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A painting of Kochi coastline in Kerala by Isaac Tirion from Amsterdam (1730)
SG to be a Union Minister.
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A woman explaining why she is a non believer now and the ordeal she had to face.
Is it normal for wedding photographers to do moral policing?

I am in Kerala for a cousin’s wedding. She wore a saree for her engagement and the photographers asked her to cover her tummy area because “photos aalakar kaanumbo adyam ithaan kanua” so they basically wanted her to pin it up. They were not even saying it as a suggestion, they were forcing her to pin it up and she did because it was her solo photoshoot and there was nobody around to ask the photographers to fuck off.

Is this normal here? I am not raised here so idk if this is how it is.
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It is art and it is her choice. Salute this lioness. An inspiration to all those women who live in fear.
Is there any way to protect my really old house from rainy season

My house is really old and literally every single room is leaking when it rains . Even the walls are compromised. Because of that all of our stuff is getting damaged.

ഓട് ഇട്ട വീട് ആണ്. Chethalinte issue und. Appo thadi ellam chethal thinnukayanu . My mother lives there alone as I work far from home . Didn't know things were this bad because I hadn't visited for sometimes.

My dream is to build a new home but I don't earn much currently and I have some debt so loan edukkan olla option won't work.

I need a temporary fix to survive through this rain and make my home safe for my mother .
Friend and her mother stuck in Dubai

My friend, who is a fresh computer science graduate, is stuck in Dubai with her mother. Her mother recently lost her job and is not in a mental state to work or look for a new job. They have no other source of income come. Her mother has accumulated some debt in the form of credit card and a loan in Dubai. The amount has been adding up and my friend does not know what to do. They are not able to pay off the rent and are currently stuck there with bare minimum savings and no way home. Is there any group or associations or individuals that can help them out. She is also trying for jobs in Dubai knowing well that a low starting job will not be able to help her with her situation.
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കൊട്ടിയൂർ വൈശാഖ മഹോത്സവം
Thank us , we double the intensity of a traffic jam
The dowry question - "molk enth cheyth kodukkum" by the boy's family - Opinions?

32F here engaged to be married in September (AM). In our community, after the guy with his relatives, comes to the girl's house, the girl's family (w/o the girl) visits the boy's house. In my case, this was done in April. The engagement was after that. I just came to know that during that visit to the boy's house, his uncle (his parents were also present) asked my uncle and mother what they would be doing for their daughter (molk enth cheyth kodukkum), after which his father said that they had especially mentioned to the broker to not ask about this to us till then. That sounded like whitewashing their intent behind asking this to face. My mother and I feel that it would have been better if he had asked before, because then we could have rejected the proposal at the the early stage. Se said she felt it was too late to reject because of this sole reason, because by then almost all our acquantainces and relatives had come to know about the match and being a single mother, she was not emotionally strong enough to make such a decision by herself.

There was serious compatibility issues between the guy and me prior to this, but I have been trying to work it out with him. But this one issue seems to be more than that.

For background, I have a slight speech impairment, but it has never made any sort of imapct in my life till this marriage business started. On the other hand, I am well educated and I have worked in a handful of well paying jobs before joining my current organization. My academic and career background is far better than him and I earn much more than the guy. So, if it is because of the speech impairment thing, I dont think it was decent of them to ask this to my family. In our community, I have seen that the inheritance was always divided equally, if not more to the girls if they are not working. So it was not the matter of safe guarding anyone's right (not that it is any of their business, because my parents have given me good education and made be capable enough to earn my living without depending on anyone).

The guy seems to be kinda money minded too, because after a week of knowing each other, he sent my mother a picture of the invoice of his new car, and kept asking me about the price of my wedding dress and stuff. Might not sound a big deal to many, but I guess it kinda irritated me then. But now after knowing this dowry intended talk from his family, I am feeling very off about this relationship. He says that everyone tells him that he is too naive and innocent but I dont think so after knowing him for 3 months.

I know the dowry system in the name of gift is still persistent in our society. I am absolutely against the system, and if it is done by the girl's parents by their own will, then the sentiment should be that they give it as a safety net for their daughter in case of any future troubles, if she is not financially independent. But that's not the case in our society. It is just a means to show off the financial/social status of the bride and groom.

Anyway, I don't know what I aim to do with this post, but it has been bugging me since then and I guess I just want to know a third person's perspective on this.
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പ്രതിവാരം // Weekly General Discussions Thread - June 09, 2024 - June 15, 2024

Welcome to the weekly general discussions thread. Use this thread for holding discussions that do not deserve a separate thread.

If you have suggestions or feedback, please do post them here or message us.
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Ramesh Pisharody latest interview talks about the need to differentiate between BJP and Hinduism. Thoughts?
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Research scholars having to resort to daily wage labour to fund their research work as E-Grantz scholarship from Kerala Government has been stalled for months.
2024/09/27 19:27:46
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