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πŸ”†Whales to be granted the same legal rights as people

The King of New Zealand's Indigenous Maori people made an impassioned call for whales to be granted the same legal rights as people in a bid to protect the hallowed yet vulnerable species.

New Zealand has previously passed laws granting legal status to natural features such as rivers and mountains that are important to the Maori people.


πŸ”†G2G agreement b/w india & Isreal

G2G stands for government-to-government agreement between India and Israel

The G2G mechanism has been worked out to keep away middlemen and to make the process of hiring fair through the screening tests conducted by Israeli examiners, who visited India a few times and coordinated the process with the Indian government agencies.


πŸ”†What would be the impact of Baltimore bridge collapse?


πŸ”†Modernization of weapons and it's effect?


πŸ”†Beijeing + henoi + tokyo naval drill


πŸ”†What's behind the US China Trade Fight?


πŸ”†IAEA concern again
Ukrian-russia escalation causing danger for nulcear power plant


πŸ”†MRSA a agreement between india-US for ship repair
πŸ”†Milllertry upgrade in A&Nicobar
Due to china footing in indian ocean


πŸ”†Can the judiciary be truly independent in Pakistan


πŸ”†The United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture

βœ…The United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture is a unique UN operation that gives direct help to victims of torture and their families. It was established in 1981 by the General Assembly (resolution 36/151) to focus global attention on the needs of torture victims

βœ…The voluntary contributions that the Fund receives, mostly from Member States, contribute to rehabilitation, reparation, empowerment and access to remedies for nearly 50,000 torture survivors each year.

βœ…The Fund is managed by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, with the advice of a Board of Trustees composed of independent experts from the five regions of the world.

βœ…In 2022 India has contributed four lakh US dollars to four Voluntary Trust Funds as part of its commitment to global promotion and protection of human rights and support for United Nations Human Rights.


πŸ”†EU clear migration system revamp


Defense attaches of Indian geopolitical stretegy


πŸ”†International tax deal between india- mauritious upon tax treaty
Aiim to plug the evasion


Myanmar peril by civil war
#mapping also given here


2024/09/22 21:26:29
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