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Forwarded from πŸ”žSeks TvπŸ”ž (Furqat Abdurayimov)
@koronavirusinfouz shu kanalga azo bo'ling va kuzatib boring azizlar
πŸ“šNeed, require and want can be followed by the active or passive to-infinitives to express active or passive meanings, respectively:

πŸ‘‰I need to make a phone call.
πŸ‘‰Sometimes, people need to be told the truth.

πŸ‘‰My job requires me to handle many letters from abroad.
πŸ‘‰They required the information to be sent as soon as possible.

πŸ‘‰I wanted to stay for a few more days.
πŸ‘‰It was obvious that he wanted to be invited.

πŸ“šBut active gerunds after these verbs express passive meanings:

πŸ‘‰Your hair needs cutting. (It should be cut.)
πŸ‘‰These photos require careful handling. (They should be handled carefully.)
πŸ‘‰The windows want cleaning. (They should be cleaned.)


Both- Either- Neither

I need ______ money. Jeremy, could you lend me 3 dollars?
Anonymous Poll
a few
a little
πŸ—£Daily Conversations πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ:


A: I haven’t told you what happened yet, have I?
B: I haven’t heard anything.
A: My boss offered me a promotion, and I took it.
B: Are you serious?
A: Yes, I am really excited.
B: That’s great. Congratulations.
A: I appreciate that.
B: You have no idea how happy I am for you.
A: For real?
B: I believe you were the best choice for that promotion. I really do.


πŸ“ŒTake care of yourself.

Dear members β—οΈπŸ˜·

⚑@English_Tests ⚑
Can you tell me … to get a good deal on a used car?
Anonymous Poll
A) where
B) how much
C) what
D) that
He began to realize that he _______ mistake.
Anonymous Quiz
is making
has made
had made
will make
Forwarded from Furqat Abdurayimov | Blog
Ayni damda ya'ni dunyo bo'ylab KoronaVirus avj olib turgan paytda, siz ruhiy jihatdan qanday holatdasiz?
Anonymous Poll
So'rovnomada ishtrok eting . πŸ‘†
Media is too big
πŸ“Ή New Animation Movies 2020 Full Movies English - Kids movies - Comedy Movies - Cartoon Disney

#video: πŸ“Ή480p

βœ”οΈ @English_Tests ‡️
πŸ“Š Vocabulary TimeπŸ“Š

πŸ•― Xarakterni ifodalovchi so'zlar

πŸ”» decent β€” odobli, yaxshi xulqli
πŸ”» indecent β€” beadab
πŸ”» honest β€” toβ€˜gβ€˜risoβ€˜z
πŸ”» fair β€” toβ€˜gβ€˜risoβ€˜z, adolatli
πŸ”» sincere β€” samimiy
πŸ”» dishonest β€” gβ€˜irrom, noinsof
πŸ”» innocent β€” aybsiz, begunoh
πŸ”» guilty β€” aybdor
πŸ”» criminal β€” jinoyatchi
πŸ”» kind β€” mehribon
πŸ”» hostile β€” adovatli, dushmanlik
πŸ”» gentle β€” yuvosh, beozor
πŸ”» polite β€” odobli, xushmuomalali
πŸ”» rude β€” qoβ€˜pol
πŸ”» generous β€” saxiy
πŸ”» close-fisted β€” qizgβ€˜anchiq, qurumsoq
πŸ”» talkative β€” gapdon, koβ€˜p gapiradigan
πŸ”» sociable β€” kirishimli, dilkash
πŸ”» reserved β€” vazmin
πŸ”» docile β€” itoatli
πŸ”» disobedient β€” itoatsiz, gapga kirmaydigan
πŸ”» strict β€” talabchan
πŸ”» mild β€” yumshoq, muloyim
πŸ”» reliable β€” ishonchli
πŸ”» changeable β€” oβ€˜zgaruvchan
πŸ”» brave β€” mard, jasur
πŸ”» courageous β€” mard
πŸ”» coward β€” qoβ€˜rqoq
πŸ”» timid β€” jur'atsiz, tortinchoq
πŸ”» reasonable β€” ongli, idrokli
πŸ”» prudent β€” mulohazali, oβ€˜ylab ish qiladigan
πŸ”» light-minded β€” yengiltak
πŸ”» cautious β€” ehtiyotkor
πŸ”» incautious β€” beparvo

πŸ”’NUMBERS - RaqamlarπŸ”’

πŸ“Œ0 = zero
πŸ“Œ1 = one
πŸ“Œ2 = two
πŸ“Œ3 = three
πŸ“Œ4 = four
πŸ“Œ5 = five
πŸ“Œ6 = six
πŸ“Œ7 = seven
πŸ“Œ8 = eight
πŸ“Œ9 = nine
πŸ“Œ10 = ten
πŸ“Œ11 = eleven
πŸ“Œ12 = twelve
πŸ“Œ13 = thirteen
πŸ“Œ14 = fourteen
πŸ“Œ15 = fifteen
πŸ“Œ16 = sixteen
πŸ“Œ17 = seventeen
πŸ“Œ18 = eighteen
πŸ“Œ19 = nineteen


πŸ“Œ20 = twenty
πŸ“Œ21 = twenty-one
πŸ“Œ22 = twenty-two
πŸ“Œ23 = twenty-three
πŸ“Œ24 = twenty-four
πŸ“Œ25 = twenty-five
πŸ“Œ26 = twenty-six
πŸ“Œ27 = twenty-seven
πŸ“Œ28 = twenty-eight
πŸ“Œ29 = twenty-nine
πŸ“Œ30 = thirty
πŸ“Œ31 = thirty-one
πŸ“Œ32 = thirty-two
πŸ“Œ33 = thirty-three
πŸ“Œ40 = forty
πŸ“Œ41 = forty-one
πŸ“Œ42 = forty-two
50 = fifty
πŸ“Œ60 = sixty
πŸ“Œ70 = seventy
πŸ“Œ80 = eighty
πŸ“Œ90 = ninety

100 - 1 000 000 000

πŸ“Œ100 = one hundred
πŸ“Œ101 = one hundred (and) one
πŸ“Œ102 = one hundred (and) two
πŸ“Œ110 = one hundred (and) ten
πŸ“Œ153 = one hundred (and) fifty- three
πŸ“Œ200 = two hundred
πŸ“Œ201 = two hundred (and) one
πŸ“Œ202 = two hundred (and) two
πŸ“Œ244 = two hundred (and) forty- four
πŸ“Œ300 = three hundred
πŸ“Œ400 = four hundred
πŸ“Œ500 = five hundred
πŸ“Œ600 = six hundred
πŸ“Œ700 = seven hundred
πŸ“Œ800 o'rganamizndred
πŸ“Œ900 = nine hundred
πŸ“Œ1000 = one thousand
πŸ“Œ2000 = two thousand
πŸ“Œ3000 = three thousand
πŸ“Œ5000 = five thousand
πŸ“Œ6744 = six thousand seven hundred (and) forty-four
πŸ“Œ10 000 = ten thousand πŸ“Œ100 000 = one hundred thousand
πŸ“Œ1 000 000 = one million
πŸ“Œ5 000 000 = five million
πŸ“Œ1 000 000 000 = one billion
πŸ“Œ1 000 000 000 000 = one trillion

Vocabulary notes:
air - havo, atmosfera
autumn - kuz
awaken - uygonmoq
to be on the safe-side - ehtiyotdan, har ehtimolga qarshi
beyond all doubt - shak shubhasiz
blossom - gullamoq, ochilmoq
branch - shoxcha
brightly - yorug
build a nest - uy (in) qurmoq
clear - tozalamoq, yigishtirmoq
day's clearing - havo ochilmoqda
climate (dry, wet, mild) - iqlim (quruq, nam, yumshoq)
cloud - bulut
cloudless - tiniq, musaffo, bulutsiz
degree - daraja
drop - tomchi
enjoy - huzur qilmoq, rohatlanmoq
fade - so'limoq
fall down - pasaymoq (harorat)
fill - toldirmoq, tolmoq
flower - gul
fragrant - xushboy, muattar hidli
freeze - muzlamoq
fog - tuman
foggy - tumanli
give warmth - issiqlik bermoq
grow long - uzaymoq
grow short - qisqarmoq 33
harvest - hosil
lightening - chaqmoq
to look forward to - kutmoq
to make a snowman - qorbobo yasamoq
mushroom - qoziqorin, zamburug
pear - nok
pelt snowballs - qorboron oynamoq
pick - termoq, uzmoq
plum - olxori
rain - yomgir
rainy - yomgirli
rarely - kamdan-kam, siyrak
ripe - pishmoq, yetilmoq
ripen - pishgan, yetilgan
seldom - ahyon-ahyonda, goho
set in (early, late) - (erta, kech) botmoq
shine - porlamoq, chaqnamoq
shower - sel, jala
skate - konki uchmoq
ski - changi uchmoq
sky - osmon
sleet - yomgir aralash qor, hol qor
slippery - sirpanchiq
smell - hid, boy
snowstorm - qor boron
spring - bahor
sunny - quyoshli, serquyosh
sweet - shirin, mazali, yoqimli
temperature (high, low) - (yuqori, past) harorat
thunder - chaqmoq 34
thunderstorm - momoqaldiroq
umbrella - zontik, soyabon
walnut - yongoq, yongoq daraxti
weather (fine, warm, clear cold, cool, nasty) -havo (ajoyib, issiq, ochiq, sovuq, salqin, avzoyi buzuq)
wind - shamol
winter - qish
zero - nol
dull - bulutli, xira
oppressive - dim
sunray - quyosh nuri
dawn - tong, shafaq
storm - buron, dovul, to’polon
plough - yer haydamoq
rainbow - kamalak
Kanalimizdan uzoqlashmang

🚩 O’rin-joy predloglari

πŸ”— On - … ustida
on the ground – yerda, yer ustida
πŸ”— In - … ichida
in the bag – sumka ichida
πŸ”— At - … yonida
at the blackboard
πŸ”— In front of - …oldida
in front of the house – uy oldida
πŸ”— Across - .. orqal
across the bridge – ko’prik orqali
πŸ”— Under -… tagida
under the table – stol tagida
πŸ”— Near - .. yaqinida
near the market – bozor yaqinida
πŸ”— Between -… o’rtasida
between the two doors – ikki eshik orasida
πŸ”— Among - .. orasida
among the people – odamlar orasida
πŸ”— Next to - .. bilan yonma-yon
next to me – men bilan yonma-yon
πŸ”— Opposite - .. qarshisida
opposite the shop – do’kon qarshisida
πŸ”— Behind - .. orqasida
behind the door – eshik orqasida
Kanaldan uzoqlashmang

2024/10/02 12:23:44
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