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Answers below ⬇️

1. B. Magazine
2. D. construction of roads
3. A. effective occupation
4. D. introduction of a new language
5. C. establish their rule and authority
6. ⁠6. C. discouragement of animal husbandry
7. B. They were welcomed by all the host communities
8. D. power in war
9. D. signing of treaties
10. D. could survive long periods without water
11. C. they wanted the school children to imitate their teachers
12. C. jihad
13. D. The growth of towns and cities
14. A. ostrich feather
16. B. pilgrimage
17. D. enslavement of ex-slaves
18. A. To invest surplus capital
19. B. gold and slaves
20. A. Europe
21. B. opposition and diplomacy
22. D. the first liberated slaves were settled
23. C. exploit the resources of the region
24. B. neo-colonialism
25. B. Ivory Coast
26. C. implementation of government programs
27. A. outbreak of diseases
28. D. artifacts
29. A. ethnography
30. D. Arabs
31. D. colonial domination
32. D. European merchants and missionaries
33. A. promote free movement of people and goods among member states
34. B. Muslim merchants from North Africa
35. A. Growth of West African culture
36. A. promotion of racism among the people of the world
37. D. the benefits each region acquired from the trade
38. C. emergence of new trading centers
39. C. international peace and security
40. B. decline of indigenous industries
41. C. scientific curiosity
42. D. Sugar cane
43. C. gold
44. D. Liberia
45. A. colorful political manifestos
46. B. Togo
3 b) i) The internal resistance of a cell (or battery) refers to the resistance within the cell that opposes the flow of electric current. It is caused by the materials within the cell, such as the electrolyte, electrodes, and any internal connections.

ii) I= 2A, V= 3V, R = ?
According to ohms law, R= V/I
Where R = resistance measurer in ohms
V= voltage measured in volts
I = current measures in ampere.
R= V/ I
R = 3/2
R = 1.5 ohm
Therefore, the internal resistance of the cell is 1.5 ohms.
Make sure you used your school end pointβœ…
Management in Living actual papers
Agriculture main papers
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QUESTION 5 AND 6 β€οΈβ€οΈπŸ“


Section A (Management)

1. Management in living:
- Management refers to the process of planning, organizing, and controlling resources to achieve goals and objectives.

2. Characteristics of management situations:
- Uncertainty: Management involves dealing with uncertain situations and making decisions with limited information.
- Interdependence: Management involves working with others, such as team members, stakeholders, and customers.
- Change: Management involves adapting to changing circumstances and navigating through transitions.

3. Instances when management is needed:
- Goal setting and planning
- Resource allocation and prioritization
- Problem-solving and decision-making
- Team leadership and collaboration

4. Factors that affect management:
- Environmental factors (e.g., market trends, economic conditions)
- Organizational factors (e.g., company culture, structure)
- Human factors (e.g., individual behavior, motivation)
- Technological factors (e.g., advancements, innovations)

5. Motivators in management:
- Achievement motivation (drive to succeed)
- Affiliation motivation (need for social connections)
- Power motivation (desire for influence and control)
- Intrinsic motivation (personal satisfaction and enjoyment)

Section B (Money Management)

1. Differentiate between budget and budgeting:
- Budget: A financial plan outlining projected income and expenses.
- Budgeting: The process of creating and managing a budget.

2. Factors contributing to success in money management:
- Financial literacy and knowledge
- Goal setting and planning
- Self-discipline and responsibility
- Adaptability and flexibility

3. Factors determining family income level:
- Education and skill level
- Occupation and industry
- Location and cost of living
- Family size and composition
- Investment and savings habits

4. Characteristics of money:
- Medium of exchange
- Store of value
- Unit of account
- Standard of deferred payment
- Portability and divisibility
2024/09/30 04:26:02
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