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:: 🌼

carry yourself with love and you will attract gold.
:: 🌸

it might get harder before it get easier, but it will still get better.

Remember that if life was not so hard you would never want to win.
Bad chapter can still create great stories,
wrong paths can still lead to the right places,
failed dreams can still create successful peoples.

sometimes, it takes losing yourself to find yourself.
[ 08:32 ]

if people are trying to bring you down it only means that you are above them .
:: πŸ¦‹

Orang hebat bukanlah orang yang hidup tanpa masalah, melainkan yang mampu menyelesaikan masalah dalam hidupnya.
:: 🐣

Sentiasa belajar berada ditempat yang positif, jangan biarkan negatif membawa kita kelembah kejatuhan.
[ 17:47 ] πŸ¦‹

β€œ the way get started is to quit talking and begin doing. ” – Walt Disney
:: πŸ¦‹

You learn more from failure than from success. Don’t let it stop you. Failure builds character.

Remember ,

most of your stress comes from the way you respond, not the way life is. adjust your attitude and all that extra stress is gone.

πŸ₯° ` if you want love , give love . if you want truth , be truthful . if you want respect , be respectful .

you belong on this journey just as much as anyone else.

[ 03:23 ] πŸ¦‹
🌼: don't hide yourself

🌼: we all gonna leaving this world, keep being kind. You won't able to be lose.

🌼: everthing gonna be alright, everything gonna be okay. It's gonna be a good life.

some people want to see you fail. disappoint them.

[ 01 Jun 2020 ] πŸ¦‹
there's a different between being patient and wasting your time.

:: 🌸
ramai yang ingin dijaga, tapi tidak ramai yang tahu menjaga

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harapan. andai tidak yakin, jangan sesuka hati memberi.

:: πŸ¦„
2024/09/25 19:31:19
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