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Phrasal Verbs of the Day

📕fall for.

خاطرخواه شدن، شیفته شدن , گول (کسی یا چیزی را) خوردن، اغوا شدن

If you fall for something like a trick or a scam, you believe it's real or genuine even though it's not.

be fooled by, be tricked by

📘fall for sth Don't fall for email scams which promise to make you a lot of money.

📕fall for sth Lots of people fell for our April Fool's joke when we claimed that the UN was going to ban all languages except for English.

Nouns often used as objects with fall for (1): trick, scam, confidence trick, con, joke

Ways to say STRANGE

Five alternatives to  ‘SO’ 

And therefore
This bill remains unpaid and therefore we are commencing legal action.

You won’t lend me any money? I can’t go out then.

📘As a consequence
I didn’t give the plants enough water. As a consequence, they all died

They decided to close seven shops, thus raising capital and reducing costs.

It rained constantly, hence the flooding.

Keep your voice..
صدات و بیار پایین
Forwarded from English learners
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Journey & trip .

what’s the difference?

📘This weekend I'm going to...


📕📘How we should use these words in English..


📕We can use hate, like, love and prefer with an -ing form or with a to-infinitive:

I hate to do homework.
📘 خیلی بدم میاد تکلیف انجام بدم .

I love going to the cinema.
📕سینما رفتن و دوست دارم ‌

I prefer listening to the news on radio than watching it on TV.

📕ترجیح میدم خبر را از رادیو گوش کنم تا اینکه تو تلویزیون تماشا کنم

He prefers not to wear a tie to work.
📘ترجیح میده سر کار کروات نزنه..


📕In American English, the forms with to-infinitive are much more common than the -ing form.

📗There is a very small difference in meaning between the two forms.
📕📘 The -ing form emphasises the action or experience.
📘📕The to-infinitive gives more emphasis to the results of the action or event.

We often use the -ing form to suggest enjoyment (or lack of it),
📕the to-infinitive form to express habits or preferences.

I like making jam.
He likes telling jokes.
They don’t like sitting for too long.

Ways to say LOVE

عشق کور است
پیدا کردن مرد و زن رویایی زندگی
عشق یکطرفه
خاطره خواه کسی شدن /روی کسی کراش داشتن

📕Love someone who loves you



📕The difference between MUST and SHOULD

Must' and 'should' are both modal verbs.


📘MUST is used when expressing obligation or an unavoidable requirement,

📕whereas SHOULD is more of a recommendation, or simply a desirable goal.



Similar to 'have to' strong obligation.

You must abide by the law.

📘You must not smoke indoors, it's illegal.



📕 SHOULD is similar to 'ought to' 👉 a suggestion ..

You should try to get some sleep; it's very late, and you have to do a lot of work tomorrow.

You shouldn't be so close friend with Hamid, he's just helping you improve your grammar.

Articles A, AN , and the words that don't need any articles.

The ways to say I'm exhausted

📕I am worn out
📘I am dead tired
📕I am dog tired
📘I am wrecked
📕I am rundown
📘I am wiped out
📕I am popped
📘I am ready to drop
📕I feel like a bus ran over me
📘I am on my last leg
📕I am spent
📘I am knackerd
📕I am exhusted
📘I am zonked
📕I am burn out

خیلی خسته ام

🌺Dear members glad to have u all here and hope the stuff of this channel will be useful for u all , if u need anything u can contact me to share it here and if u have any idea , suggestion or fustigation to make this channel better I'm at ur service it will be my pleasure to do it..

Contact me @EHnnom55

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2024/09/24 22:19:44
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