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distance is a test of love. many will fail for those who can't wothstand it, but for those who can, there's only one answer, true love.
Two things to remember in life :

Take care of your thought when you are alone and take care of your words when you are with people.
if people don't make an effort to be in your life, don't try so hard to be in theirs. it's not worth it.
stop wasting your time on people who treat you good one day and then act like you don't exist the next day.
put your tears out of your eyes,
put your fears out of your lives.
go where you're loved stay where it's consistent.
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don't wait for the right moment to tell people what you feel . that moment may not come .
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use things , not people .
love people , not things .
If you're not being yourself to be loved, it won't be you who they're loved.
Train your mind to see the good in everything. positivity is a choice. the happiness of your life depends on the quality if your thought.
nobody want to hear this but ,

sometimes the person you want the most, is the one you're best without.
if you don't like where you are, move. you're not a tree.
The ego, however, is not who you really are. The ego is your self-image, it is your social mask, it is the role you are playing. Your social mask thrives on approval. It wants control, and it is sustained by power because it lives in fear.
dark skin is not a crime and light skin is not a prize.
jangan terlalu bersedih kerana dunia kerana dunia akan mentertawakan kamu . Bersedihlah kerana akhirat , kelak ia akan menceriakan kamu .
mulut kita boleh cakap apa ja tapi ingat, jangan kerana mulut kita, kita terpaksa menempuh perjalanan yang sangat jauh di padang mahsyar
jika tak pasti dengan apa yang kau dengar, jangan sebarkan, jangan cerita, takut-takut ianya jadi fitnah dan kau juga yang berdosa nanti.
stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive about what could go right.
Let your smile change the world but don't let the world change your smile.
2024/09/25 17:15:35
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