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⭐️ Every day vs Everyday ⭐️

✳️ "Every day" - payt ravishi bo'lib u haftaning har kunini ifodalaydi.

🔹 I study English every day.

🔸Men har kuni Ingliz tilini o'rganaman.

✳️ "Everyday" - sifat bo'lib "har kungi/kundalik" deb tarjima qilinadi va asosan "everyday+noun" shaklida ishlatilinadi.

🔸 Even though he had won the lottery, it hadn't changed his everyday life.

🔹U yutuqli chiptada yutganiga qaramasdan, uning kundalik hayoti o'zgarmadi.
📌 Semi-stative Verbs
(Yarim holat fe'llari)
⭕️Bu fe'llar ham holat, ham oddiy fe'llar bo'lib keladi. Yani ularning 2 ta ma'nosi bor: bir ma'nosida holat fe'li bo'lib faqat simple zamonida keladi, 2- ma'nosida oddiy fe'l bo'lib kelib barcha zamonda qo'llanila oladi.

1️⃣ Think - o'zidan keyin about/of(haqida) predloglarini olib "o'ylamoq" ma'nosida keladi va barcha zamonlarda qo'llanila oladi.
I am thinking about my exam now
(Men hozir kelajagim haqida o'ylayabman)

Think- o'zidan keyin predlog emas darxol gap kelib "deb hisoblamoq; o'ylamoq" ma'nosida keladi va faqat simple zamonida keladi.
I think he is lier. -Men uni yolg'onchi deb hisoblayman

2️⃣Remember - unitgan narsasini eslash, yoki harakat qilish orqali eslash, esiga tushirish ma'nosida holat fe'li hisoblanadi va continues zamonlarida qo'llanilmaydi.
I don't remember you, sorry. - Men sizni eslomadim(tanimadim), kechirasiz.

Remember - yodida bor narsasini xotirlash, yodga olish ma'nosida harakat fe'li hisoblanadi va continues zamonlarida qo'llaniladi.
I am remembering my childhood now
Men hozir bolaligimni xotirlayabman

3️⃣See - ko'rmoq ma'nosida ingliz tilida holat fe'li hisoblanadi.
I see a bird now. - Men hozir qushni ko'ryabman

See - uchrashmoq ma'nosida harakat fe'li hisoblanadi
I am seeing Ann tonight - Men kechqurun Anna bilan uchrashmoqchiman

4️⃣Smell(hid taratmoq)/Taste(tam bildirmoq)/weigh(og'irlikka ega bo'lmoq) o'zidan keyin sifat olsa holat fe'li hisoblanadi va continues zamonlarida qo'llanilmaydi.
The soup tastes delicious - Shurva mazali tam bildiryabdi

Smell(hidlamoq)/taste(tamini tatib ko'rmoq)/weigh(taroziga tortib ko'rmoq) o'zidan keyin ot olsa harakat fe'li bo'ladi va barcha zamonlarda qo'llanilib kela oladi.
I am tasting the plov - Men palovni tatib ko'ryabman

5️⃣Cost - narx turmoq ma'nosida holat fe'li
This car costs 45.000.000 sum - Bu mashina 45.000.000 sum narxida turadi

Cost- davom etmoq ma'nosida harakat fe'li hisoblanadi.
8- March is still costing - 8-mart hali ham davom etyabdi
Alternatives of 5 words to enrich your vocabulary

CHANGE- alter; transform; replace; diversify; adjust; adapt; modify; remodel; vary; evolve; transfigure; redesign; refashion; advance; transition; shift; adjustment.

OLD- aged; ancient; matured; elderly; senior; veteran; decrepit; seasoned; venerable; past one’s prime; doddering; senile.

THINK- ponder; reflect; conceive; imagine; contemplate; consider; determine; realize; visualize; guess/assume; conclude; envision.

FUNNY- comical; ludicrous; amusing; droll; entertaining; absurd; hilarious; silly; whimsical; hysterical; joking; witty; facetious; slapstick; side-splitting; knee-slapping.

GO- move; proceed; advance; progress; travel; walk; journey; depart; exit; flee; make one’s way; clear out; get underway.
📖Dars #101 Sanaladigan va sanalmaydigan otlar (Countable and Uncountable nouns)

✳️ Ingliz tilida a/an/some/any/much/many/a few/a little va boshqa soʻzlarni toʻg'ri qoʻllay olish uchun otlarning sanaladigan va sanalmaydiganligini bilishimiz lozim boʻladi.

✳️ Sanaladigan (countable) otlar umumiy qoidaga binoan birlik va koʻplik shakllarida kela oladi.
▪️a box - two boxes ▪️an apple - some apples
✳️Umumiy ma'nodagi birlikdagi sanaladigan otlar oldidan noaniq artikli (a/an) qoʻllanilishi lozim.
🔸A dog is an animal. (It - hayvon.)
🔸My friend works as a driver. (Do'stim haydovchi sifatida ishlaydi)
⚠️Sanaladigan otlar lug'atda [C] (Countable) belgisi bilan ajratiladi.

✳️ Sanalmaydigan (uncountable) otlar umumiy qoidaga binoan faqat birlik shaklida qoʻllaniladi. Koʻplik qoʻshimchasini olmaydi.
▪️ bread, blood, gold
✳️ Sanalmaydigan otlar umumiy ma'noda kelsa, ular oldidan hech qanday artikl va aniqlovchi soʻz qoʻyilmaydi.
🔸✖️Blood is red. (Qon qizil rangda)
🔸This ring is made of ✖️gold. (Bu uzuk oltindan yasalgan)
⚠️ Sanalmaydigan otlar lug'atda [U] (Uncountable) belgisi bilan ajratiladi.

✳️ Ba'zibir otlar gapdagi ma'nolariga koʻra sanaladigan yoki sanalmaydigan boʻlib kelishi mumkin.
1️⃣▫️a paper [C] - gazeta, hujjat, maqola
🔸I am reading a paper. (Men gazeta o'qiyapman)
▫️paper [U] - qog'oz
🔸I need some writing paper. (Menga biroz yozish qog'ozi kerak)
2️⃣▫️ a glass [C] - stakan
🔸I broke a glass this morning.
▫️glass [U] - shisha
🔸Glass is made from sand.
3️⃣▫️ a hair [C] - soch tolasi
🔸There is a hair in my soup!
▫️ hair [U] - soch (boshdagi)
🔸She has got black hair.
4️⃣▫️ a stone [C] - tosh (bir dona)
🔸I picked up a stone and threw at the birds.
▫️stone [U] - tosh (qurilish materiali)
🔸We used stone to build up walls.
5️⃣ an experience [C] - voqea, hodisa
🔸It was a terrifying experience.
▫️experience [U] - tajriba
🔸He gained little experience in that job.
6️⃣ ▫️a work [C] - asar
🔸The works of A.Navoiy are worth reading.
▫️ work [U] - ish
🔸I have got some work to do.

💡 Bu izohlarni cheksiz davom ettirish mumkin, lekin agar yaxshi lug'at qoʻl ostimizda boʻlsa, lug'atdan foydalanib yuqoridagidek otlarning sanaladigan va sanalmaydigan ma'nolarda ishlatilishini oson bilib olish mumkin.
Media is too big
🎬What is a GERUND? 😣 Confusing English Grammar
♻️ ️Informal & Formal VERBS

1 say sorry apologize, apologise
2 go up increase
3 go down decrease
4 set up establish
5 look at examine
6 blow up explode
7 find out discover
8 bring about cause
9 put off postpone, delay
10 rack up accumulate
11 make up fabricate
12 stand for represent
13 find out discover, ascertain
14 leave out omit
15 point out indicate
16 go against oppose
17 get in touch with contact
18 It’s about It concerns, It’s in regards to
19 need to required
20 think about consider
21 get obtain
22 put up tolerate
23 deal with handle
24 seem appear
25 show demonstrate, illustrate, portray
26 start commence
27 keep retain
28 free release
29 get on someone’s nerves
30 ring up call
31 show up arrive
32 let permit
33 fill in substitute, inform
34 block undermine
35 give the go ahead, greenlight authorize, authorise
Jingle Bells original song
Kids Music
Kayfiyatlarni kutaramiz yangi 2020yilga yaxshi orzu maqsadlar qilish xayolini suramiz
Yangi yilda barcha ezgu niyatlaringiz amalga oshsin. Sog'lik, oilaviy baxt sizni tark etmasin. Hurmat bilan Shuhrat Karimboyev
Media is too big
Tashkent City боғидаги дронлар шоуси!!! Даҳшат, жуда гўзал 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Бўларкану, бизда ҳам шунақа замонавий кўнгилочар шоулар ташкил қилса.

Салют йўқ, деб кўпчилик хафа бўлганди, охирида салют ҳам отилибди мана :)

​​Ingliz tilida iborali fe'llar

Iborali fe'l — bu predlog yoki ravish bilan birga kelib, yangi ma'no anglatuvchi fe'ldir. Suhbat jarayonida iborali fe'llardan juda ko'p foydalaniladi. Barcha iborali fe'llarni yodlab olishning imkoni ham, zarurati ham yo'q, chunki ular 5.000 dan ortiqni tashkil qiladi, ammo bor-yo'g'i bir necha yuztasi ishlatiladi. Misollar:

Back away – o'zini orqaga olmoq, chekinmoq
Be back – qaytmoq
Be up – uyg'onmoq
Calm down – tinchlanmoq
Carry on – ishni davom ettirmoq
Check in – ro'yxatdan o'tmoq
Come in – kirmoq
Cut off – kesmoq, uzilib qolmoq
Dream up – o'ylab chiqarmoq
Eat out – tashqarida ovqatlanmoq
Fall down – qulamoq, ag'darilmoq
Find out – aniqlamoq, bilmoq
Get away – qochib ketmoq
Look forward to – kutmoq
Wake up – uyg'onmoq
USED TO ... with aviation

Plans for the Future

How to do IELTS Reading: step-by-step instructions

TASK: Identify if the statements are true, false or not given.
Question 19: Arctic pollution can sometimes RESEMBLE US urban pollution.

Our explanation: The main idea of the statement is that artic pollution = (RESEMBLES) pollution in America. So we have to find the line in the reading passage where there are all these key words or their synonyms. After that we can say if the statement is true, false or not given.

Reading passage: bla-bla-bla.... When the spring light arrives in the Arctic, there's a smog-like haze (haze is pollution, but the whole reading passage is about it, so we may think that it's not what we need and continue reading), which makes the region, at times, (nothing relevant yet) LOOK LIKE (WOW!!! 'Look like' is a synonym to 'resemble'. This is what we are looking for.) pollution over such cities as Los Angeles (WOW!!! Los Angeles is in the US. So I will read this sentence again to make sure that it's about pollution in Arctic and America. When I read again, I see that the reading passage compares smog-like haze, which is definitely pollution and pollution in US).

So, the correct answer is TRUE

Synonyms here:
look like = resemble
urban = a city such as Los Angeles
smog-like haze = pollution

P.S. This IELTS reading question has been taken from Ieltshelpnow (Academic Module, Test 2, reading passage 2). We highly recommend these practice tests.

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to be going to(-moqchi bo'lmoq)

1⃣ "to be going to V1" birikmasi insonlarning oldindan bashorat qilgan ish-harakatlarini ifodalash uchun kelasi zamon ma'nosida qo'llaniladi.

I am going to buy a new car next year - Men keyingi yili yangi mashina sotib olmoqchiman.

❗️Ammo "to be going to V1" birikmasi bilan "go" va "come" fe'llarini qo'llab bo'lmaydi. Biz bu fe'llarni oldindan rejalashtirilgan ish-harakatlarni ifodalash uchun yo "Present Continues" zamonida yoki "intend" fe'li bilan birga qo'llaymiz.

Linda intends to go to London next week - Linda keyingi hafta Londonga borishni niyat qilgan

2⃣ was/were going to V1 - o'tmishda biror bir ishni qilmoqchi bo'lgan lekin qila olmagan ish-harakatlar haqida gapirganda ishlatiladi.

Tom was going to apply to university, but his parents didn't allow him - Tom universtitutga topshirmoqchi bo'lgan edi, lekin uning ota-onasi unga ruxsat bermadi.

3⃣ Biz shuningdek "to be going to V1" birikmasini kelajakni bashorat qilganimizda ham qo'llaymiz. Bunda bizda hozirgi zamonda ko'rgan yoki bilib turgan isbot yoki dalilimiz bo'lishi kerak.

I have eaten too much chocolate and I feel bad now. I am going to be sick. - Men ko'p shokolad yeb qo'ydim va hozir ozimni yomon his qilyabman. Kasal bo'laman shekilli.
Future Simple tense
(Kelasi oddiy zamon)

❇️Structure: S + will/shall + V1
Inkor shaklda: Will not(won't)/shall not(shan't)

1️⃣ Biz "Future Simple" zamonini kelajakda sodir bo'ladigan ish-harakatlarni ifodalash uchun qo'llaymiz.
The guests will come tomorrow evening. - Mehmonlar ertaga kechqurun kelishadi.

2️⃣ Agarda biz kelajakda biror-bir ish-harakat qilishga hozir(gapirayotgan paytimizning o'zida) qaror qilsak "Future Simple" zamonini qo'llaymiz.
- I have passed my driving test!
- Really? Then, I shall bring a cake to celebrate!
(Hozir eshitib hozir qaror qildi)

3️⃣ "Future Simple" biror bir insonga o'zimizning yordamimizni taklif qilganda qo'llaniladi.
(qari kishi yuk ko'tarib ketayotganda)
- Give your bags to me! I shall carry them for you!

4️⃣ Biz biror bir ish qilishga rozi bo'lganimizda yoki rad etganimizda ham "Future Simple" zamonini qo'llaymiz.
The car won't start. - Mashina o't olmayabdi.

5️⃣ Biz biror bir insondan yordam so'raganimizda ham "Future Simple" zamoni qo'llaymiz. Bu holat doim "will you...?" shaklda keladi.
Will you open the door?

6️⃣Agar gap quyidagi gaplar :
I am sure - Men aminman
I hope - Umid qilamanki
I expect - Kutamanki
I think - O'ylashimcha
I promise - Vada beraman deb boshlansa ham asosan "Future Simple" zamonińi qo'llaymiz.
I hope you will solve the problem soon. (Umid qilamanki sen tezda muammo yechimini topasan)

7️⃣ Biz kelajakni bashorat qilganimizda ham "Future Simple" zamonini qo'llaymiz. Lekin bunda bizda hech qanday dalil isbot bo'lmaydi.
You will enter university - San universtitutga o'qishga kirasan.
(Bu vaziyatda bizda hech qanday dalil isbot yoq)

💡Signal words: tomorrow, next week/month/year..., in 2 days, tonight, etc.
🟡IELTS Reading Tips for Band 9🟡

🚦Skim over and watch for the answers
Skimming refers to looking only for the main ideas. You don't need to read attentively every word. Remember, you just need to answer the questions, nothing more. So skim over the text and then start looking for the answers.

🚦Watch your time
Don’t forget you have only 60 minutes to read three texts and answer 40 questions. You won’t get additional time for filling your answer sheet, so make sure manage your time properly.

🚦Is your spelling correct?
Check your spelling before writing your answer on the answer blank. You will get zero points for the answer if it's spelled incorrectly.

🚦Keep the order
Remember that the questions follow the order of the text in most cases. So the answer to question 5 will come after the answer to question 4 and so on.

When you skim over the text, underline the most important phrases. It will help you to save some time when you will search for answers.

🚦Unfamiliar vocabulary? That's OK!
Do not worry if the text seems unfamiliar to you or you don’t know some words. Every answer can be found in the text, you don’t need any additional knowledge to succeed.

🚦Pay attention to the details
Look thoroughly through the text. Any special features such as capital letters, underlining, italics, figures, graphs and tables are likely to matter.

🚦No blank boxes
Answer all the questions, even if you’re not sure in your answer. You don't get penalty for wrong answers, so try your luck and write the most probable answer.

🚦Cross out the wrong answers
If you saw answer that you're sure is wrong, cross it out. This way you won't get confused and save your time.

🚦Choose your own technique
It may sound strange at first, but... There is no ultimate advice which technique fits you the best. You should choose yourself how to search for right answers and what to do first: read questions or text. A lot successful candidates prefer to read the text first, and only then answer the questions. But some say it's better to do the other way.

🚩 Prepositions - Predloglar

Qarama-qarshi ma'noli predlog juftliklari

ABOVE - tepasida
BELOW - pastida

ALONG - bo'ylab
ACROSS - narigi tomonga

AMONG - orasida
BETWEEN - o'rtasida

AWAY FROM - ...dan uzoqda
NEAR - yaqinda

AROUND - atrofida
IN THE MIDDLE - o'rtasida

IN FRONT OF - oldida
BEHIND - orqasida

INTO - ichiga
OUT OF - ...dan tashqariga

ONTO - ustiga
OFF - ustidan

ON - ustida
UNDER - tagida

OVER - ustidan
UNDER - tagidan

RIGHT - o'ngga
LEFT - chapga

THROUGH - orasidan
PAST - yonidan

TO - (tomon) ga
FROM - (tomon) dan

UP - tepa
DOWN - past
2024/10/03 21:36:50
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