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Verbs about movement .
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a law unto themselves

خود رای عمل کردن

If somebody is a law unto themselves, they do things their own way and follow their own ideas about how to live instead of following what others do.

📕Our boy Billy is a law unto himself. Of course he sometimes makes mistakes and gets into trouble, but we're proud of him because he doesn't just follow the herd.

Our boss does things a bit differently to most other managers, so it's no surprise that some people say he's a law unto himself.

📕📘 In the event that

”In the event that” is used to talk about things we should do in order to be prepared for possible future situations.

📕I will take an umbrella in the event that it snows.

I will wait at home all day long in the event that you call me.

📕He always takes a small bottle of water in the event that he should get thirsty.


📕📘Sinister .

📘making you feel that something evil, dangerous, or illegal is happening or will happen..


📚evil ; wicked ; dishonest ;
frightening ..

شوم، نحس، بد یمن ، شرور، شیطانی،

the Sinister plot to cheat the window was uncovered by the Police. ..

پلیس توطئه شوم فریب زن بیوه را برملا کرد.

when the bank guard spied the Sinister_ looking customer, he drew his gun. ..

نگهبان بانک زمانی که متوجه ظاهر مخوف مشتری شد هفت تیرش را کشید.

I was frightened by the sinister shadow at the bottom of the stairs. ..

سایه ترسناک پایین پله ها مرا ترساند.

Other ways to say difficult

Hand around .
📘Synonym: give out, hand out

If you hand around things like drinks or cakes, you give one to each person in a group.

📘hand around sth Could you hand around the cheese and crackers please, Robyn?

hand sth around We were visiting the chimpanzee enclosure when an attendant came and handed some mangoes around, and the chimps were screeching until they all had one.

Phrasal verbs with Up.

Media is too big
5 things to practice every day to improve your English
📕communication skills

جوری نگران فردا هستيم انگار
قول ديدنش را به ما دادن!

Difference between these words and the examples of them 👇


کلمه salary حقوق ماهیانه ای است که به صورت مستمر پرداخت میشود . این حقوق معمولا به صورت سالانه بیان میشود.
The average salary  for a teacher is $46,597 a year.

کلمه wage  نرخ و محدوده حقوق به ازای هر ساعت یا هر ماه است.
The average wage of an unskilled laborer is $ 6 per hour.

کلمه payment  به مقدار پول پرداختی و یا وجه پرداختی گفته میشود . ,
We received your payment.

کلمه income به خالص دریافتی  یا درآمد گفته میشود .
How much is your income?


  تفاوت have to و must

زمانی از must استفاده می کنیم که اجبار از ناحیه خودمان باشد.

I must go to bed earlier .

من باید زودتر بخوابم.

در حالیکه have to  اجباری است که از طرف عوامل دیگر غیر از خودمان است.

I have to arrive at work at 8 sharp .my boss is very strict.

باید دقیق سر ساعت ۸ برسم به کارم .رئیسم خیلی گیر است.


tougher; toughest

- resilient, durable, hard, inflexible, leathery, resistant, rugged, solid, strong, sturdy
- strong, hardy, seasoned, stout, strapping, sturdy,

 toughersuperlative toughest)
[Word Family: adverb: toughly, tough, toughly; verb: toughen; noun: toughness; adjective: tough]
[Language: Old English; Origin: toh]


📕 difficult to do or deal with:
 It was a tough race.
 She’s had a tough life.
The company admitted that it had been a tough year.
 Tough decisions will have to be made.
The reporters were asking a lot of tough questions.
have a tough time (of it) (=face a lot of difficult problem

tough /tʌf/ adjective (comparative toughersuperlative toughest)

Difficult to accomplish, resolve endure, or deal with
a tough question
tough luck

📘 capable of enduring strain, hardship, or severe labor
tough soldiers

📕started hanging out with the tough kids

📘strong or firm in texture but flexible and not bitter

 not easily chewed
tough meat

tough laws
tough discipline

toughly adverb
in a tough manner .

talking tough.
a tough and violent person .

📕📘toughed; toughing; toughs

101 Helpful Hints for IELTS
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A fool and his money are soon parted.

📕📘 Meaning:
A person who acts unwisely with money soon loses it. (Often said about a person who has just lost a sum of money because of poor judgment.)

When Bill lost a $400 bet on a horse race, Mary said, “A fool and his money are soon parted.”  

When John bought a cheap used car that fell apart the next day, he said, “Oh, well, a fool and his money are soon parted.”

English idioms about summer.

5 Basic Types of Adverbs

Adverbs of Time
never, lately, just, always, recently, during, yet, soon,
sometimes, usually, so far

📕Adverbs of Place
neatly, slowly, quickly, sadly, calmly, politely, loudly,
kindly, lazily

Adverbs of Manner
neatly, slowly, quickly, sadly, calmly, politely, loudly,
kindly, lazily

📘 Adverbs of Degree
almost, quite, nearly, too, enough, just, hardly,
simply, so

Adverbs of Frequency
never, always, rarely, sometimes, normally, seldom,
usually, again

2024/09/23 06:35:07
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