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πŸ”† Financial Stability Board (FSB):

βœ…FSB is an international body that monitors and makes recommendations about the global financial system.

βœ…It was established in April 2009 after the G20 Summit in London as the successor to the Financial Stability Forum.


βœ…To coordinate at the international level the work of national financial authorities and international standard-setting bodies and to develop and promote the implementation of effective regulatory, supervisory, and other financial sector policies.

βœ…The FSB, working through its members, seeks to strengthen financial systems and increase the stability of international financial markets

βœ…Headquarters: Basel, Switzerland.

βœ…The board includes all G20 major economies.

βœ…The FSB consists of 68 member institutions. It comprises several central banksministries of finance, and supervisory and regulatory authorities from 25 jurisdictions, as well as 10 international organizations and six Regional Consultative Groups (RCGs).


βœ…The Plenary, which serves as the sole decision-making body.

βœ…The Steering Committee, which takes forward operational work in between Plenary meetings.

βœ…Three Standing Committees, each with specific but complementary responsibilities.

βœ…The FSB’s decisions are not legally binding on its members.

βœ…India and FSB: India is an active Member of the FSBhaving three seats in its Plenary represented by Secretary (Dept of Economic Affairs), Deputy Governor-RBI, and Chairman-SEBI.
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πŸ”†International Finance Corporation

βœ…It was founded in 1956 with Washington, DC as its headquarters.

βœ…It is a member of the World Bank Group.

βœ…Mandate: Advance economic development and improve the lives of people by encouraging the growth of the private sector in developing countries.

βœ…It helps countries develop their private sectors in a variety of ways
βœ…Investing in companies through loans, equity investments, debt securities and guarantees.

βœ…Mobilising capital from other lenders and investors through loan participations, parallel loans and other means.

βœ…Advising businesses and governments to encourage private investment and improve the investment climate.

βœ…Governance: The IFC is owned and governed by its member countries. It is a corporation whose shareholders are member governments that provide paid-in capital and have the right to vote on its matters.


πŸ”†Climate Club

βœ…Recently, the Climate Club was formally launched at the 28th Conference of Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

βœ…It is led by Germany and Chile, the Club has garnered support from 36 member countries including Kenya, the European Union, Switzerland and others.

βœ…It aims to make decarbonisation of industries successful for climate and businesses, through ambitious policies, alignment of methodologies and standards and improving finance and assistance for emerging and developed economies.

βœ…The activities of the club are divided into three key pillars: -
πŸ”°Pillar 1: Advancing ambitious and transparent climate change mitigation policies.
πŸ”°Pillar 2: Transforming industries
πŸ”°Pillar 3: Boosting international cooperation and partnership

βœ…Two co-chairs will be elected for two-year terms for the Club. Currently, Germany and Chile serve as the co-chairs.

βœ…A body of members will determine the scope and approve the work programme, budget and amendments.

βœ…Furthermore, a steering group will be formed to support the body of members when the Club reaches 40 members.


πŸ”†India re elected to IMO council


πŸ”†The UN Commission for Social Development (CSocD):

βœ…CSocD, formerly known as the Social Commission, is a functional commission of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations.

βœ…It has been in existence since the very inception of the United Nations, advising ECOSOC and governments on a wide range of social policy issues and from the social perspective of development.

βœ…Its primary purpose is to advance social development and formulate policies and recommendations to address global social issues.

βœ…It focuses on topics such as poverty eradication, social inclusion, and the promotion of equitable and sustainable development.

βœ…Since the 1995 World Summit for Social Development in Copenhagen, the CSocD has been the key UN body in charge of the follow-up and implementation of the Copenhagen Declaration and Programme of Action.

πŸ”°Originally 18, membership has been increased several times, most recently in 1996, and now stands at 46.
πŸ”°Members are elected by ECOSOC based on equitable geographical distribution for four-year terms.

πŸ”°The CSocD meets every year at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, typically in February.
πŸ”°During its meetings, member states, international organisations, and civil society representatives come together to discuss and address various social development issues.
πŸ”† Climate finance

βœ…Climate finance is a key topic of discussion at COP28 as it has been a bone of contention between low income countries and developed nations. Here is a look at the issue.

β–ͺ️What is climate finance?
βœ…Climate finance refers to large-scale investments required for actions aiming to mitigate or adapt to the consequences of climate change.

β–ͺ️What is adaptation?
βœ…Adaptation involves anticipating the adverse effects of climate change and taking appropriate action to prevent or minimise the damage they can cause.
βœ…One example of adaptation measures includes building infrastructure to protect coastal communities against sea-level rise.


πŸ”†International Criminal Court.

βœ…The Armenian parliament recently, voted to join the International Criminal Court.

βœ…The move is likely to further strain Armenia’s deteriorating relation with its ally Russia, which last month called Armenia’s push to join the ICC an β€œunfriendly step.”
International Criminal Court:-
βœ…Establishment: 2002.
βœ…HQ: Hague, Netherlands.
βœ…Official languages: English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Spanish.

βœ…The International Criminal Court (ICC) is an international organization and international tribunal.

βœ…The Court’s founding treaty,
called the Rome Statute.

βœ…India is not a party to the Rome Statute along with US and China.

βœ…It is the world’s first
permanent international criminal court.

βœ…The International Criminal
Court (ICC) investigates and, where warranted, tries individuals charged with the gravest crimes of concern to the international community.

πŸ“ICC’s Jurisdiction:-

βœ…It grants the ICC jurisdiction over four main crimes.

πŸ”°First: the crime of genocide.
It is characterized by the specific intent to destroy in whole or in part a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group by killing its members or by other means: causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group.

πŸ”°Second: the ICC can prosecute crimes against humanity. (Rohingya & ICC)
These are serious violations committed as part of a large-scale attack against any civilian population.

πŸ”°Third: war crimes are grave breaches of the Geneva conventions in the context of armed conflict.

πŸ”°Fourth: includes crime falling within the ICC’s jurisdiction is the crime of aggression. It is the use of armed force by a State against the sovereignty, integrity, or independence of
another State.

βœ…The definition of this crime was adopted by amending the Rome Statute at the first Review Conference of the Statute in Kampala, Uganda, in 2010.

πŸ“Limitations of ICC:-
βœ…ICC does not have its own police force or enforcement body, it relies on cooperation with countries worldwide for support.

βœ…There are insufficient checks and balances on the authority of the ICC prosecutor and judges.

βœ…ICC has been accused of being a tool of Western imperialism and biased in favour of powerful countries against weak states.


πŸ”†US and Japanese divers recently discovered the wreckage and remains of crew members from a crashed US Air Force CV-22B Osprey aircraft off southwestern Japan.

πŸ“ CV-22B Osprey:

βœ…It is a tiltrotor aircraft that combines the vertical take-off, hover, and vertical landing qualities of a helicopter with the long-range, fuel efficiency, and speed characteristics of a turboprop aircraft.

βœ…It was developed to fulfil the needs of the U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy operational requirements worldwide.

βœ…It is built by Boeing, an American aerospace company.

βœ…It is used for a wide-range of missions, including long-range infiltration, exfiltration, medium-range assault, special operations, VIP transport, resupply, disaster relief, search-and-rescue, medical evacuation, and humanitarian missions
πŸ”†US-China Summit

βœ…The bilateral summit between US President Joe Biden and the Chinese leader Xi Jinping was held in San Francisco on the margins of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).

βœ…The United States is the host of APEC for 2023.

βœ…This summit is significant amidst the rising tension between the two countries.
πŸ”°The two leaders had not met in person since they held talks in Bali in November 2022.
πŸ”°Their relations nose-dived after the United States shot down an alleged Chinese spy balloon in February
this year

πŸ“Key Outcomes

βœ… Commitment to closer communication: Both the leaders have agreed to resume military-to-military
communications in an effort to ease rising tensions.

βœ…Both sides also decided to open a presidential hotline.

βœ… Steps to tackle the flow of fentanyl into the US, which has contributed to a rise in overdose deaths in the country.

βœ… Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid analgesic that is similar to morphine but is 50 to 100 times more potent.

βœ…Chinese manufacturing companies are a source not only of the synthetic opioid itself but of precursor
chemicals which can be combined to make Fentanyl.

βœ…Under the deal, China will directly target companies that are producing those precursor chemicals.

βœ…On artificial intelligence: The two leaders also agreed to get experts together to discuss the risks of artificial

βœ…Deepen cooperation on climate change ahead of the COP28 conference in Dubai
πŸ”†A recent report discussed the effects of India’s improved ranking in the Global Terrorism Index.

βœ…India's Global Terrorism Index (GTI) score of 7.43 and crime index score of 44.7 indicated a decline in terror and crime incidents since 2016 which can be attributed to strengthened security

βœ…Published by: Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP).
βœ…Publication timing: annually.

βœ… The Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), a global think tank.

βœ…HQ: Sydney, Australia.

βœ…The index is based primarily on the Global Terrorism Database (GTD) collated by the National
Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) at the University of Maryland, besides other sources

πŸ“Key Highlights

βœ…Attacks have become more deadly with the lethality rising by 26%.

βœ… Islamic State (IS) and its affiliates remained the world’s deadliest terrorist group in 2022 for the eighth consecutive year, with attacks in 21 countries.

βœ…Ideological terrorism continues to be the most prominent and deadliest form of terrorism in the West.

βœ…The Sahel is the most impacted region, representing 43% of global terrorism deaths.

βœ…Pakistan recorded the second-largest surge in terror-related deaths worldwide in 2022, with the toll increasing significantly to 643.

βœ…South Asia remains the region with the worst average GTI score.

βœ…India ranks 13th on The Global Terrorism Index (GTI).


πŸ”†China accords diplomatic recognition to Taliban government in Afghanistan

China along with Pakistan and Russia maintained its embassy in Kabul after the Taliban took control of Afghanistan in August 2021 following the withdrawal of American troops from the war-ravaged country.

China has become the first country to confer diplomatic status to a Taliban-nominated official as Afghanistan’s Ambassador to Beijing, thereby formally recognising the Taliban-run administration as a legitimate government in Kabul.
2024/09/25 11:24:31
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