Telegram Web Link
A, B or C?

I was born [ _ _ _ _ _ ] 23 October 1998.
Anonymous Quiz
A) at
B) in
C) on
📚Daily Conversations 🇺🇸:


A: Why didn’t you go to school yesterday?
B: I stayed home because I wasn’t feeling well.
A: What was your problem?
B: My stomach was bothering me.
A: Are you feeling any better?
B: I’m still feeling a little sick.
A: I’m going to the store, would you like any Pepto Bismol?
B: That’s okay.
A: I hope you feel better.
B: I’d appreciate that.

Kanalimizda bugun soat 21:00 da online test o‘tkazamiz♻️

❇️Test o‘zbekiston tarixidan bo‘ladi.

❇️ Test soni ➡️ 15 ta

♻️ Kanalimizga do‘stlaringizni taklif qiling



George King __ filter-tipped cigarettes, but now he smokes cigars.

A) is used to smoking
B) was used to smoke
C) is accustomed to smoking
D) was accustomed to smoking

🔲 @English_Tests

“__ a drink?”
“Yes, please. I’ll have an orange juice.”

❇️) Do you like
✳️) Are you liking
🌐) Would you like
💠) Did you like


Don’t say: We arrived to the airport.
Don’t say: When will you arrive to Rome?

The correct sentences are:

We arrived at the airport.
We got to the airport. (more informal)
When will you arrive in Rome?

“Get to” is an informal way to say “arrive”… but don’t use “to” with the previous exceptions:

I got home at midnight.
What time did you get there?
The dog got outside again
Media is too big
IELTS Speaking Band 8.5 Vietnamese - Full with Subtitles

☑️Hello! - Salom!

☑️Good morning!- Hayrli tong!

☑️Good afternoon!- Hayrli kun!

☑️Good day!- Hayrli kun!

☑️Good evening! - Hayrli oqshom!

☑️You are welcome! - Xush kelibsiz!

☑️I'm glad to meet you - Sizni uchratganimdan xursandman

☑️How are you?- Yaxshimisiz?

☑️How are you getting on? - Ishlaringiz qalay?

☑️How is everybody at home? - Uydagilar yaxshimi?

☑️How is your wife (son, daughter, children...)? -Turmush o'rtog'ingiz (o'g'lingiz, qizingiz, bolalaringiz) yaxshimi?

☑️Thank you, quite well- Rahmat yaxshi

☑️And you? - Siz-chi?

☑️Very much the same- O'zgarishlar yo'q

☑️Perfectly all right, thank you- Juda yaxshi rahmat

☑️Not so bad- Yomon emas

☑️So, so - O'rtacha

☑️Not so well - Uncha yaxshi emas

☑️Fine - Juda yaxshi

👉 @InteractiveEnglish
Present continuous quyidagi ish-harakatlarni ifodalash uchun ishlatiladi:
1) So’zlashuvchining nutqi mobaynida davom etayotgan:
I am speaking now – mеn hozir gapirayapman.

2) Hozirgi zamondagi ma’lum bir vaqt oralig’ida bajarilib turgan:
She is preparing for her exams these days – u shu kunlarda imtihonlarga tayyorlanayapdi.

3) Kеlasi zamonda bajarilishi aniq va oldindan rеjalashtirilgan:
Next month I am leaving for London, I have bought two tickets – kеyingi oy mеn Londonga jo’nab kеtyapman, mеn 2 ta chipta sotib oldim.

Bo’lishli shakli
S+TO BE (am, is, are) +V1+ing.

I am doing.
You are doing.
She is doing.
He is doing.
It is doing.
We are doing.
You are doing.
They are doing.

So’roq shakli
TO BE (am, is, are)+S+V1+ing.

Am I doing?
Are you doing?
Is she doing?
Is he doing?
Is it doing?
Are we doing?
Are you doing?
Are they doing?

Inkor shakli
S+TO BE(am, is, are)+NOT+V1+ing

I am not doing.
You are not doing.
She is not doing.
He is not doing.
It is not doing.
We are not doing.
You are not doing.
They are not doing.

Signal so’zlar.
It is … (vaqt bеriladi)
Now - hozir
At the moment – ayni vaqtda
Look! - qarang
Listen! – tinglang
Hurry up! - shoshiling
While - .... guncha
Still – haliyam
Demak, mana shu signal so’zlar qatnashgan gaplar "Present continuous"da yasalishi shart:
Look! Two boys are fighting - Qarang! Ikkita bola urushyapdi.
Listen! The birds are singing. - Eshit! Qushlar sayrayapdi.
Are you still eating? - sen hali ham ovqatlanayapsanmi?


1. To be going to - … moqchi. Ingliz tilida ushbu ibora, kеlasi zamonda bajarilishi oldindan rеjalashtirilgan ish harakati uchun ishlatiladi:
I am going to learn English next year.
Mеn kеlasi yili ingliz tilini o’rganmoqchiman.

2. Inson his-tuyg’usi, aqliy holati va sеzgisini ifodalovchi fе’llar davom fе’lida ishlatilmay, oddiy zamonda qo’llaniladi.
want - xohlamoq
need - muhtoj bo’lmoq
suppose – taхmin qilmoq
prefer – afzal ko’rmoq
mean – ma’no bildirmoq
have – ega bo’lmoq, bor bo’lmoq
understand – tushunmoq
belong – tеgishli bo’lmoq
remember – yodda tutmoq
see – ko’rmoq
forget – yoddan chiqarmoq
hear – eshitmoq
seem – tuyulmoq
know – bilmoq
recognize – tanimoq
realize – tasavvur qilmoq
wish - istash
believe – ishonmoq
desire – хohish

3. To smell - "hid taratmoq" ma’nosida davom fе’lida ishlatilmaydi:
The flowers smell good - gullar yaхshi hid taratadi.
"Biror narsani hidlamoq" ma’nosida kеlsa, davom fе’lida ishlatiladi:
She is smelling the flowers - u gullarni hidlayapdi.

To taste - maza bеrmoq ma’nosida davom fе’lida ishlatilmaydi:
The food tastes good - ovqat yaхshi maza (ta’m) bеradi.

Biror narsani tatib ko’rmoq ma’nosida kеlsa, davom fе’lida ishlatiladi:
He is tasting the food - u ovqatni (ta’mini) ta’tib ko’ryapdi.

To think –... dеb o’ylamoq, ... Dеb hisoblamoq ma’nosida davom fе’lida ishlatilmaydi:
I think this is a good book - mеn bu kitobni yaхshi dеb o’ylayman.

Ish harakatini ifodalab, “nima qilmoq” so’rog’iga javob bo’lsa, davom fе’lida ishlatiladi.
My house is old. I am thinking of buying a new one - Mеning uyim eski. Mеn yangisini sotib olish haqida o’ylayapman.

4. Always – ish harakatining mе’yoridan ko’ra ko’proq takrorlanganligiga bo’lgan hayrat, yoki norozilikni ifodalash uchun ham davom fе’li ishlatiladi:
She is always losing her books - u har doim kitoblarini yo’qotib yuradi.

👉 @InteractiveEnglish
🎥 Tarixiy videolarni izlayapsizmi
📄 Eng qiziqarli Tarixiy Faktlarga qiziqasizmi
Pastdagi tugmachalarni bosing va o‘sha videoni topasiz 👇
📋"Parenthetical words and phrases" - "Кириш сўзлар ва иборалар"

📌Frankly speaking- Очиқсасига айтганда
📌To cut it short - Қисқа қилиб айтганда
📌So to speak - Дейлик
📌Meanwhile - Вақтида, пайтида
📌By the way - Айтганчи
📌It goes without saying - Ўз-ўзидан маълум
📌As far as I know - Билишимча
📌Indeed- Ростдан ҳам
📌In other words - Бошқа сўз билан
📌However - Бироқ
📌So well- Демак, шундай экан, шундай қилиб, бас, алқисса, бинобарин
📌Besides- Бундан ташқари
📌Also - Шунингдек
📌Сertainly- Албатта
📌Anyway - Хар қандай холатда ҳам
📌Always at all - Умуман
📌Therefore- Шу сабабга кўра
📌Though - Гарчанд, гарчи, -га қарамай, - са ҳам
📌Although - Гарчанд, гарчи, -га қарамай, - са ҳам
📌Meantime- Унгача, ҳозирча
📌Nevertheless - Лекин, шундай бўлсада, барибр
📌Perhaps - Балки, бўлиши мумкин
📌Probably- Балки, бўлиши мумкин
📌To put it mildly - Юмшоқ қилиб айтганда
📌At all- Умуман
📌In any case - Хар қанақа холатда ҳам
📌To tell the truth- Тўғрисини айтганда
📌So- Хўш
📌Moreover- Ундан ташқари

Bugun kanalimizda Tarixdan online test o‘tkazamiz!

Testlar soni👉 15 ta

📱 Online test soat 21:10 da boshlanadi!

Kanalimizga do‘stlaringizni taklif qiling👇


Bugun kanalimizda Tarixdan online test o‘tkazamiz!

Testlar soni👉 15 ta

📱 Online test soat 21:10 da boshlanadi!

Kanalimizga do‘stlaringizni taklif qiling👇


Predloglar -bu ozbek tilidagi komakchilarga togri keladi. Ularni yod oling.

about -haqida
above - tepada
across - orqali, ichidan
after -keyin
against - qarshi
among -o’rtasida
around - atrofida, taxminan
as - o’xshab
at - ostida, ichida
before - oldin
behind - orqada
below - pastda
beneath - ostida
beside - yonma-yon
between - o’rtasida
beyond - orqasida, narigi tomonida
but - lekin
by - yonida, -da, -dan tomonidan
despite - ga qaramay
down - past tomoniga
during - davomida, mobaynida
except - dan tashqari
for - uchun
from…- dan
in - ichida
inside - ichida
into - ichiga
near - yonida
next - yonida, atrofida
of…. - ning
on - Ustida, ichida
opposite - qarama-qarshi
out….- dan
outside - tashqarida
over - tepasida, o’stida
per - uchun
plus - qo’shuv
round - taxminan
since…- dan beri
than… - dan ko’ra
through - orasidan, orqali
till - gacha
to….- ga
toward…- ga
under- tagida, pastida
unlike…- ga o’xshamasdan
until - gacha
up…- ga, …da
with - bilan
with in - ichida
without… - siz
two words - ikta so’zlar
according to…- ga qaraganda
because of - sababida, tufayli
close to - yaqinda
except for - dan tashqari
far from - dan uzoq
inside of…. - Ichida
instead of…- dan ko’ra
near to….- ga yaqin
next to… -dan keyin
outside of… - dan tashqari
prior to….- Gacha
three words - uchta so’zlar
as far as… - gacha
as well as… - ga o’xshab
in addition to…- ga qo’shimcha
in front of… - qarshisida
in spite of…- dan ko’ra
on behalf of…- nomidan
on top of… - tepasida

Assalomu alaykum!

Siz Learn English 🌐ONLINE |<IELTS> kanalining vizitka kanalidasiz. Shunchaki pastdagi ko'k yozuv ustiga bosing va asosiy kanalga obuna bo'ling.
Forwarded from 🇬🇧ENGLISH: Fast and easy (Furqat Abdurayimov)
1. Our government pays great attention _ the education _ the
A) -/of B) of/of C) to/to
D) to/of E) by/of
2. _ summer holidays many boys and girls like to go _ the
country _ their teachers.
A) at/by/to B) into/at/with C) -/to/to
D) during/to/with E) during/to/by
3. The girl saw a beautiful garden _ the end of the corridor with
red flowers _ it.
A) at/in B) at/on C) to/in
D) in/in E) of/on
4. At night when there are no clouds _ the sky you can see many
A) on B) in C) at
D) to E) a/an
5. He is very good _ maths.
A) in B) at C) -
D) about E) with
6. He’s got a very good head _ his shoulders.
A) over B) beyond C) on
D) since E) for
7. I asked him _ help.
A) in B) about C) for
D) by E) with
8. Father was very angry _ his son: “You’ll be punished according
_ the seriousness _ your guilt.
A) to/-/of B) for/to/to C) to/to/to
D) with/to/of E) with/-/of
9. An electric lamp hangs from the centre _ the ceiling _ the
A) to/in B) of/above C) to/on
D) in/from E) on/near
10. Everybody wanted to come here _ time.
A) by B) for C) in
D) without E) at
11. It is very warm. I am going to take _ my scarf.
A) out B) in C) off
D) for E) of
12. There is something very attractive _ him.
A) in B) about C) with
D) by E) at
13. What is there _ the ground floor _ your school?
A) in/in B) on/at C) on/of
D) in/at E) near/in
14. They will be fighting _ political reforms.
A) in B) on C) at
D) by E) for
15. It’s better to wait for five minutes before crossing the street than
stay _ a month at the hospital.
A) at B) on C) for
D) of E) till

Forwarded from 🇬🇧ENGLISH: Fast and easy (Furqat Abdurayimov)
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