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ሚያዝያ 30 | ከ72ቱ አርድእት አንዱ የሆነ፣ ወንጌላዊ፣ ሐዋርያ፣ ሰማዕት ዘአንበሳና ርዕሰ ሊቃነ ጳጳሳት #_ቅዱስ_ማርቆስ በሰማዕትነት ዐረፈ።

ቅዱስ ማርቆስ እናቱ ማርያም፣ አባቱ አርስጥቦሎስ ይባላሉ። በልጅነቱ ኦሪትንና የዘመኑን ጥበብ ሥጋዊ በሚገባ ተምሮ ክርስቶስን ከቤተሰቦቹ ጋር ተከትሏል።

የመጀመሪያ ስሙ ዮሐንስ ሲሆን ከ120ው ቤተሰብ በእድሜ በጣም ትንሹ (20 ዓመት) እርሱ ነበር። ለ3 ዓመታት ከጌታ
እግር ሥር ተምሮ፥ በበዓለ ሃምሳ ጸጋ መንፈስ ቅዱስን ተቀብሎ ለሐዋርያዊ አገልግሎት ብዙ ደክሟል።

በተለይ የግብፅና የኢትዮጵያ ቤተ ክርስቲያን አባት ነው። ክህነትን ያገኘን ከርሱ ነውና። ቅዱስ ማርቆስ 16 ምዕራፍ ያለውን ወንጌሉን ሲጽፍ ኪሩብ ገጸ አንበሳ በቀኙ፣ ሊቀ ሐዋርያት ጴጥሮስ በግራው ሆነው ይራዱት ነበር።

ቅዱሱ ከቅዱስ ጳውሎስ ፣ ከበርናባስና ጴጥሮስ ጋር ተጉዟል።
ከሀዲዎችም ሊገድሉት ሲሞክሩ እየተሰወረባቸው እየወጣ ወደ አምስቱ ሀገራት እየደረሰ ይመለስ ነበር።

ነገር ግን የትንሣኤን በዓል ለማክበር ወደ እስክንድርያ እየቀደሰ እያለ ጣዖት አምላኪዎች ሰብረው ገብተው ይዘውት አንገቱን አሥረው ቀኑን ሙሉ ከተማውን እየጎተቱት ሲያዞሩት ዋሉ፡፡ በቀጣዩም ቀን እንዲሁ አስረው መሬት ለመሬት ሲጎትቱት ስለዋሉ በ68 ዓ.ም ዐረፈ።

እሳት አንድደው ሥጋውን ሊያቃጥሉት ሲሉ ኃይለኛ ዶፍ ዝናብ ስለወረደ ጨረቃና ፀሐይም ስለጨለሙ አረማውያኑ ፈርተው ሸሹ።

ዳግመኛ በዚህ ቀን የቅዱስ ማርቆስን ወላጆችን እናስባቸው ዘንድ ይገባል።

▸ ቅዱስ አርስጥቦሎስ (አባቱ) የጌታ ቅን አገልጋይ የነበረ፣
▸ ቅድስት ማርያም (እናቱ) ከ36ቱ ቅዱሳት አንስት አንዷ፣ ጌታችንን ያገለገለች፣ ቤቷም (ጽርሐ ጽዮን) የመጀመሪያዋ ቤ/ክ ስትሆን ጰራቅሊጦስ የወረደባት ናት።
Forwarded from አልፋና ዖሜጋ ዘተዋሕዶ (ዮሴፍ ETHIOPIA ◈ ኢ/ዓ/ብ)
Media is too big
❗️20+ dead in horrific Indonesia landslides, floods

Torrential rainfall since Thursday has swept through the island of Sulawesi with floods up to 3 meters deep swamping numerous districts and forcing around 1,300 families to be evacuated.

Over 100 houses have been damaged, 42 completely swept away, while four roads and one bridge have been damaged.
12 killed in twin blasts at DR Congo refugee camps

Children are among the dead in the explosions at two amps near Goma on Friday, with a further 20 left injured according to the UN.

The US and Congolese governments both blamed neighboring Rwanda and the M23 rebel group for the "flagrant violation of human rights", even claiming the attacks "may constitute war crimes".

Rwanda ridiculed Washington's accusations as "ridiculous", while M23 deny any involvement.
❗️UPDATE: Brazil flood death toll hits 56

Porto Alegre is still completely under water, while a Brazilian Army helicopter crew had to resort to smashing through a roof to save a new-born baby in Rio Grande do Sul state.
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Houses damaged, trees uprooted in Tanzania after storm

A major blackout hit Tanzania, as heavy rains and strong winds from Cyclone Hidaya stormed the country after weeks of flooding.

Many households were affected, and locals were warned to be cautious as the intensity of the cyclone increases.
Media is too big
❗️Kenya flooding catastrophe death toll hits 228 - Interior Ministry

Kenya has still not seen the worst of torrential rains and the effects of Cyclone Hidaya, the ministry added.

Over 212,000 people have been displaced in Kenya so far due to the deluge, while at least 164 have been injured.
❗️4 civilians killed in IDF Lebanon strike

Hezbollah said Sunday that they fired several Katyusha rockets at the Israeli town of Kiryat Shmona in retaliation for Israel's attack on the southern Lebanese village of Meiss al Jabal.
⚡️ Six people were killed and 35 injured after Ukrainian drone strikes on several vehicles in Russia’s Belgorod region — Governor Gladkov
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In Rafah, 16 people were killed in two Israeli airstrikes - seven members of one family and nine of another, AFP reported, citing Gaza emergency services
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Russian Grad MLRS crews hammer the enemy near the Dnepr River — MoD footage
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Floods in Kenya kill 228+ with thousands more at risk of drowning or disease

Government officials said Monday that searches in remote areas are ongoing with some villages still flooded and locals missing.

Over 200 have been reported dead in neighboring Tanzania. More than 500,000 people have been evacuated across the region.
Mass fires burning village houses in Russia’s Irkutsk region

30 country homes and farm buildings are burning on the grounds of five gardening communities near Bratsk in Irkutsk region, where residents are being urged to evacuate as soon as possible.

Local authorities have warned the situation is serious as the fire is spreading rapidly and threatening residential buildings due to strong winds. More than 40 rescuers are working at the scene.
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❗️One dead in 2nd Oklahoma tornado in 5 weeks

The tornado ripped through the town of Barnsdall on Monday night. It was the second tornado to hit the town in five weeks with maximum wind speeds of up to 161 kph.

One person was killed, and multiple others were injured.
2024/09/25 14:30:26
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