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📘In back of

In front of


درب اول در سمت راست
First door on the right

چهارمین چراغ به سمت چپ بپیچید

📘At the fourth light turn right

آیا من رادرک می کنید؟
Do you understand me?





به سمت راست
To the right

به سمت چپ
To the left

آسانسور وجود دارد؟
📘Is there an elevator?

پله ها کجا هستند؟
Where are the stairs?

در کدام جهت؟
In which direction?


درب دوم در سمت چپ
Second door on the left

در گوشه به سمت چپ بپیچید
📕At the corner turn left..

Tips to improve ur English

Phrasal verbs with AROUND.


📕helpful Sentences for Opening a Call.👇
مکالمات تلفنی

📘این عبارات در مکالمات تلفنی ضروری و مهم هستند

📕 برقراری تماس

Hello/Good morning/Good afternoon .
This is John Brown speaking.
📘Could I speak to ………. please?
📕I’d like to speak to ………. please.
I’m trying to contact ……….


📘 دادن اطلاعات بیشتر..

📕Giving more information. 👇

I’m calling from Tokyo/Paris/New York/Sydney
📘I’m calling on behalf of  (Mr. X …)

پاسخ دادن به تماس

📕 answering👇

Can I help you?
📕Who’s calling please?
📘Who’s speaking?
📕Where are you calling from?
Are you sure you have the right number/name?

📕منتظر نگه داشتن تماس گیرنده

📘Keeping wait 👇
📕Hold the line please
📘Could you hold on please
📕Just a moment please


📘اتصال تماس گیرنده

📕Connecting callers👇

Thank you for holding
📕The line’s free now  ….. I’ll put you through
📘I’ll connect you now / I’m connecting you now.


📕 ابراز تاسف از عدم اتصال به مقصد
📕The time that it didn't connect 👇

📘I’m afraid the line’s engaged. Could you call back later?
📕I’m afraid he’s in a meeting at the moment
📘I’m sorry.  He’s out of the office today / He isn’t in at the moment.
📕I’m afraid we don’t have a Mr/Mrs/Miss X here
📘I’m sorry.  There’s nobody here by that name.
📕Sorry.  I think you’ve dialed the wrong number.
📘I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number.


مشکلات بوجود آمده در خط تلفن.
📕Problems with connecting. 👇
📘The line is very bad. 
📕Could you speak up please?
📘Could you repeat that please?
📕I’m afraid I can’t hear you.
📘Sorry.I didn’t catch that.  Could you say that again please?


پیغام گذاشتن / گرفتن

📕leaving the messages 👇

📘Can I leave/take a message?
📕Would you like to leave a message?
📘Could you give him/her a message?
📕Could you ask him/her to call me back?
📘Would you like him/her to call you back?
📕Could you tell him/her that I called?
📘Could you give me your name please?
📕Could you spell that please?
📘What’s your number please?

English adjectives

📕📘📒مکالمات در بانک .

📕📘📕Conversations in the bank.

How are things with you?
احوالتون چطوره؟

I’m fine. Thank you.
خوبم. ممنون.

may I help you?
می توانم کمکتون کنم؟

I need to make a deposit.
من می خواهم یک واریز انجام دهم.

How much would you like to deposit?
چقدر می خواهید واریز کنید

It’s going to be $300.
مبلغ واریزی 300 دلار است.

What account would you like to deposit that into?
آن را می خواهید به چه حسابی واریز کنید؟

Could you deposit that into my checking account, please?
می توانید لطفا آن را به حساب جاری ام واریز کنید؟

Can I do anything else for you today?
آیا کار دیگری هست که بتوانم برایتان امروز انجام دهم ؟

That’s all. Thank you very much.
همین . از شما خیلی متشکرم.


Been or gone?

📘 We often use been to, instead of gone to, when we refer to completed visits to a place:

Have you ever been to Tehran?

📕 If the visit isn't complete, we use gone.

Joan’s just gone to the shop. She’ll be back in about ten minutes.
(Joan has not returned from the shop yet.)

Joan’s just been to the shop. She bought some cakes. Would you like one?
(Joan has returned from the shop.)

Forwarded from English learners
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صفات_عالی (ترین).

Superlatives grammar

The stuff that we have in our Bathroom.

Forwarded from English learners
1.7 MB
1-جمع بی قاعده👆
2- بهترین کتاب برای تقویت شنیداری

📘Collection of Irregular verbs .

Picture dictionary .

Vocabulary of the spring

کاربرد used to:

📕📘 برای بیان کاری که در گذشته بطور مرتب انجام می دادیم (عادت داشتیم) بکار می رود.

📕📘 برای بیان حقایقی در زمان گذشته..

حالت فعل بعد از used to:

بعد از used to فعل بصورت مصدر بدون to می آید.

✔️بعنوان مثالی از اولین کاربرد used to، اگر بخواهیم بگوییم: “برادرم قبلاً سیگار می کشید” و منظورمان این باشد که الان دیگر سیگار نمی کشد، می توانیم بگوییم:

My brother used to smoke.

✔️یعنی بدون اینکه اشاره ای به اینکه حالا دیگر سیگار نمی کشد بکنیم used to منظورمان را خواهد رساند. یا به مثال های زیر نگاه کنید:

✔️من به این مهد کودک می رفتم.

I used to go to this kindergarten.

من در تهران زندگی می کردم. (الان زندگی نمی کنم).

I used to live in Tehran.

📕So we use used to when we refer to things in the past which are no longer true. It can refer to repeated actions or to a state or situation:

He used to play football for the local team, but he’s too old now.

That white house over there used to belong to my family. (It belonged to my family in the past, but not any more.)

the form used to does not change. We do not use the verb be before it. It always refers to past time:

We used to go to the seaside every summer when I was a kid.

2024/09/25 00:36:32
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