电报群组 cn telegram Group & telegram Channel 10
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Telegram 免费精品学习资源, 129900 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel 电报群组, cnTelegram 免费精品学习资源, 129900 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel, USA, US
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Last year, Telegram brought a unique feature that allows you to discover Telegram users and groups based on your location. This comes really handy when you want to add someone to your Telegram without sharing your mobile number. Also, if you are going to conferences, campuses or festivals, you can find several groups related to the place and event just like that. To add nearby people, open the Telegram menu and go to “Contacts”. Here, tap on “Add People Nearby” and there you have it. Previously, it was required to keep the screen open for this feature to work. But now users can turn on the “Make Me Visible” option in the People Nearby window so nearby users can see their profile without needing to have the window open. A great way to organize your chats inside a group or channel is by using hashtags. When you use a hashtag in a message, that word becomes searchable allowing you to see all the messages relating to that topic. For example, if the group is discussing the new Avengers movie, everyone can use the Avengers hashtag. If you want to see all the messages in one location, you can just tap on the hashtag and all the messages with that hashtag will come up. Turn on Secret Chat
View Search Results in List View Next up, tap Sound and then choose your custom notification sound located under the Telegram Tones section. Make sure to tap Done at the top right to finish. Interestingly, Telegram names your custom notification sound as Cloud Tone and also allows you to upload any audio as a notification sound for a chat. Do you enjoy using both light and dark modes? Telegram has an auto-night feature so the app doesn't blind you at night. Cloud access
Polls and Quiz Mode Open Telegram chat Copy a Part of Text from a Message Read: 8 Most Common Encryption Techniques To Save Private Data
Read: 7 Best Facebook Alternatives That Keep Your Data Private | 2020 Edition Yes, with the recent update, now you can add animated stickers of Telegram on both images and videos. We all love Telegram’s high-quality animated stickers and now you can bring life to still images using these popular animated stickers. However, keep in mind, after adding stickers, images will turn into GIFs and might lose some quality. So to use this feature, just select your image/video and tap on the “brush” icon at the bottom. After that, tap on the sticker icon and add animated stickers to your media. That’s it.
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