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🚩 Destination B2 (Unit 6)
📋 Phrasal verbs

💥 break down = buzilmoq
💥 carry out = tajriba o'tkazmoq

💥 come off = muvaffaqiyatga erishmoq
💥 come on = rivojlanmoq

💥 come up with = haqida o'ylamoq
💥 cut off = zahirasi to'xtab qolmoq

💥 find out = bilib olmoq
💥 give off = (issiqlik) chiqarmoq

💥 narrow down = kamaytirmoq, qisqartimoq
💥 plug in = jihozga ulamoq

💥 put through = telefonda ulamoq
💥 turn into = o'zgartirmoq

💥 turn off = jihozni o'chirmoq
💥 work out = masala yechimini topmoq

Both- Either- Neither


Useful ideas about "Hometown"

1) located in the....part of Uzbekistan or (My country)

2) It is densely populated place, So the city is always crowded and noisy

3) It's really popular with tourists who come to visit our historical places

4) I one of the most expensive place to live in

5) It is a large city, So you can easily find where to go and what to do!
Forwarded from English | Grammar | Test | Vocabulary | IELTS (Xizmatchi BOT)
A, B or C?

All [ _ _ _ _ _ ] I met were friendly and helpful.
A) people
B) the people
C) the persons

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The Most Important Thing - Comparatives and Superlatives

Commonly Confused Words
Collocations with KNOW
16 Tenses
Alice in Wonderland (Alisa mo'jizalar Mamlakatida) Size:873MB
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⚪️ IELTS test Answers

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UZ: Қандай қилиб коронавирус инфекциясини юқтириб олишдан ўзимизни максимал ҳимоя қилишимиз мумкин? Бу ҳақда Соғлиқни сақлаш вазирлиги томонидан тайёрланган видеоролик орқали батафсил билиб оласиз.

#Common Mistakes in English

✖️WRONG: I have visited Niagara Falls last weekend.
✔️RIGHT: I visited Niagara Falls last weekend.

✖️WRONG: The woman which works here is from Japan.
✔️RIGHT: The woman who works here is from Japan.

✖️WRONG: She’s married with a dentist.
✔️RIGHT: She’s married to a dentist.

✖️WRONG: She was boring in the class.
✔️RIGHT: She was bored in the class.

✖️WRONG: I must to call him immediately.
✔️RIGHT: I must call him immediately.

✖️WRONG: Every students like the teacher.
✔️RIGHT: Every student likes the teacher.

✖️WRONG: Although it was raining, but we had the picnic.
✔️RIGHT: Although it was raining, we had the picnic.

✖️WRONG: I enjoyed from the movie.
✔️RIGHT: I enjoyed the movie.

✖️WRONG: I look forward to meet you.
✔️RIGHT: I look forward to meeting you.

✖️WRONG: I like very much ice cream.
✔️RIGHT: I like ice cream very much.
#Common Mistakes in English
apple of eye

🔅 Meaning:
the person of whom one is extremely fond, favorite, loving

🔅 Example:
She has three children, but her youngest son is the apple of her eye.

⚠️ What is an appositive? ⚠️

An appositive is a noun or a noun phrase placed next to another word to define or modify it. For example, in the phrase "my friend Leila," the noun "Leila" is an appositive.

📗 Restrictive versus non-restrictive 📙

An appositive can either be restrictive, or non-restrictive.

[ 1. ] 👉 Non-restrictive appositives are not crucial to the meaning of the sentence. For example, in "Alan, the chief executive of the project, has just called for a meeting ", "the chief executive of the project" doesn't narrow down the first element "Alan". It rather provides additional information about it. Non-restrictive appositives are put between commas.

[ 2. ] 👉 In a restrictive appositive, the second element limits or clarifies a word in some crucial way. For example, in the phrase "my friend Leila writes good poems ", the name " Leila" tells us which friend the speaker is talking about and is thus restrictive. Restrictive appositives don't need to be set off with a pair of commas.

💡Examples of appositives :

🖍️ Mexico City, the biggest city in the world, has many interesting archaeological sites.

🖍️ Denver, the capital of Colorado, is beautiful.

🖍️ My friend bill is very rich.

⭐️Prepositions with Pain⭐️

📚1- Pain (= agony, anguish.)

📗For pain: because of, or on account of pain. (See also with pain, below.)
🔺I couldn't sleep for pain.

📒In pain: suffering pain.
🔺That child looks as though it is in pain.
🔺For the last week there has been scarcely an hour when I have have not been in pain.
🔺Are you in pain?

📘With pain: because of, or on account of pain.
🔺As the dentist drew the tooth the child screamed with pain.
📌Note: With pain is used after positive verbs, for pain after negative ones, or after semi-negatives such as scarcely, hardly, etc.

📚2- Pain (= penalty).

📘On pain of: This phrase denotes the penalty for non-compliance with a condition, instruction, etc.
🔺He was banished from this country on pain of death.

📒Under pain of: This denotes the situation of the person to whom the penalty applies. ➡️Thus a person who is banished from his country on pain of death, is under pain of death if he returns.

Forwarded from English | Grammar | Test | Vocabulary | IELTS (Furqat Abdurayimov)
Ўзбекистонда коронавирусга чалинган беморлар сони олти нафарга етди

Францияда бўлиб қайтган бир нафар Ўзбекистон фуқаросида COVID-19 коронавирус инфекцияси аниқлангани хабар қилинган эди. Қон таҳлиллари натижасида дастлаб ушбу беморнинг ўғли ва қизида, кейинчалик турмуш ўртоғи ва набирасида ҳам коронавирус инфекцияси қайд этилган.

Шунингдек, шу йилнинг 15 март куни соат 05:15 да “Ўзбекистон ҳаво йўллари” авиа компаниясига қарашли Истанбул–Тошкент йўналишидаги 274- рейс билан келган Ўзбекистон фуқаросида ҳам ушбу инфекция аниқланган.

Беморлар билан мулоқотда бўлганларнинг рўйхати олиниб, уларнинг саломатлиги устидан ҳам тиббий назорат ўрнатилди.

👉 Manbaa. @xushnudbek 👈
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Қандай қилиб коронавирус инфекциясини юқтириб олишдан ўзимизни максимал ҳимоя қилишимиз мумкин? Қандай эҳтиёт чораларини кўришимиз зарур?

2024/10/02 10:19:37
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