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تاريخ الولادة
📅 1999-04-24 📅
✨عمرك الحالي هو✨
24 سنة , 0 شهر , 0 يوم
بالأشهر : 288 شهر مر على ولادتك
بالايام : 8,766 يوم مر على ولادتك
بالساعات: 210,385 ساعة مرت على ولادتك
بالدقائق: 12,623,100 دقيقة مرت على ولادتك
بالثواني: 757,386,000 ثانية مرت على ولادتك
تبقى 366 يوم على عيد ميلادك 🎂🎂
📅 1999-04-24 📅
✨عمرك الحالي هو✨
24 سنة , 0 شهر , 0 يوم
بالأشهر : 288 شهر مر على ولادتك
بالايام : 8,766 يوم مر على ولادتك
بالساعات: 210,385 ساعة مرت على ولادتك
بالدقائق: 12,623,100 دقيقة مرت على ولادتك
بالثواني: 757,386,000 ثانية مرت على ولادتك
تبقى 366 يوم على عيد ميلادك 🎂🎂
Dear Subscribers,
I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for your support and dedication to my Telegram channel over the past four years. Your interest and engagement have been a source of inspiration and motivation for me, and I feel honored to have you as part of my community.
I know that I haven't always been the most active channel owner, and that there have been times when I've been slow to post or absent altogether. But through it all, you have remained loyal and committed, and for that, I am truly grateful.
I want you to know that I value each and every one of you, and that I am committed to continuing to provide value and insight through my channel. I hope that my channel can continue to be a source of support and encouragement for you.
Thank you again for your support, and for being a part of this amazing community. I look forward to sharing more with you in the years to come.
I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for your support and dedication to my Telegram channel over the past four years. Your interest and engagement have been a source of inspiration and motivation for me, and I feel honored to have you as part of my community.
I know that I haven't always been the most active channel owner, and that there have been times when I've been slow to post or absent altogether. But through it all, you have remained loyal and committed, and for that, I am truly grateful.
I want you to know that I value each and every one of you, and that I am committed to continuing to provide value and insight through my channel. I hope that my channel can continue to be a source of support and encouragement for you.
Thank you again for your support, and for being a part of this amazing community. I look forward to sharing more with you in the years to come.
انهض وتثائب واخرج في نزهة.. قل لنفسك: ليذهب الجميع إلى الجحيم.. عندئذ فقط ستكون قادراً على أن تبدأ.
الرجل الذي يبني عضلاته دون أن يبني جيبه سينتهي به الأمر بحراسة الرجل الذي بنى جيبه.
- مثل أفريقي
- مثل أفريقي
لمَن أُفضفضُ كي أرتاحَ من تعبي
ومن سيسمعُني؟ ماتَ الأجاويدُ..
إنْ كانَ وجهي فَتيّاً في ملامحهِ
فللفؤادِ وأحلامي تجاعيدُ.
ومن سيسمعُني؟ ماتَ الأجاويدُ..
إنْ كانَ وجهي فَتيّاً في ملامحهِ
فللفؤادِ وأحلامي تجاعيدُ.
Nico & Vinz - Am I Wrong (Lyrics/Vietsub)
الاغنية اللي في المقطع - 04:08, 3.8 MB
أعْرَفُ الناسِ بالكرامةِ أشدُّهُم حرصاً على كرامةِ سواه، ولا تعزُّ الكرامةُ في نفس أحدٍ ويهون عليه أن يُهينها في نفوس الآخرين.