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Forwarded from Andrew Bridgen
We know how the state will take back control of our lives.

Through giving away our sovereignty by agreeing to the WHO pandemic treaty and the amendments to the IHR.

By signing the UK into the EU defence and security agreement.

With the introduction of Digital ID and CBDCs.

Through more Net Zero measures and increased taxes.

It’s all there, and Starmer is the WEF puppet with the parliamentary majority who will deliver for his masters.

He thinks the UK people will just suck it up.
Forwarded from LauraAboli (Laura Aboli)
Media is too big
Everything is interrelated, everything plays a part in getting us where they need us to be; sick, compliant, servient, fearfull, weak, powerless, brainwashed, obedient, transhuman slaves.

Viruses, racial conflict, mass shootings, gender psyops, food shortages, vaccines, 5G, geoengineering, all of it is by design in order to get us a step closer to their ultimate goals.

Their agenda is so anti-human, anti-nature and anti-life that in order to get us there, they need to destroy our health, our will, our faith, our power and everything in our lives that has a positive impact: family, spirituality, human connection, unity, creativity and love. They must destroy all the things that make life worth living, because those are the things we will fight for.

That is why they divide us, they make us fight, they distract us and they indoctrinate us to think that wrong is right and right is wrong.

They confuse young people about their gender, they convince women that killing their unborn child is a right, they call parents terrorists and terrorists democrats, they promote pedophilia, they distribute crack pipes instead of helping addicts into rehab, they send arms to Nazis, but won’t let you own a gun to defend yourself, they want you eating insects and won’t let you grow your own food, they stigmatise alternative medicine and promote Big Pharma’s drugs that never cure but make you a customer for life and they make us think we are weak, powerless beings in need of their protection, when nothing could be further from the truth.

It takes an enormous amount of strength to swim against this evil current, so if you are one of those people that is swimming against it and is still afloat, pat yourself on the back - you are AMAZING!!!
William Bisset Report 11: Interviews with NZDSOS Conference Speakers

Watch here:

In this video, William Bisset interviews eight key speakers from the NZDSOS (New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science) conference, including renowned experts Dr. Paul Marik and Professor Angus Dalgleish. The conference, titled "Empowering Change: Methods, Motivation, and Evidence," delves into critical issues surrounding medical freedom, transparency, and accountability in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.
NZDSOS advocates for a future grounded in ethical medical practice, informed consent, and independent governance. Their objectives include:
1. The end of COVID-19 injections in New Zealand, along with regulatory reforms.
2. Government acknowledgment of harm caused by COVID injections and mandates, with full investigation into reports of injury.
3. A Truth & Reconciliation-style inquiry into New Zealand’s COVID response, led by independent investigators with no conflicts of interest.
4. Freedom for doctors to practice in accordance with the principles of Primum Non Nocere (First, Do No Harm), the Nuremberg Code, and the New Zealand Bill of Rights.
5. Reclaiming the national health strategy, ensuring separation between regulatory bodies like Medsafe and the pharmaceutical industry.
6. Restoring national sovereignty, starting with independence from the World Health Organization (WHO).
Learn more at: NZDSOS: Brilin Functional Medicine Centre:
Don't miss William’s upcoming workshop: Register here: Save with discount code: CSM (a portion of proceeds goes to Counterspin Media!)

This, and all previous episodes are available here:

This episode is also available as an audio podcast:

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Forwarded from UK Column Extracts
Media is too big
What Is Hezbollah Really? Exploring Its History, Role, and Regional Impact - UK Column News - 25th September 2024

- BBC: What is Hezbollah and why is Israel attacking Lebanon?
- NPR: The history of Hezbollah
- Council on Foreign Relations: What Is Hezbollah?
- The American Conservative (2017): Hezbollah is Not a Threat to America
- Al Manar: Where Was Geagea When Hezbollah Was Protecting Nuns and Monasteries from Terrorists in Syria? (Video)
- Combating Terrorism Center: Hizballah’s Lebanese Resistance Brigades
- International Business Times (2015): Christian, Sunni And Shia: Meet Hezbollah's Non-Denominational Military Branch Defending Lebanon, Fighting In Syria
- The Christian Post (2015): 'They Accept Us as We Are;' Christians Join Forces With Muslim Group Hezbollah to Fight ISIS in Lebanon
- Nations Online: Map of Lebanon

Download as MP3 - MP4
Full news and all the source links:
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Let us remind you: vaccination campaigns will become much more aggressive.

WHO Director-General and representative of major pharmaceutical companies Dr. Tedros:
"But you know what a serious problem anti-vaxxers are. And I think we need to develop a strategy to really combat them because vaccines work... And we have the science on our side. I think it's time to take more aggressive action against anti-vaxxers. I think they're taking advantage of COVID and all the chaos that they're causing. Maybe that's one of the messages I want to add to everything I've said.
Forwarded from John M
💥 Stop Water Fluoridation CAMPAIGN UPDATE 💥


Key Court case relating to fluoridation of drinking water has been won! This is a direct nail in the coffin for water fluoridation. What happen in the US and its repercussions over here are going to be interesting to see.                                         

Here is the essential part of the judgement.

“The issue before this Court is whether the Plaintiffs have established by a preponderance of the evidence that the fluoridation of drinking water at levels typical in the United States poses an unreasonable risk of injury to health of the public within the meaning of Amended TSCA. For the reasons set forth below, the Court so finds.

Specifically, the Court finds that fluoridation of water at 0.7 milligrams per liter (“mg/L”) – the level presently considered “optimal” in the United States – poses an unreasonable risk of reduced IQ in children..the Court finds there is an unreasonable risk of such injury, a risk sufficient to require the EPA to engage with a regulatory response...One thing the EPA cannot do, however, in the face of this Court’s finding, is to ignore that risk."
Forwarded from freedomtirade
Media is too big
easy share👆🏼

high res here:

if the hypocritical stench
of the CO2 scam
sets off your
bull$# 1t
like it did with
COVID then...
Share this mOnTaGe freely

Bill Gates has repeatedly said we need to get to
"Zero CO2 Emissions"

Anyone who understands basic biology knows what would actually happen to the planet if we reached a point of
"Zero CO2 Emissions"

Bill Gates says that planting trees cannot help reduce CO2. (as if elevated CO2 was ever actually a problem on the planet in recent millenia)

Bill Gates says that the only effective way to reduce CO2 is to invest in his pyramid ponzi scheme of high tech Carbon capture.

So the questions beg,

1) Is there a similar lying stench to the CO2 narrative as to COVID narrative?
2) Is "Zero CO2 emissions" 
an innocent repetitive misinforming slip of the tongue by Bill Gates,
where he actually means something else?
Or is he just an opportunistic liar?

SLAP a tyrant today
Forwarded from Dr. Aseem Malhotra
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‘Doctor exposes Big Pharma’

‘The reason this country is going down the toilet is because we don’t have enough public servants that are willing to stand up like this guy’

It’s time to take back our health from a corrupted system 🔥🔥🔥

Forwarded from Together Declaration
Media is too big
"We won a case... a mother fought (against forced) vaccination of young son"

Law or Fiction speaking at our Together 3rd Anniversary Event about legal case

#together stronger
2024/09/30 11:27:20
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