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I really wanted to be the one she'd forever feel safe with
The voices in my head grew louder
Especially during the nights
I think she heard them
I think that was the reason she ran away

Fam if you want to share anything pls feel free @poetic4life
Mother made of six letter

We gaze up to feel the warmth of the sun
Yet still it's rays burn
Unlike the one down on earth
The tender palms the caring hands from birth
A shelter of love and fondness
Blooming lights in the darkness
Sanctuary for the hopeless
Always there in the ups and down
To encourage and lift you up as you frown
She is a queen with a crown

Words that come from her mouth
Soothing humility as things go south
She is the sun down on earth
The ardent soul who gave you birth
Sad when you're sad joyful when you feel mirth
The pure reflection of your worth

No matter what
She'll sacrifice with what she got
Even if she loses a lot
She'll untie the bothering knot
Just to see a smile in that place in that spot
Remeber even if you forgot
By her ardent care that you're brought

Mother made of six letter
Her presence makes you feel better
And her absence is an agony that gets heavier
She is the coach that made you a fighter
When you're in despair the person who have hold you tighter
She is an onyx gem
About you worries that you condemn
Engulfed in her arm as you speak mum
Her zealous care her love nobody could sum

She is the sun down on earth
The soul who have been fond of you from birth
Mother made of six letter
Her presence always makes you feel better
So make sure to take care of her
Adore her before her presence becomes of blurr
Show her you love before you regret it later
As her absence becomes forever
As you lose your savior
Before that day show her
That's she's your treasure
Later better than never

Forwarded from Awaqi 200k Challenge
Hi, it's me @iggad, Help me win Awaqi's Challenge by voting for me on @GodanaChallenge

P.s Don't forget to follow Awaqi's main Channel on @awaqiethiopia
Forwarded from Sita Ramara Ju
Your silent shout, your coldest flamming thoughts
I can hear it through my soul, i can feel it in my head
The eternal tears of your heart, the face that doesn't share its pain
It lectures the strength of yours
the broken heart that you experienced never saw in your smiley eyes,
the pain that you didn't disclose can't be capable by other hurt souls
The happy face that you gave me, the darker truth, you uncovered me ,
tell me to not let you go, where ever you head

What a poem ❤️❤️❤️

#poetry #feelings #subscriber
Silent words pinned «Your silent shout, your coldest flamming thoughts I can hear it through my soul, i can feel it in my head The eternal tears of your heart, the face that doesn't share its pain It lectures the strength of yours the broken heart that you experienced never saw…»
Fam if you want to share anything feel free @poetic4life
I feel the rain, that drop in to my skin, which trigger my nerves
I feel the fogg that sit above my head, which carried a mass of thoughts
They can't see it, but they can't understand it
They can't read it, but they won't explain it
I am surrounded with people yet left alone
When the noon left, the night replace
the pain starts with no reason,
When the day comes it drops
Off by beautiful makeup in my face

#poetry #subscriber
Untold stories

My poems are not just combination of words,
They are my feelings.
They are my silent cries.
Some of them are loudest cries,
Some of them are cries without tears...

My poems are not just successive lines,
They are my experiences.
They are my silent battles.
Some of them are between me and myself,
Some of them are between me and bitter truths....

~Reema Faarath Rasmi~

#legendarywrites #soulofateenager.
Eid al Adha Mubarak for all our Muslim subscribes may this blessed day shower you with mercy from Allah and his bliss❤️❤️❤️
Teenage emotions

Everybody goes through this phase
Yet people don't understand us.
We are people with confused minds,
Best friends become strangers,
traumas and silent cries become night companions,
From Extrovert to introvert,it's common,
Faking a smile is too easy than explaining,
People say wish We never met,
Parents say laziest one is me,
School like do better,
Crying without a reason is not a big issue,
Thousand moodswings per day is obviously normal,
Blured letters in diaries are habitual,
When and where we find ourselves in lyrics,
Un imagined goodbyes are usual,
Guilty and griefs left behind,
Self doubts haunt the heart,
Messed up rooms and Faded dreams,
Stucked in between ambition and distraction,
Finally we all became liars,
Some truths are neither explained nor revealed,
Better if it's a fantasy.

~Reema Faarath Rasmi~

#legendarywrites #soulofateenager

#subscriber #poetry
Shadows and Reflections

It's been so long
Pretending like you're strong
Borders pushed so far
As in the ash of a star
Once ignited with passion
Seizes to exist with struggle and caution

Impersonated a role too good
Too good not to be true
Can't tell the difference no one could
Curved lines shadow waves of blue

It's easy to fake it and smile
Faces pass by & u get used to it for a while
Keep hearing them words & mumbles
Tune them out & try not to stumble
Getting under your skin day by day
Scripted words whatever you say

Looking through your eyes
Only that mirror can tell the lies
That same face piercing into your soul
Seeking that SOS call
A reflection that screams what you whisper
Scars feelings like yesterday still blister

Kicks in behind close doors
A roller coaster of emotions keeping score
Shoved deep down yet still in the shallow
Entagled between a reflection and a shadow
Tip toeing in hesitation which one to follow

Smiles of a shadow or screams of a reflection
A performer's charade or a refugee's confession
An approval seeker or a valiant of rejection
A lonely extrovert or a tranquil outcast
Peer pressure or will power what to cast
Blackouts or memories that last

A fine line between what's a lie and what's true
What you want and what you're pushed to do
Lost between a shadow and a reflection
Misunderstood signals become a pattern of your projection

Silent words pinned «Shadows and Reflections It's been so long Pretending like you're strong Borders pushed so far As in the ash of a star Once ignited with passion Seizes to exist with struggle and caution Impersonated a role too good Too good not to be true Can't tell the…»
Fam if you want to cross promo your channel dm me @poetic4life and anyone who can boost the channel with daily promos too
Silent words pinned «Fam if you want to cross promo your channel dm me @poetic4life and anyone who can boost the channel with daily promos too»
So fam if any of you got an interesting picture that tells a story feel free to share @poetic4life
2024/09/27 09:27:02
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