن برای رفتن بیرون
He asked her out to dinner. 

2024/09/28 20:20:20
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