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Grammar time

🔸 Still better
🔸 Better still
🔸 Better yet

💠 Still better

Biror narsa avvallari yaxshiroq bo’lgan va hozirda ham shunday davom etayotganida ishlatiladi

I am not good as I used to be but I'm still better than you.

Biror narsa hanuz yaxshiroq ekanligini hatto biroz yomon tomonga o’zgarganda ham shundayligini ifodalashda ishlatiladi

The chicken is dry but it's still better than what I cooked yesterday.

💠 Better still

Kimdir yaxshi taklif bildirganda va sizda undanda yaxshiroq taklif bor bo’lganda ishlatiladi

You can send them your resume or better still try contacting the hiring manager directly.

💠 Better yet

Yomon fikrni yaxshirog’I bilan o’rnini almashtirganda ishlatiladi

If I'm late I will call you and inform better yet why don't you take responsibility and leave earlier next time.


🔶Phrasel Verbs🔶

🔹Take after somebody - Biror kimga o'xshash ko'rinmoq yoki xarakter ega bo'lmoq (asosan qarindoshlar o'rtasida)

🔹Take something apart - Biror narsani qismlarga bo'lmoq.

🔹Take something back - 1) Olib turgan narsani qaytarmoq. 2) Biror aytgan narsa xato yoki noto'g'ri ekanligini tan olmoq.

🔹Take something down - 1) Tuzilmani qismlarga ajratmoq. 2) Qog'ozga biror narsani yozib olmoq.

🔹Take somebody in - Kimgadir uyingizda qolishga ruhsat bermoq.

🔹Take something in - 1) Ma'lumotni qabul qilish va tushunmoq. 2) Kiyimni mos keladigan darajada kichraytirmoq.

🔹Take off - 1) Samalyotga nisbatan yerdan ko'tarilmoq. 2) Juda tez muvaffaqiyatga uchrash 3) To'satdan biror joyni tark etmoq (norasmiy)

🔹Take something off - 1) Kiyimni yechmoq. 2) Bir necha muddat ishga bormaslik.

🔹Take something on - Biror bir ishni yoki ma'sulyatni qabul qilmoq,

🔹Take somebody on - 1) Kimnidur ishga qabul qilmoq. 2) Kimgadir qarshi urishmoq yoki musobaqalashmoq.

🔹Take somebody out - Restorant yoki kinoga olib borib harajatni yonidan to'lamoq.

🔹Take something out - Biror joydan olib qo'ymoq.

🔹Take something out on somebody - Biror narsadan charchab yoki g'azabda begunoh insonga yomon muomilada bo'lmoq.

🔹Take over something - Boshqaruvni qo'lga olmoq.

🔹Take somebody through something - Biror narsani biror kimga bo'lim bilan tushuntirib bermoq.

🔹Take up something - 1) Joyni to'ldirish yoki vaqtni joylab olmoq. 2) Biror narsani doimiy qilishni boshlamoq.

🔹Take somebody up on something - Taklif yoki taklifnomani qabul qilmoq.

🔹Take something up with somebody - Biror kimga qandaydir muammodan shikoyat qilmoq.
Media is too big
🎬How To Use OTHER & ANOTHER Correctly ⭐️ English Lesson!

Yana sizlarga foydali dars buni ko'ring albatta

👉 @ingliztili_0dan
Speaking topic in Uzbekistan - 4 December in 2019

Describe an interesting conversation you had with other people.

You should say

Who the person was
Where and when you talked with the person
What you talked about with the person
And explain why it was interesting.

I would like to share with you one of the most interesting conversations I had with my teacher about my university choice.

To be honest, at that time, I was so confused with a lot of choices that I was totally exhausted. It was a tough decision for me because university was a turning point for my future career prospect. If I chose wrong, I would waste a lot of time and efforts. I had chosen a famous and high-ranked university, but I wondered whether I was qualified enough to register for it.

As it was the first time I had to make such big decision, I came to my dear teacher to ask for some advice as she had a lot of experience in every field. After listening carefully to my explanation, she asked me why I chose that university. I told her that because I was impressive with their teaching methods and extracurricular activities. Besides, as their students were highly qualified, I thought I can build up a good network there and learn a lot from them. Then, she asked what made me afraid of this choice, I answered that’s I wondered if I were excellent enough to be admitted. She smiled when I said so, and calmed me down by saying that I was among the most outstanding students she had had, and she was extremely confident that I could manage to meet their requirements. However, she implied that I shouldn’t worry too much about failure, instead, I should make a concerted effort to reach the goal I set. Her words really made me inspired that it could released all my fears and worries.

This conversation was interesting to me because apart from positive advice, she also helped to calm me down, thus, made me focus more on studying to achieve my goals.

Band 8
20 amazing phrases for daily uses | Intersting

♦️Are you OK? — hammasi joyidami ? 
♦️Are you still here? — hali ham shu yerdamisiz ? 
♦️Attention! — Diqqat ! 
♦️Don’t be late, please — Kechga qolmang, iltimos. 
♦️Don’t mind it, please — E’tibor qilmang. 
♦️Exactly so — aynan shunday. 
♦️Farewell — Hayr. Oq yo’l
♦️Give me a chance — Bir imkon ber. 
♦️How’s it going? — Nima gaplar? 
♦️It doesn’t matter — Farqi yo’q. 
♦️It was an accident — Bu tasodif. 
♦️It’s early (yet) — Hali erta! 
♦️Maybe — Balkim. 
♦️Never mind — Hechqisi yo’q. 
♦️No way! — Hech qanaqasiga! 
♦️See you! — Ko’rishguncha. 
♦️Take care — O’zingngizni asrang
♦️Talk to you later — keyinroq gaplashamiz
♦️Until we meet again — Ko’rishguncha. 
♦️Very well — Juda yaxshi.

Writing time


Some people believe that preserving natural environment is crucial, however, most make no effort to do so. Why do you think this is happening? What are some simple actions that could help the environment?


It is commonly believed that preservation of natural resources is imperative, yet most people seem to exert no effort in doing so. Understanding the causes of this negligent attitude may help with devising some simple measures to safeguard the deteriorating environment.

Lack of awareness is probably the foremost reason why the vast majority of individuals appears to be unmindful of the current environmental issues. Normally, people have tendency to downplay abstract problems, or those that likely to happen in the distant future. This is because they are not properly informed of the possible detrimental effects of taking the environment for granted. To illustrate, residents in urban areas often deliberately dump their wastes into the nearby creeks and drainage canals causing them to become clogged. It is only when devastating floods strike, that they come to realize the consequences of their actions.

Some basic solutions that could be carried out are extensive awareness campaignthrough all forms of communication and strict implementation of waste management. In addition to the traditional press, social media is a powerful means of disseminating information regarding the impending disasters and their potential hazards. This is a good way of persuading the public to actively take part in the campaign. Another straightforward solution, and by far the least anyone can do to help save the nature is disposing of garbage thoughtfully. Apart from avoiding throwing trash anywhere, everyone should practice proper segregation of biodegradable, non-biodegradable, and recyclable wastes at all times. These actions, when coordinated by the local governments, can be tremendously successful.

In conclusion, while individual awareness is key to maintaining a healthy ecosystem, concerted efforts of governments and their citizens are much more effective in achieving such goal.

☝️ Pay attention how perfect introduction and conclusion are written. They are short, clear, linked and direct. Main focus is given on bodies including ideas, academic vocabulary and grammar structures.

Remember ‼️

Your introduction and conclusion must have the same ideas but in different words

First Conditional (Birinchi toifadagi shart ergash gaplar)

▪️Mazkur turdagi gaplar if qatnashgan gap tarkibidagi shart amalga oshsa, kelajakda sodir boʻlishi mumkin boʻlgan ish-harakatlar uchun qoʻllaniladi.
▪️Odatiy qurilmasi:
▫️IF + Present Simple Tense, EGA + will/shall+V1 (oddiy kelasi zamon)
🔸If he passes his exam, he will get a place at university. ( Agar u imtihondan oʻtsa, universitetga qabul qilinadi.)
🔸If it doesn't rain, we will go on a picnic.

💡Umumiy qoidaga ko'ra, mazkur toifadagi ergash shart gaplarda hozirgi zamonlardan xohlagan biri qo'llanishi mumkin, asosiy gapda esa xohlagan kelajakni bildiruvchi zamon yoki modal fe'llar bo'lishi mumkin.
🔸If you're coming out with us tonight, you will need to be ready by 7 oʻclock.
🔸If you have finished your homework, you may go home. (Agar uy vazifasini tugatgan boʻlsangiz, uyga ketishingiz mumkin.)

▪️Shuningdek, mazkur toifadagi shart ergash gaplarda hokim gap buyruq gap shaklida ham bo'lishi mumkin.
🔸If you are ready, get your things and go back home.

▪️Yuqoridagi misollarda gapning mazmuniga koʻra, asosiy gapdagi ish-harakatlar kelajakda haqiqatda sodir boʻlishi mumkin, shuning uchun ham first conditional - haqiqatga toʻg'ri keladigan vaziyatlar uchun qo'llaniladi.

❤️Kanal sizga yoqqan boʻlsa, aʼzo boʻling va doʻstlaringizga ulashing
🎼 "Diamonds"
🎤 Rihanna

Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Find light in the beautiful sea, I choose to be happy
You and I, you and I, we’re like diamonds in the sky
You’re a shooting star I see, a vision of ecstasy
When you hold me, I’m alive
We’re like diamonds in the sky
I knew that we’d become one right away
Oh, right away
At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays
I saw the life inside your eyes
So shine bright tonight,
You and I
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Eye to eye,
So alive

We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shining bright like a diamond (x4)

We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Palms rise to the universe, as we moonshine and molly
Feel the warmth, we’ll never die
We’re like diamonds in the sky
You’re a shooting star I see, a vision of ecstasy
When you hold me, I’m alive
We’re like diamonds in the sky
At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays
I saw the life inside your eyes
So shine bright
You and I
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Eye to eye,
So alive

We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shining bright like a diamond (x4)

So shine bright
You and I
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Eye to eye,
So alive
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Shine bright like a diamond (x7)
Be (part1)
Be down - be depressed

- He has been down since his partner left him

Be down with - be ill.

- Jack is down with some bug and is off work today.

Be fed up - be bored, tired or sick of.

- I am fed up of his complaints.

Be in for - expect trouble, punishment.

- If you come to work late every day, you are in for trouble.

Be in on - be involved in.

- Susan was the only one who wasn't in on the plan.

Be into - to be interested in something.

- He is into computers .

Grammar | Time📖

✔️Than - solishtirish manosida
🔹Bobur is taller than Shohruh

✔️Then - vaqtga nisbatan keyin degan ma
noni beradi
🔸Kamila ate the dinner, then she watched some TV

✔️Complement - nimadir qisman toldirish
🔹This item is one of the most important complements of cars.

✔️Compliment - kimgadir yaxshi so
zlar bilan xushmuomalalik qilish
🔸Avaz made a good copmliment for his girlfriend that she was like a shining sunny.

✔️Fewer - sanaladigan narsa buyumlarga nisbatan ishlatiladi
🔹Oybek has fewer books than Farrukh

✔️Less - sanalmaydigan narsa buyumlar uchun ishlatiladi
🔸I think less talk makes you uncomparable

✔️Principal - bu kishiga yoki guruhga nisbatan yuqori darajani korsatadi
🔹Mr Abror is our principal

✔️Principle - qonun bilan belgilab qo
yilgan qoidalarga nisbatan
🔸Good looking is one of the principle of our company
Third Conditional (Uchinchi toifadagi shart ergash gaplar)

▪️Mazkur shart ergash gaplar oʻtgan zamondagi haqiqatga toʻg'ri kelmaydigan, hayoliy vaziyatlar va ish-harakatlar uchun qoʻllaniladi. Shartning noreal ekanligini koʻrsatish uchun vaziyat yoki ish-harakat oʻtgan zamonga taalluqli boʻlsa ham, if qatnashgan gap uzoq oʻtgan zamonda (Past Perfect Simple yoki Past Perfect Continuous tense) beriladi.
▪️Odatiy qurilmasi:
▫️IF + Past Perfect simple tense, EGA + would/should+have +V3(ed)
🔸 If I had known there was no more work to do, I would have stayed in bed. (Agar men u yerda qiladigan ish qolmaganligini bilganimda edi, men yotoqda yotgan boʻlardim)
🔸If they hadn't called the police in time, the thieves would have escaped. (Agar ular politsiyani o'z vaqtida chaqirishmaganida, o'g'rilar qochib ketishgan bo'lishardi)

💡Umumiy qoidaga ko'ra, mazkur toifadagi ergash shart gaplarda uzoq o'tgan davomiy zamon (Past perfect continuous) yoki (could have+V3(ed) modal fe'li ham qo'llanishi mumkin, asosiy gapda esa o'tgan zamon ma'nosidagi (could/might have +V3(ed) modal fe'llari bo'lishi mumkin.
🔸If he had been travelling in that car, he could have been killed too.
🔸If the ambulance had come sooner, they might have saved him.

▪️Yuqoridagi gaplarda if qatnashgan gap tarkibida oʻtgan zamon payt ravishlari boʻlsa ham (yesterday, that day, then) noreal vaziyat boʻlgani uchun uzoq oʻtgan zamon qoʻllaniladi.
🔸If he had come to the party yesterday, I would have been glad.

⚠️ Second va Third Conditional qurilmasidagi gaplar hozirgi (kelasi) va oʻtgan zamondagi vaziyatni tasvirlasa ham, ular noreal vaziyatlarga nisbatan qoʻllanilgani sababli har doim fe'llarni bir zamon orqaga surish lozim, ya'ni hozirgi zamon uchun oʻtgan zamon, oʻtgan zamon uchun uzoq oʻtgan zamon qoʻllash lozim.
🔸If he were here now, he would show us the city. (U bu yerda emas va shaharni koʻrsata olmaydi)
🔸If he had come to the party yesterday, I would have been glad. (U ziyofatga kelmadi..)

⚠️Yana bir e'tibor qilinadigan jihat - bu mazkur gaplarning mazmuni bilan bog'liq, ya'ni noreal gaplarda vaziyat askincha sodir bo'lgan bo'ladi.
🔸If he had come to the party yesterday, I would have been glad. (U ziyofatga kelmadi..)

❤️Kanal sizga yoqqan boʻlsa, aʼzo boʻling va doʻstlaringizga ulashing
1 MB
Speaking questions and answers by Simon
Ingliz tilidagi kasallik nomlarini o'qishni o'rganamiz

🎯 Allergy [ˈalədʒi] - Allergiya
🎯 Brain attack [breɪn əˈtak] - Insult
🎯 Bronchitis [brɒŋˈkʌɪtɪs] - Bronxit
🎯 Burn [bəːn] - Kuyish
🎯 Cancer [ˈkansə] - Saraton
🎯 Chicken pox [ˈtʃɪkɪnpɒks] - Chipqon
🎯 Cold [kəʊld] - Shamollash
🎯 Colitis [kəˈlʌɪtɪs] - Kulunj (yo'g'on ichak yallig'lanishi)
🎯 Contagious disease [kənˈteɪdʒəs dɪˈziːz] - Yuqumli kasalliklar
🎯 Diabetes [ˌdʌɪəˈbiːtiːz] - Diabet
🎯 Disordered stomach [dɪsˈɔːdəd ˈstʌmək] - Oshqozon og'rig'i
🎯 Dysentery [ˈdɪs(ə)nt(ə)ri] - Dizenteriya
🎯 Epilepsy [ˈɛpɪlɛpsi] - Tutqanoq
🎯 Food poisoning [fuːd ˈpɔɪz(ə)nɪŋ] - Oziq-ovqatdan zaharlanish
🎯 Gastritis [gaˈstrʌɪtɪs] - Gastrit
🎯 Heart attack [hɑːt əˈtak] - Yurak xuruji, infarkt
🎯 Hypertension [hʌɪpəˈtɛnʃ(ə)n] - Gipertenziya
🎯 Inflammation [ɪnfləˈmeɪʃ(ə)n] - Yallig'lanish
🎯 Influenza [ɪnflʊˈɛnzə], flu [fluː] - Gripp
🎯 Measles [ˈmiːz(ə)lz] - Qizamiq
🎯 Nephritis [nɪˈfrʌɪtɪs] - Nefrit
🎯 Pharyngitis [ˌfarɪŋˈdʒʌɪtɪs] - Farangit
🎯 Pneumonia [njuːˈməʊnɪə] - Pnevmoniya
🎯 Rheumatism [ˈruːmətɪz(ə)m] - Revmatizm
🎯 Smallpox [ˈsmɔːlpɒks] - Chechak
🎯 Tuberculosis [tjʊˌbəːkjʊˈləʊsɪs] - Sil
🎯 Tumour [ˈtjuːmə] - Shish, o'simta
🎯 Ulcer [ˈʌlsə] - Oshqozon Yarasi

😉 Have Some Modal Verbs for Tea Time:

1. May:

i) To make requests (formal) - May I sit down?
ii) To give permission (formal) - You may sit down.
iii) To show possibility - It's starting to get cloudy - it may rain soon.

2. Can:👇

i) To make requests (informal) - Can I sit down?
ii) To give permission (informal) - You can sit down.
iii) To express possibility (in general) - It can rain sometime.

3. Could:👇

i) To make requests (polite) - Could I sit down?
ii) To express possibility (weaker than "may") - It could rain but it is not common in this part of the country

4. Would:👇

i) To make requests (polite) - Would you mind if I sit down?
ii) To express possibility (weaker than "may") - It could rain but it is not common in this part of the country

5. Must:👇

i) To show obligation (full) - You must tell the police the truth
ii) To express logical conclusions (stronger than should) - He left an hour ago, so he must be there already

6. Should: 👇

i) To show obligation (partial) - You should tell your friends the truth
ii) To express logical conclusions (weaker than must) - He left an hour ago, I believe he should be there already.

7. Ought to:👇

i) To show obligation (partial & less common) - You ought to tell your friends the truth

8. Might:👇

i) To express possibility (weaker than "may") - It's not very cloudy yet, but it might rain

9. Will: 👇

i) To show future (actions/ states/ Intentions) - Look at the sky! It will rain soon.

2024/10/03 21:35:31
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