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CAYLA haqida eshitgan bo'lsangiz kerak. Dastlab application yopilgan edi Lekin hozir muddat 10 iyunga qadar uzaytirilbdi bu ajoyib imkoniyat albatta qiziqib to'ldirib ko'ring. Men ham ariza to'ldiraman.
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Ushbu hujjatdagi linklar orqali malumot olishingiz va apply qilishingiz mumkin. Barchaga omad!
Apply to participate in the United Nations Young Leaders Training Programme

The United Nations Young Leaders Online Training Programme consists of a 4-week e-Learning course implemented on UNITAR’s e-learning platform. The course comprises 4 different modules, which can be studied in a self-paced manner and require 4-6 hours of studying per week.

Online Training Programme: July 26 2021 – August 22 2021

Learn more:

#UnitedNations #training #learning #education #leaders #coaching #leadership #learn #skills #leadershipdevelopment #students #courses #teaching

I have applied how ab u? Do u want hot debates?!

I would love to meet you all in person and put you in my videos! So I am announcing a meet up in Tashkent.

We will meet at Xalqlar Do'stligi maydoni at 5:30 PM until 7 PM!

We will get to know each other, make videos, and have fun - and we will be at the stairs in the middle!

Feel free to bring your friends as well!

See you then!

NAS Daily

Mashxur bloger O'zbekistonda🔥
Bali International Student Festival | International Conference

Dates: July 15 - 18, 2021


1) Certificate of Participation.
2) Interactive discussions.
3) Presenting projects or ideas in an international event.
4) Opportunity to explore Balinese and Indonesian culture, language, and history.

Deadline: June 30, 2021.
Free Speaking Club! Sundays 4-5pm @Dream Center, Gullola,28
MUN davomida nimalar qilinadi va qanday tayyorgarlik ko'rish kerak degan savollar hammada bo'ladi. Dastlab vaziyatni tushunish biroz qiyin ammo ishoning tushunib olgach hammasi juda oson va maroqli😊

Demak sizda mavzu va komitet bor keyingi qiladigan ishingiz berilgan mavjud muammo yuzasidan research qiling yani dunyoda vaziyat qanday? Bu muammo ustida qanday ishlar qilinmoqda va foyda bermoqdami? Xullas hammasini o'rganing.

Siz MUN da bir davlatdan vakil yani diplomat sifatida ishtirok etasiz sizning vazifangiz Mana shu Davlat vakili sifatida hududingizdagi vaziyatni yoritish va o'z takliflaringizni berish.

MUN uchun position paper tayyorlanadi ushbu paper nima uchun kerak? Research malumotlaringizni qisqa qilib conclude qilasiz. MUN boshida har bir Davlat introduction speech qiladi Mana shu speech uchun position paperingizdan foydalanishingiz mumkin.

MUN vazifasi mavjud muammoga yechim topish. Ishtirok davomida sizdan ham aynan shu narsa kutiladi. Muammoga o'z yechimlaringizni o'ylab chiqing. Chunki so'ngida resolution paper yoziladi bu siz muammoga taklif etgan yechimlar aks etgan hujjat.

Xullas muammo haqida malumotlarga ega bo'ling yechimlar o'ylang va eng muhumi konferensiya davomida aktiv bo'ling.

Free speaking clubs
Camp with Americans
Real English atmosphere🔥
🔊🔊🔊We are pleased to invite participants to join intellectual battles in a warm and friendly atmosphere!
🎤The Debate Course offers you an opportunity to enhance your debating and communication skills, improve your English language, strategic thinking, and public speaking skills. All sessions will be conducted in English via Zoom. Age requirement for the course participants is 16-24 years old.

🔗Please follow the link to register:

🗓Deadline for application is July 5, 2020. All selected participants will be contacted by instructor of the course.

📝For more information, contact the course instructor at [email protected]
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Ждём всех завтра в 10:00🥳🥳🥳
Тема: Американский футбол 🏈🇺🇸
А вечером с 18:00- 20:00
будем играть Волейбол в Экопарке😍
Будет очень весело🔥🔥🔥

Learn English with Americans.
Tomorrow at 10 am we will have club with Americans. Theme is American football

There will be amazing volleyball time in Eco Park. Don't miss yr chance just click on the link below and join us😍


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2024/09/28 05:16:23
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