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From: 香港群組 and 電報群組
Telegram BB移動城堡, 2477 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel 香港群組, HKTelegram BB移動城堡, 2477 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel, 電報群組, TW
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Telegram Change Number To set self-destruction timer, swipe right on the homepage, tap “New Secret Chat”, and add recipients. Now simply tap the clock icon and set Self-Destruct Timer to the desired time limit (from 1 second to 1 week). The clock starts ticking the moment messages are displayed on the recipient’s screen. A further privacy blunder is that Telegram notifies your contacts when you join it — unless you don’t give it permission to access your contacts. The app doesn’t warn you it’s about to ping your contacts, and that’s a big caveat for those who want to use Telegram to keep a low profile.
To lock your messages, go to “Settings”, “Privacy and Security” and tap on “Passcode Lock”. You will be asked to set a four-digit passcode and confirm it. Once you do that, you will find additional options to “unlock the app with fingerprint” and “auto-lock” it after a specific duration. However, Message history is the most revealing part of your phone when it comes to private information. I hope you may have some experience with it? To change your default folder, press and hold a folder in your chat list > Reorder > and drag your preferred folder to the first space. Open Telegram chat
Next time you want to quickly move a piece of media from one device to another, Telegram has you covered. The Saved Messages chat is your own personal cloud scratchpad for keeping a record of information that you can access on any device where you're logged into Telegram. Telegram has an upload limit of 2 GB per single file. It was one of the most valuable Telegram features I mostly loved. Upload Multiple Profile Pictures to Telegram If you need to know everything about Telegram, they have a nicely categorized FAQ page so you can refer to it for deep information.
Telegram Chat Background Telegram Cloud
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