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- @shathawye
- @Safeer_1997
- @shathawye_bot
↵ آحببتـُـﮭﮧ’ۿُ ୭لـﮕِـن”💔😴‘،ء
Deutschland DE telegram Group & telegram Channel 10
Telegram ↵ آحببتـُـﮭﮧ’ۿُ ୭لـﮕِـن”💔😴‘،ء
From: Deutschland and USA
Telegram ↵ آحببتـُـﮭﮧ’ۿُ ୭لـﮕِـن”💔😴‘،ء, 12852 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel Deutschland, DETelegram ↵ آحببتـُـﮭﮧ’ۿُ ୭لـﮕِـن”💔😴‘،ء, 12852 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel, USA, US
TG ↵ آحببتـُـﮭﮧ’ۿُ ୭لـﮕِـن”💔😴‘،ء
↵ آحببتـُـﮭﮧ’ۿُ ୭لـﮕِـن”💔😴‘،ء Telegram
You’ll have to be especially concerned with privacy to want to do this — it means you’ll never have a chat log — nonetheless, it’s a nice option that Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and WeChat don’t have. Under the App Icon section, you should see a handful of pre-defined app icons such as Aqua, Sunset, Mono Black, Classic, Classic Black, Filled, and Filled Black. Now, choose a suitable app icon and you are all set! The platform offers three kinds of polls:
Customize Telegram App Icons Telegram Premium users will now be able to add animated emoji status on the app. This custom status will replace the Premium Premium Badge in the chat list, in profile and in groups. Premium users will be able to choose from the seven standard statuses that change their color to match different Telegram themes – or choose from an infinite number of custom emoji. Premium No Ads Telegram Night Mode Ambient
Launch the Telegram app on your iPhone or Android device -> navigate to the Settings and choose Devices. While we are going to release more exciting features for Premium subscribers, we will keep implementing free features available for everyone, and do it faster than any other massively popular app. This update is no exception – it adds join requests for public groups, an animated screen for external sharing, improved bot descriptions, and more. You can surely delete messages that you have sent, but did you know that Telegram has brought a new feature that lets you delete messages sent by other users too. That’s kind of weird, but this feature is for users who prioritize privacy over everything. To use this feature, just select the received message and tap on the “delete” button. Now, select “Also delete for X” and tap on “Delete”. The message will disappear from both ends without leaving any trace. Visible Votes: Creator can allow everyone in the group to see who voted for what.
If you don’t want to go through the hassle of customizing your own theme and still want to theme your Telegram, you can do that too. To do that, tap on the search icon and search for the word Themes. In the results, tap on Android Themes Channel. The channel houses the list of all the themes that people create and share. Just scroll to find the one you like. Once you find a theme that you like, tap on the download icon. Once it’s downloaded, tap on it again and then tap on the Apply button. If you ever receive any cool short audio clip like a meme sound or any hilarious sound effect (also works with the sent audio) just long-press on it and choose the “Save for Notifications” option in the popup.
↵ آحببتـُـﮭﮧ’ۿُ ୭لـﮕِـن”💔😴‘،ء us