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💎Speaking test in Uzbekistan - 12 December in 2019

◼️Describe a famous person who is not from your country you would like to meet .

📌You should say:

🔰who is he/ she
🔰Where is he/ she from
🔰why do you want to meet him/ her
🔰why he is famous
🔰and explain what would you do if you meet him/ her.

Oscar-winning Hollywood actress, Angelina Jolie, underwent different transformations in her life and achieved the highest popularity among the other Hollywood female actress. I would like to meet her at least once in my life.

Born in an actor family in the USA, Angelina Jolie is globally famous for several reasons. Firstly she is famous for her physical beauty and superb performance. She is able to represent the characters perfectly which is the cause of envy for the other female actress.

I have watched different movies of Angelina Jolie and her performances on those made me amazed. She is also a social activist and humanitarian in line with her acting career in Hollywood movies. She is an adorable actress and considered as an asset for Hollywood for her beauty, acting skill and soft heart. She is the woman with a very special intelligence in the combination of ready wits, dazzling beauty and all of her performances are outstanding.
She is the only female Hollywood actress who spends one-third of her entire earning for the humanitarian activities. It is the most important reasons for me to love and meet her. I would like to get a touch of the generous woman and pass some moments so that I could learn something useful to be applied in my life.

If I had a chance to meet her, I would take some pictures, her signature as a memorable things and to show off my friends and relatives. If possible, I would have a dinner with her to have a sweet chat. I believe that her words could encourage me to pursue my dreams. Briefly say, She is my favourite actress whom I would like to meet in my life.

Band 7+

​​🔥 Here are the 5 most common English idioms and phrases that will enrich your English vocabulary and make you sound like a native speaker.

1. ‘The best of both worlds’ means you can enjoy two different opportunities at the same time.

♻️ “By working part-time and looking after her kids two days a week she managed to get the best of both worlds.”

2. ‘Speak of the devil’ – this means that the person you’re just talking about actually appears at that moment.

♻️ “Hi Tom, speak of the devil, I
was just telling Sara about your new car.”

3. ‘See eye to eye’ this means agreeing with someone.

♻️ “They finally saw eye to eye on the business deal.”

4. ‘Once in a blue moon’ an event that happens infrequently.

♻️ “I only go to the cinema once in a blue moon.”

5. ‘When pigs fly’ – something that will never happen.

♻️ “When pigs fly she’ll tidy up her room.”

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🍁Informal contractions🍁

🥀Gonna = going to
🥀Wanna = want to
🥀Gotta = have got to
🥀Gimme = give me
🥀Lemme = let me
🥀I'ma = I'm going to
🥀Outta = out to
🥀Kinda = kind of
🥀Dunno = don't know
🥀Shoulda = should have
🥀Have to = hafta
🥀Has to = hasta
🥀Had to = hadta
🥀Used to = useta
🥀Do you = dya
🥀Did you = didja
🥀Could you = couldja
🥀Would you = wouldja
🥀How did you = howdja
🥀What do you = whadaya
🥀Where did you = wheredja
🥀What did you = whatdja
🥀Lot of = lotta
🥀Lots of = lotsa
🥀She would have = sheda
🥀He would have = heda
🥀We would have = weda
🥀I would have = Ida
🥀They would have = theyda
🥀You would have = youda
🥀Come on = cmon
🥀Some more = s'more
🥀Must have = musta
🥀Might have = mighta
#Useful #idiom

20 idioms you can use to sound like a native speaker (Part 1)

1. A drop in the ocean - dengizdan tomchi

The government’s pledge to increase health funding by 100 million pounds is just a drop in the ocean compared to the billions that need to be spent. (Sog’liqni saqlashga milliardlab sarflanishi kerakligi bilan solishtirganda, hukumatning sog’liq fondini 100 million funtga oshirish va’dasi dengizdan tomchi kabidir.)

2. Actions speak louder than words - So’zlar emas ishlar gapirsin

Stop apologizing and prove to me that I can trust you – actions speak louder than words. (Kechirim so’rashni bas qil va senga ishona olishimni isbotla – so’zlar emas ishlar gapirsin.)

3. To add fuel to the fire – olovga benzin sepish (masalani chigallashtirish)

Don’t tell her about the delays - you’ll just be adding fuel to the fire. (Kechiktirishlar haqida unga aytmeng – siz bor-yug’I muammoni chigallashtirasiz.)

4. The ball is in your court - qaror qabul qilish sizning qo’lingizda.

I’ve done all I can do – the ball is in your court. (Qo’limdan kelgan barchasini qildim, endi qaror qabul qilish sizning qo’lingizda.)

5. To bend over the backwards - kimgadir foydasi tegish uchun astoydil sa'y-harakat qilish.

Our company is bending over the backwards to satisfy our customers. (Bizning kompaniya mijozlarimizni qondirish uchun astoydil urinmoqda.)

6. To bite off more you can chew - katta va'da berib yubormoq.

I think I’ve bitten more than I can chew with this project. (Menimcha, men bu loyihada katta va'da berib yubordim.)

7. By the skin of one’s teeth - muvafaqqiyatga ilashib qolish.

I think I might have passed that exam by the skin of my teeth . (Menimcha, bu imtihonning o'tish baliga zo'rg'a ilashgan bo’lsam kerak.)

8. To cry wolf - yordamga muhtoj bo'lmaganda ham, yordamga so’rash.

My new flatmate is always crying wolf. (Mening yangi xonadoshim yordamga muhtoj bo’lmasa ham har doim yordam so’raydi.)

9. To cut somebody some slack - kimnidir o’ta qattiq baholamaslik.

You need to cut the intern some slack – they are still learning. (Ish o’rganuvchilarni o’ta qattiq baholama, ular endi o’rganishmoqda.)

10. To cut to the chase - gapni aylantirmasdan, maqsadga o’tmoq.

To cut to the chase – I’m not comfortable working alongside John anymore. (Gapni lo’ndasi, John bilan ishlash men uchun noqulay.)

Vocabulary Time

20 synonyms

1. Abandon - desert
2. Abundant - plenty
3. Abduct - kidnap
4. Ability - skill
5. Able - capable
6. Abolish - Revoke
7. Accomodation - lodging
8. Accomplish- achieve
9. Accurate- correct
10. Admit - confess
11. Adore - love
12. Adversary - opponent
13. Affection - love
14. Ally - companion, friend
15. Amend - change
16. Amplify - exaggerate
17. Amusing - Funny
18. Angry - furious
19. Amaze - astonish, surprise
20. Anger - infuriate

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💡Collocations of the day 👌

✳️ Bugun ertalabki postimizda 'friend/friendship' (do'st/do'stlik) so'zlari bilan bog'liq collocationlarni o'rganamiz.
to make friends - do'stlashmoq, do'st orttirmoq
🔸When you go to university you will make a lot of new friends. (Universitetga kirganingda juda ko'p yangi do'stlar orttirasan)
to strike up a friendship - do'stlashmoq, tanishmoq
🔸Nathan struck up a friendship with a girl he met on holiday. (Natan ta'tilda tanishgan bir qiz bilan do'stlashdi)
to form/develop a friendship - do'stlashmoq
🔸Audrey formed a lasting friendship with the boy she sat next to at primary school. (Odri boshlangich maktabda yonida o'tirgan bola bilan uzoq do'st bo'lib qolgan edi)
to cement/spoil a friendship - do'stlikni mustahkamlamoq, orasi buzilmoq
🔸Spending several weeks on holiday together has cemented their friendship. (Ta'tilni bir nechta hafta birga o'tkazishgani ularning do'stligini mustahkamladi)
to keep in contact/touch - aloqada bo'lib turmoq
🔸We must keep in contact when the course ends. (Kurs tugaganidan keyin aloqada bo'lib turishimiz kerak)
Prep | Vocabulary 📝

🎁 Fed up with = joniga tegmoq
🎁 Famous for = mashxur
🎁 Frightened by =qorqmoq
🎁 Envious of = ichi qoralik qilmoq
🎁 Exhausted from = charchagan horigan
🎁 Dressed in = kiyinib olgan
🎁 Disappointed by = dan norozi bolmoq
🎁 Confused by = yanglishmoq
🎁 Capable of = ga qobilyatli bolmoq
🎁 Bored by = charchagan bolmoq
🎁 Angry with = achchiqlanmoq

🏷 After all = ga qaramasdan
🏷 All along = har doim
🏷 All of a sudden = tosatdan
🏷 All the same =bir xil
🏷 As a rule = odatda
🏷 As far as I am concerned = mening fikrimcha
🏷 As for me = men oylashimcha
🏷 Be about to = tayyor bolmoq
🏷 Be back on ones feet = healthy again or better financially
🏷 Be beside oneself = juda havotirlangan, achchiqlangan
🏷 Be in the red = qarzga botmoq
🏷 Come across = tosatdan korib qolmoq
🏷 Catch ones eye = etiborini tortmoq
Useful English Phrases

1. Catch me later — Keyinroq gaplashamiz

2. Clear the way! — Yo'lni bo'shating

3. Come back anytime — Xohlagan paytda yana tashrif buyuring

4. Come right in — Kirib o'ting

5. Could I call you later? — Keyinroq qo'ng'iroq qilsam maylimi?

6. Could I join you? — Sizga qo'shilsam bo'ladimi?

7. Don't push (me)! — Menga bunday gapirmang!

8. Enjoy your meal! — Yoqimli ishtaha

9. Guess what! — Nimaligini toping!

10. I doubt that. - Shubhalanayapman

11. I had a lovely time — Vaqtimni yaxshi o'tkazdim

12. I spoke too soon — O'ylamay gapirib yuboribman

13. Keep in touch. — Aloqada bo'lib turing

14. Leave it to me. - Buni menga qo'yib bering

15. Make it two. — Menga ham qo'shib oling ( asosan kafelarda )

16. No can do. — Buni qila olmayman

17. No way! — Hechamda !

18. Pull up a chair. — Bizga qo'shiling

Grammar time!

💠 O’rin-joy predloglari (prepositions of location/place) ga asosan AT, IN va ON predloglari misol bo’la oladi. Bu predloglar narsa-buyum yoki shaxsning joylashuvini anglatadi. Har bir predlogni alohida ko’rib chiqamiz:

❇️ AT – “yonida” deb tarjima qilinadi. Ko’pincha o’zbek tilidagi “-da” qo’shimchasiga to’g’ri keladi. AT predlogi qatnashgan iboralarga e’tibor bering:

at the door – eshik yonida
at home – uyda
at the desk – parta yonida
at the lesson – darsda
at the window – deraza yonida
at the cinema – kinoteatrda
at the church – cherkov yonida
at the hotel – mehmonxonada
at the tree – daraxt yonida
at the bus-stop – avtobus bekatida

❇️ IN – “ichida” deb tarjima qilinadi. IN predlogi narsa-buyum yoki shaxsning joylashuvini biror narsaning ichida ekanligini bildiradi. IN predlogi bilan ifodalangan iboralarni diqqat bilan o’rganib chiqing va predlogning ishlatilishiga e’tibor bering:

in the box – quti ichida
in a magazine – jurnalda
in the hotel – mehmonxonada
in the room – xonada
in the newspaper – gazetada
in the book – kitobdain Uzbekistan – O’zbekistonda
in my mouth – og’zimda
in the water – suvda
in the garden – bog’da

❇️ ON – “ustida” deb tarjima qilinadi. ON predlogi narsa-buyum yoki shaxsning yuzaga nisbatan joylashuvini bildiradi. “Yuzaga nisbatan” deyilganda, masalan, stol usti (yuzasi)da, devor (yuzasi)da, shift (yuzasi)da kabi joylashuvlar tushinilishi kerak. ON predlogi qatnashgan iboralarni o’qing:

on the table – stol ustida
on the roof – tomda
on horseback – otda
on a bus – avtobusda
on the left – chapda
on the carpet – gilamda
on page – sahifada
on the wall – devorda
on the ceiling – shiftda
on the way – yo’lda
🚩 Ingliz tilida ko‘p takrorlanuvchi 10ta grammatik xatolar

Quyida ingliz tilini ikkinchi til sifatida o‘rganuvchilar tomonidan so‘zlashuv va yozuv jarayonida eng ko‘p qilinadigan ayrim xatolar va ularning to‘g‘ri varianti berilgan. Grammatik bilimlaringizni tekshiring va to‘g‘ri shakllarni esda saqlang.

I have visited Niagara Falls last weekend.
I visited Niagara Falls last weekend.

The woman which works here is from Japan.
The woman who works here is from Japan.

She’s married with a dentist.
She’s married to a dentist.

She was boring in the class.
She was bored in the class.

I must to call him immediately.
I must call him immediately.

Every students like the teacher.
Every student likes the teacher.

Although it was raining, but we had the picnic.
Although it was raining, we had the picnic.

I enjoyed from the movie.
I enjoyed the movie.

I look forward to meet you.
I look forward to meeting you.

I like very much ice cream.
I like ice cream very much.

​​“May” va “might” modal fe’llari

Ingliz tilida “may” va “might” modal fe’llari ruxsat, iltimos va ehtimollikni ifodalaydi va “mumkin, mayli” deb tarjima qilinadi.

Might – “may” modal fe’lining o’tgan zamon shakli hisoblanadi, ammo hozirgi zamonda ham ishlatilishi mumkin. U muloyimlik bilan taklif kiritganda ham ishlatiladi.

| Fruits might be very useful for you – Mevalar siz uchun juda foydali bo’lishi mumkin.

Be allowed to (ruxsat beriladi) fe’li “may” modalining sinonimi sifatida ishlatiladi.

“May” quyidagi vaziyatlarda ishlatiladi:
Ruxsat ma’nosida: | You may come later – Kechroq kelishingiz mumkin.

Biror narsani iltimos qilib so’rashda: | May I take book your book? – Kitobingizni olib tursam bo’ladimi?

Ehtimollik ma’nosida: | It may rain tomorrow – Ertaga yomg’ir yog’ishi mumkin.

“May” va “might” modal fe’llarining inkor shakli ularga “not” yuklamasini qo’shish orqali yasaladi, so’roq shaklida esa ular egadan oldinga chiqariladi.
​​💡 Idiom of the day 👌

✳️ O'zbek tilida 'o'tgan ishga salavot, afsuslanishdan foyda yo'q, bo'lar ish bo'ldi' degan iboralar mavjud. Bu iboralar orqali biz bo'lgan ishga afsus qilmaslik kerak ekanligini, hech narsa o'zgarmasligini ta'kidlaymiz. Ingliz tilida bunday vaziyatlarda 'It's no use crying over spilt (spilled) milk' degan ibora ishlatiladi.
🔸 It's no use crying over spilt milk - he's spent all the money, and there's nothing you can do about it. (Bo'lar ish bo'ldi - u barcha pullarni sarflab bo'libdi, endi hech narsani o'zgartirolmaymiz.)
🔸Yes, we made a mistake, but there’s no point in crying over spilled milk. (Ha, biz xato qildik, lekin endi undan afsuslanishdan ma'no yo'q)

✳️ Cambridge lug'atida cry over spilled milk iborasiga 'to express regret about something that has already happened or cannot be changed' deb izoh berilgan.

Present Simple


1️⃣ What kind of books do you like to read?

I mostly like to read biographies. I'm not sure why but it is interesting to read about people's real lives, especially when they have had interesting lives and have had to deal with many problems. I do read fiction as well, but I often find it difficult to get hold of a book that I really like. I also like reading about books to do with current affairs.

2️⃣Do you read the same kind of books now that you read when you were a child?

Not really, no. Actually I didn't read that much when I was a child, but if I did it was mainly fiction books, such as fairy tales. Things like The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. Fantasy things.

3️⃣When do you think is the best time to read?

I think any time is ok, but when I read I like to concentrate, so I can't read for a short time like on a bus ride like some people do. I like to put time aside to enjoy it. So if I have some free time at the weekend I might read for a few hours. And I nearly always read before I go to bed - this really helps me to sleep.


deal with (ph v) - take action
fiction (n) - the type of book or story which is written about imaginary characters and events and not based on real people and facts
current affairs (n) - political news about events happening now

Siz juda ko'p uchratadigan "Just" haqida to'xtalib o'tamiz

💠 "Shunchaki" / "Mutlaqo " ma'nolarida ishlatiladi

| It is just an amazing channel
| Bu shunchaki ajoyib kanal

| Our holiday was just perfect
| Bizning ta'til mutlaqo a'lo o'tdi

💠 "Aynan/Ayni" ma'nolarida

| You look just like your sister
| Sen aynan opangga o'xshaysan

💠 "Faqatgina / Atiga" degan ma'noda

| His first salary was just 200,000 sums
| Uning birinchi maoshi atiga 200,000 so'm edi

💠 "Hozirgina" degan ma'noda (Asosan Present Perfect va Past Perfect zamonlarida ishlatilinadi )

| Where is my phone? I had it just now.
| Mening telefonim qani? Hozirgina o'zimda ediku.

| I have just decided to sell my car.
| Men hozirgina mashinamni sotishga qaror qildim.

💠 Buyruq Gapni urg'u bilan aytganda ishlatiladi

| Just shut the door quickly or we 're going to be late.

| Eshikni tezda yop yoki biz kechikamiz.

💠 Biror gapni yumshoqroq aytganda ayniqsa kimdandur biror narsani iltimos qilganimizda ishlatamiz

| Could you just open the window?
| Shunday eshikni ochib yubora olasizmi?

DTM dan kutilmagan
yangilik! Abituriyentlar uchun tasdiqlangan rasmiy yangiliklar.👇
2024/10/03 23:27:13
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