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Наши завтрашние спикеры😍🥳
See u tomorrow in Dream Center. I will send location. Let's learn and have fun😍

For more information
Dear World Leaders,

"Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask, what you can do for your country"
– John F. Kennedy, 35th President Of The United States

Now, what if we told you that you can CHANGE the WORLD and NOT JUST YOUR COUNTRY?


🔊 PROFI MUN is happy to announce that the Delegate Application Forms are OPEN now!!!

🥳 We are very much looking forward to have a great time with you at the conference! We wish you best of luck on your endeavours, and may the odds forever be in your favor! 🎉

Do not miss the opportunity to participate!

– General Assembly (GA)
– Security Council (SC)
– Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
– Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

🗓Date: July 31, 2021
📍Venue: Profi Education Yunusabad, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Deadline: 23:59 July 5, 2021

❗️Spots are limited! Make sure to save yourself a seat while you have the chance❗️

Register now⬇️

Something new😂
Before there were only Global UGRAD Application now I saw they added Pre-Arrival.

Meet & Greet - Culture Exchange with Americans in Tashkent🇺🇸🇺🇿

Dream Center invites students to have chance to make new friends and learn about the different cultures of people from other countries. Americans who will facilitate games, activities and workshops in the area of Cultural Exchange and Student Life 👏😃

Through this time, every participant will:
-🗣 interact collaboratively and cooperatively, practicing English by discussing real-life issues and express themselves.
-🤝discover friends for life from countries all over the world through relationships that they build while learning and having fun.

📅When: July 5, 2021, 5:00-7:00pm
📍Where: Ziyo Forum

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Here we go!
Who got accepted?
Do u want me to share my essays? (I have an idea maybe people who got accepted send me yr essays I will share. If u are agree😁)
Forwarded from Mari's planet🇺🇸 (Марварид)
🔥Ayollar va qizlar uchun o’z-o’zini himoya qilish mashg’ulotlari Uchinchi raund. BEPUL. Arizani o'zbek, rus, ingliz tilida to'ldirishingiz mumkin.

Deadline: 2021-yil 13-iyul, seshanba.

Link uzb:
Link eng:
Link rus:

P/S: Tezroq topshiringlar. O'tgan safargisida ariza ko'payib ketgani uchun deadline'dan avval yopib yuborishgan.

Arizani qaysi tilda yozishingiz tanlanishingizga ta'sir qilmaydi.

Yours, Marvarid @thoughts_different
Yaaaay finally.
Albatta topshrila qizla zo'r bo'ladi men ikkitasini o'tkazib yubordim malum sabablaga ko'ra. Lekin mana shunisida ishtirok etaman xudo xoxlasa ☺️😍
Yil campi nominatsiyasini bersak ham arziydi ayniqsa ikkinchi mavsumga. Kimlar ikkinchi mavsumga qabul qilindi? Men ham suhbatga qabul qilinganman Idk what happened to the second list ammo they said I will have an interview. Who is preparing for interview?
Summeeer 🌄🥰
Did u check results?
Lets have amazing week guys😎
The United Nations Volunteer Abroad with the UN Program (Fully Paid)

The UN works with partners to integrate qualified, highly motivated and well supported UN Volunteers into development programming and promote the value and global recognition of volunteerism.

Details: | Deadline: Aug 2
Ajoyib imkoniyat maktab yoshidagilar uchun. Balki o'zizga yoki yaqinlarizga foydasi tegar albatta join qilib malumot oling.

P/s meni ikkita eng yaqin do'stlarim yutgan. Hozir bittasi UGRADni ham yutdi.

Bu reg uchun link:

Bu link orqali FLEX nima degan savolga javob olasiz:
IT Park’da amaliyot o‘tashni istaysizmi?

IT Park Tashkent talabalarni quyidagi yo‘nalishlar bo‘yicha amaliyot dasturiga chorlamoqda:

mintaqaviy rivojlanish;
IT ta’lim;
ingliz tilini o‘qitish.

Nomzodlarga qo‘yiladigan talablar:
- o‘zbek va rus tillarida erkin gaplashish;
- ingliz tilini o‘qitish bo‘limi uchun ingliz tilini yuqori darajada bilish;
- kompyuter savodxonligi.

Amaliyot 1 oydan 2 oygacha davom etadi va sizga keyinchalik IT Park’ga ishga joylashish imkoniyati taqdim etiladi.

Amaliyot o‘tash istagidagilar arizani to‘ldirishlari lozim:


Ajoyib! IT Park menga juda ham yoqadi. O'sha yerda stajirovka qilishni juda ham istardim😍
May Allah bless you 🙏
YPIP Alumna '20 Khilolakhon Kayumova received The Diana Award for going above and beyond in her daily life to create and sustain positive change. Named after Diana, Princess of Wales, the award was established in 1999 by a board chaired by Gordon Brown.

The Diana Award is a prestigious accolade that young people aged 9-25 receive for social action or humanitarian work.

Congratulations on the award, Khilolakhon!
Inson zotining eng buyuk va oliyjanob yutug'i - maqsad sari intilib yashashdir

If you are interested in cameras and taking photos. This is your opportunity just choose one category and participate in this contest. Don't forget only you can make it happen. Good luck
2024/09/28 07:28:22
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