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Chaotic silence

I am not afraid of death,
Cuz I am a living corpse.
I am not afraid of darkness,
Cuz darkness became my home.

I am not afraid of Betrayals anymore,
Cuz I stopped trusting people long ago.
I am not afraid of nightmares,
Cuz reality is more frightening than this.

But am afraid of the devil inside me,
Devil, which is sleeping silently.
But am afraid of promises,
Promises, which are never meant.

But am afraid of the same old pain,
Pain,Which triggers me then and now.
But am afraid of silence ,
Silence,which shatters me into pieces.

~Reema Faarath Rasmi~

#legendarywrites #soulofateenager

#subscriber #thoughts
Forwarded from Mere Thoughts 🖤 (Laaxyy 🖤 .)
Soar. Isn't it such a beautiful word? When I hear this word it makes me feel how ordinary flying really is. There is something much prominent,grand and graceful about it. Maybe it's the rarity of it's happening. Maybe it's the struggle and hardships before setting for it. Maybe it's the transformation and change it took to attain it. Maybe it's because those who are destined for it are few. Maybe that's why when I look at her she resembles a bird that soared just before she was a butterfly wandering and searching where exactly she belonged. Maybe that was all she needed to soar. For she was searching not for a wing but a purpose.Not only did she took off, she fleed beautifully. Therefore she soared.

@LaaxyD 🖤
@merethoughts 🖤
It's Me vs Me

I am a beautiful Chaos,
Yet you can find peace in my heart.

My mind is a dark hole,
Yet you can see the light in my eyes.

I am a deadly demon,
Yet there's an angel hiding in my soul.

I am the moon in the cold night,
Yet I shine bright every morning.

~Reema Faarath Rasmi~

#legendarywrites #soulofateenager #paradox

#subscriber #poetry
Media is too big
በምንችለው አቅም ሁሉ ሳምራዊትን እረድተናት እድትድን እና ሃሳቧ እንዲሞላ ለልጇ ለቤተሰቦቿ እድትኖር እናድርግ! እስኪ ዛሬ ውጪ ምሳችሁን እና እራታችሁን እምትበሉ እምንበላ ሰዎች ለምግቡ ከምንከፍለው ገንዘብ ላይ 10% እንኳን ለሳምሪ እንስጥ

የእርዳታ ጥሪ

#Ethiopia | የ27 አመት ወጣት የሆነችው ሳምራዊት ደስታ ላለፉት አምስት ወራት በመህፀን በር ካንሠር ህመም ስትሰቃይ ቆይታለች።

ወጣት ሳምራዊት የአዲስአበባ ከተማ ነዋሪ ስትሆን የዩንቨርስቲ ትምህርቷን በወለጋ ዩንቨርስቲ በአርክቴክቸር ኢንጂነሪንግ ተመርቃ ዳግም በአዲስአበባ እናት ሀገሯን የምታገለግል ባለትዳር እና የአንድ ወንድ ልጅ እናት ስትሆን ነገን ሰርታ ቤተሰቦቿን መደገፍ ህልሟ ነበር።

ነገር ግን አሁን ላይ ይህን የማህፀን በር ካንሠር በሽታን ወደ ውጭ ሀገር ሄዳ ህክምና እንድታገኝ በጥቁር አንበሳ የህክምና ቦርድ ተወስኗል።

ላለፉት አምስት ወራት በተለያየ የህክምና ማእከል ህክምና ስትከታተል የነበረችው ሳምራዊት ቀጣዩ ህክምና የሚሰጠው በህንድ ሀገር ሲሆን ህክምናውንም ለማድረግ አቅም ስላጠራት ባለን አቅም ሁሉ በመረባረብ ህይወቷን እንታደግ። ለልጇ እናትርፉት!!!

ዘወትር ለበጎ ነገር የማትታክቱ ኢትዮጵያውያን ወገኖቼ የአቅማችሁን እንድታደርጉ በእግዚአብሔር ስም እንማፀናለን።

ንግድ ባንክ (CBE)
1000180776145 ገነት ጀምበሩ (እናቷ)
ለተጨማሪ መረጃ +251 91 038 4728 / +251 91 337 9447
Entangled fibers

A glance into the eyes
Within seconds falling in an abyss
Bodies repelling yet the heart conceding
Pain in uncertainty reviving

Shaking hands tumbling voice
A destiny in absence of choice
Stiff confines to block the gate
Just to escape from an inscribed fate

A touch brings the shiver
Nostalgia flowing freely like a river
Flame igniting to burn
To demolish in the rays of the sun
A one way path without return

Tears polishing the cheek
Dripping through the core just so sick
Words left undeclared concealed
Bruising wounds from the blood spilled

Bleeding inside out from the wait
A blossoming petal in the garden of hate
Thoughts that visit your bed in the night so late
Enchanting like a spell with a cast to set

Like a lightning in a storm
Struck from the light to deform
With each receptor felt
A silent stare & the ice begins to melt

Stiches to mend the fibers of bane
Smiling while the soul is driven insane
A mistake labeled as wrong but feeling so right
Kneeling down to the sentiments you fight

Just takes a look just takes a peek
To get lost in the eyes you seek
Rigid bundles would end up weak
When lips are quite & the hearts speak

Dear fam if any of you is a promoter who can help me grow our beloved channel @poetic4life dm me and for any cross promo too
Forwarded from Mere Thoughts 🖤 (Laaxyy 🖤 .)
It's such a pity that our heart often dwells on the future and the unknown. It's such a pity the present dulls and looms into a shadow of it's true self until it becomes a past. It's such a pity that moments die before they become a memory.

Forwarded from Motif
1 MB
Thank you for everyone that has been here with us through this journey. We hope to continue to give you content you enjoy. Please leave any suggestions in the comments below
Hits different
Forwarded from KiRabbit ®

" مالك دخل.." 💭

And one person is enough, someone who is amused by me every single day as if I was a miracle, someone who is mesmerized by my words as if they were a novel

كلامن درر
I wonder

Wonder how it feels
To book the first sits
To run-out without fears
To walk in peace
When the rain flourishes my cheeks
To be lost in the opaque sky
To count the stars without blinking an eye

Just questions left unanswered
Pages painted in ink but always covered
Oblivious, curious, eager yet scared
Anxious, frightened, insecure but still encouraged
Between here & there
Before every stapes I stare
Mysterious as of tomorrow
Will it be tragedy & sorrow
Or a laughter from today I borrow

I wonder how far will I go
The bricks on my back if I throw
Will I fall in a pit
And cherish what's in it
Will i slip barefoot in the mud
Of opinions like I never cared
Will I find my tune
Or just glare at the moon
I wonder if I could achieve what I've written someday
Hope it won't end up being nothing but a may
Melodies of monsoon that I never play

Theme:- Fiction
Dressed in shame

Whipped By the hands of her owner
With bruised palms for their desires a carrier
Labeled unworthy to have a soul
Just a machine to oblige whenever they call

Fractured bones a bending back
The outcome of being black
A curse for generations a mischievous luck
A hue skin decorated by a red mark

Young attractive charming the guest for the night
Strange lips passing through her neck giving her bite
A touch that was never decent nor right
After-all she is just a peasant she should be quite

Throwing her like garbage
Some money to cover her wage
Hell in every aspect an unforgettable footage
A rapturing wound beyond the measures of damage
Within the droplets of salt
There was a grin halt
For, food was provided on the table
To silence the screams of hunger to ease the trouble

Crumbles of bread beside a soup
A break from the starvation loop
Kids fighting over the loaf
With an empty stomach she took off
Twinkling with a smile
To hide the agony in her eye

By day she fled to clean
By night she committed a sin
Dying a thousand times
She was assaulted once or twice

A honorable person she was once
Working in the fields she used to dance
Her loving husband by her side
Protecting their kids & her pride
Even in slavery she had a pleasant ride

But like a mirage it begun to fade
An attack a sudden raid
Bullet shrilling straight through his chest
Blood dripping draining without a rest
Till he fall in the ground knocked
In his blood her whited dress was soaked

They claimed it was for sport
Since they were slaves nobody faced court
A widow with famished Children to feed
With no clue of how to write or read

Dressed in shame polished in hate
A despised version of herself she met
So her infants won’t die she chose this fate
Outlining her body with tight cloth
In the middle of the night she is arose

Forwarded from Motif
979 KB
Here we present the forty third edition of Motif. We hope to feature more young artists and bring you more to enjoy.
2024/09/27 11:22:15
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