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📕Be with someone who always wants to know how your day was.

📕با کسی باشید  که همیشه بخواهد بداند روزتان چگونه گذشت.

3rd Question
3) Bonsai trees are:

not hard to grow

b) not as big as other trees

c) not kept indoors

Five alternatives to “Very Big.

Russia is a vast country.

She wants a gigantic cake for her birthday, so all her friends can have a piece.

Don’t go in the bathroom. There’s a humongous spider in there.

Whopping great
He had a whopping great bruise on his leg from where he fell off his bike.

He’s just bought a massive truck.

Find someone who is proud to have you, scared to lose you, fights for you, appreciates you, respects you, cares for you, and loves you unconditionally♥️

کسی را پیدا کنید که به داشتن شما افتخار کند ، ترس از دست دادن شما را داشته باشد ، برای شما بجنگد ، قدر شما را بداند به شما احترام بگذارد،  حواسش به شما باشد و شما را بدون هیچ انتظاری دوست داشته باشد.❤️

📘 ring down the curtain (on something) and
bring down the curtain (on something)
Meaning: to bring something to an end; to declare something to be at an end.

For example:

📘 We’ve tried our best to make this company a success, but it’s time to ring down the curtain.  

It’s time to ring down the curtain on our relationship. We have nothing in common anymore.  

📘 After many years the old man brought down the curtain and closed the restaurant.

English expressions

Do something over.

Meaning: do again ..

دوباره انجام دادن

My teacher wants me to do my essay over because she doesn't like my topic.

معلم من از من میخواد ک مقاله رو دوباره بنویسم چون موضوع اونو دوست نداره .

Ways to respond ' Thank you.

📕You're welcome.
📘You got it.
📕Don’t mention it.
📘No worries.
📕No problem.
📘Not a problem.
📕My pleasure.
📘It was nothing.
📕I’m happy to help.
📘Not at all.
📘Sure thing.
📘Never mind.
📕It's no bother.
📘that was nothing.
📕It's all right.

Is the recycling system broken?
BBC Radio
Neil and Georgina talk about the excessive reliance on recycling rather than reducing the use of plastics and they teach you related vocabulary along the way.

eat your words.
حرف پس گرفتن .

If you eat your words, you admit that something you said was wrong.

📕For example

The president was forced to eat his words after it was shown that what he'd said wasn't true.

Matin said I'd never win a gold medal, but now that I have she'll have to eat her words.

Don't waste your time with explanations: people only hear what they want to hear.

وقت خودتان را با توضیح دادن به دیگران تلف نکنید؛ مردم فقط اون چیزی را که می خواهند بشنوند میشنوند.


📕📘 7 Phrases for Disappointment
📕📘 هفت عبارت برای نا امیدی

1⃣ What a pity!
2⃣ What a shame.
3⃣ How disappointing.
4⃣ That’s too bad.
5⃣ Bummer.
6⃣ It was a real letdown.
7⃣ It didn’t live up to my expectations.


Use these expressions in your daily conversation..

فقط یک لحظه
📕Just a moment

اینجا منتظر باشید
📘Wait here

دنبال من بیایید
📕Follow me

او به شما کمک می کند
📘She will help you

بیا تو
📕Come in

لطفا بیا تو
📘Please come in

📕Sit down

بیا اینجا
📘Come here

به من نشان بده
📕Show me.

English idioms .


The word need and some points that it has ..👇

Need can be used in the following ways:

📕as a transitive verb (followed by a noun or pronoun object):
I need a drink.
Do you need anything?(followed by an infinitive with ‘to’):
She needs to rest.
You don’t need to worry.(followed by ‘to’ without a following infinitive):
You can stay longer if you need to.

📕📘as a modal verb (usually followed by an infinitive without ‘to’):
This is the only thing you need do.

📕The modal verb need is mainly used in questions and negatives, which are formed without ‘do’:
Need I pay now?
You need not worry.

📘In American English, except for a few phrases such as ‘need I say more?’,
the modal verb is used only in formal language and some journalism.


The negative need not is often shortened to needn’t in conversation and informal writing. The modal verb need does not change its form, so the third person singular of the present tense does not end in ‘-s’:
He need not take the exam.

The ordinary transitive verb need has a regular past tense needed:
📕They needed to be careful.

The modal verb need has no past tense, but it can be used in the pattern need not have/needn’t have followed by a past participle, to show that although someone did something, it was not necessary:
You needn’t have waited for me.

The ordinary transitive verb has a future tense will need:
📘You will need to show your passport.


In many cases, especially in questions and negatives using the simple present tense followed by an infinitive, there are two possible patterns:

Need I come with you?
Do I need to come with you?He needn’t come.
He doesn’t need to come.

📕📘For making a suggestion.👇👇

Why don't we +[verb]
📚Why don't we go for a walk?

📕Let's +[verb]
Let's go for a walk..

📕How about  +[ing]
How about going for a walk?

📕What if we +[verb]
What if we go for a walk?

📕I think we +[ modal verb ]+[verb ]
I think we should go for a walk".

📕Maybe we + [modal verb ] +verb
Maybe we could go for a walk. "

Collocations with keep

📕keep a promise
keep a journal
keep score
keep someone in check
keep away
keep calm
keep the quite
keep animals
keep up the good work
keep track of
keep in mind
keep sth at bay
keep someone’s place
keep it up
keep up
keep safe
keep sth on the down low

get a kick (to)

📕to enjoy very much
📘کیف کردن، لذت بردن

I get a kick out of studying English slangs.

📕 من از خواندن اصطلاحات عامیانه انگلیسی لذت میبرم .👇👇

I enjoy studying English slangs.  

to get a charge .

I get a charge out of going to the beach; 

من از رفتن به ساحل لذت میبرم.

I really enjoy going to the beach.

2024/09/23 04:21:40
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