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🌸Maintain a neutral attitude towards all things; do not get infatuated with anything; maintain equanimity whether in happiness or suffering; be the same to friends and enemies; treat alike a broken piece of mud pot and a piece of gold.

🌸Know that a flawless yogi is one who does not ever allow himself to be swayed by desire for the pleasures of the senses, who frees himself at heart from mamakara [treating things as "mine"], who has a steadfast mind, who is free from desires and fear, and who always revels in the Self [Atman].

🌸Being unaffected by either praise or slander, treating alike all creatures, he should always unfailingly maintain an equality of vision [sama drishti], considering all living beings in the world as himself.

~Lord Shiva to Devi Parvati
•Verses From - Devikalottara Agama

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🌿शान्ताकारं – जिनकी आकृति अतिशय शांत है, वह जो धीर क्षीर गंभीर हैं,

🌿भुजग-शयनं – जो शेषनाग की शैया पर शयन किए हुए हैं [विराजमान हैं],

🌿पद्मनाभं – जिनकी नाभि में कमल है,

🌿सुरेशं – जो ‍देवताओं के भी ईश्वर और

🌿विश्वाधारं – जो संपूर्ण जगत के आधार हैं, संपूर्ण विश्व जिनकी रचना है,

🌿गगन-सदृशं – जो आकाश के सदृश सर्वत्र व्याप्त हैं,

🌿मेघवर्ण – नीलमेघ के समान जिनका वर्ण है,

🌿शुभाङ्गम् – अतिशय सुंदर जिनके संपूर्ण अंग हैं, जो अति मनभावन एवं सुंदर है

🌿लक्ष्मीकान्तं – ऐसे लक्ष्मी के कान्त [लक्ष्मीपति]

🌿कमल-नयनं – कमलनेत्र [जिनके नयन कमल के समान सुंदर हैं]

🌿योगिभिर्ध्यानगम्यम् – [योगिभिर – ध्यान – गम्यम्] – जो योगियों द्वारा ध्यान करके प्राप्त किए जाते हैं, [योगी जिनको प्राप्त करने के लिया हमेशा ध्यानमग्न रहते हैं]

🌿वन्दे विष्णुं – भगवान श्रीविष्णु को मैं प्रणाम करता हूँ [ऐसे परमब्रम्ह श्री विष्णु को मेरा नमन है]

🌿भवभय-हरं – जो जन्म-मरण रूप भय का नाश करने वाले हैं, जो सभी भय को नाश करने वाले हैं

🌿सर्वलोकैक-नाथम् – जो संपूर्ण लोकों के स्वामी हैं, सभी चराचर जगत के ईश्वर है

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⭐️If you do not pour water on your plant, what will happen? It will slowly wither and die. Our habits will also slowly wither and die away if we do not give them an opportunity to manifest. You need not fight to stop a habit. Just don’t give it an opportunity to repeat itself.

~Swami Satchidananda

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☀️या देवी सर्वभूतेषु चेतनेत्य भिधीयते।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः॥☀️

To that Devi Who in All Beings is Reflected as Consciousness, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again.

May Divine Mother's Grace and Blessing always be there! 🙏

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​​🌿As a lake gives birth to various things such as the fish, the frog, the lotus and the reed, even so children born of one womb differ in intelligence, temperament and bodily frame. Some things in a child are passed on to him by his parents and some are from his past karma. But even that which is from the parents as well as which parents he is to be born to, is determined only by his own karma. For no soul needs to bear another's burden but only his own. I, the Great Life and Creator of all living things, am Ever Compassionate and Just. And so is My Sanatan [Eternal] Dharma.

🌿I do not create evil, but man himself does so, when he chooses another path instead of following My Law [Dharma]. Evil [Adharma] is a force that arises from opposition to what is right [Dharma]. It enters the sinner's heart and takes hold of his life. Thus he suffers until he takes to the right path. He that follows My Law, shall never suffer except for his own good. For until Perfection is attained, pain may still be needful for the perfecting of the soul and the mending of his life. But when man has become Perfect, neither pain nor Death shall ever touch him. As for the others, who are unfaithful to My Law, they shall each fare according to his Karma. This is the Sanatan Dharma.

🌿Dharma is Righteousness Itself. It is the World Order whereby Truth governs everything that It creates and whereby It makes everything abide in Unity with Itself. Dharma manifests itself in all things that are true, just, beautiful and good. In those that are not thus, It is dormant and unmanifest. It is by the following of Dharma that good works [satkarma] are done and good rewards are enjoyed in return. Those that follow It not, shall abide in the shadow of Discord. Their works shall come to naught and they shall suffer an ill fate. But he that follows My Sanatan Dharma shall not be harmed by evil karma. Dharma is the World-Supporting Law.

~Lord Shiva to Sages 🕉
•Shiva Rahasya, Chapter 9, Verses 41-43

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🌿Such wisdom which can destroy ignorance is clearly of two sorts; indirect and direct. Knowledge is first acquired from a Master and through him from the scriptures. Such indirect knowledge cannot fulfil the object in view.

🌿Because theoretical knowledge alone does not bear fruit; practical knowledge is necessary which comes through samadhi alone. Knowledge born of nirvikalpa samadhi generates wisdom by the eradication of ignorance and objective knowledge.

🌿Similarly, experience of casual samadhi in the absence of theoretical knowledge does not serve the purpose either. Just as a man, ignorant of the qualities of an emerald, cannot recognise it by the mere sight of it in the treasury, nor can another recognise it if he has not seen it before, although he is full of theoretical knowledge on the subject, in the same way theory must be supplemented with practice in order that a man might become an expert.

🌿Ignorance cannot be eradicated by mere theory or by the casual samadhi of an ignorant man. Again, want of attention is a serious obstacle; for a man looking up at the sky cannot identify the individual constellations. Even a learned scholar is no better than a fool, if he does not pay attention when a thing is explained to him.

🌿On the other hand, a man though not a scholar but yet attentive having heard all about the planet Venus, goes out in confidence to look for it, knowing how to identify it, and finally discovers it, and so is able to recognise the same whenever he sees it again. Inattentive people are simply fools who cannot understand the ever-recurring samadhis in their lives. They are like a man, ignorant of the treasure under the floor of his house, who begs for his daily food.

🌿So you see that samadhi is useless to such people. The intellect of babies is always unmodified and yet they do not realise the Self. Nirvikalpa samadhi [attained casually] clearly will never eradicate ignorance. Therefore in order to destroy it savikalpa samadhi must be sought.

🌿This alone can do it. God inherent as the Self is pleased by meritorious actions which are continued through several births, after which the desire for liberation dawns and not otherwise, even though millions of births may be experienced. Of all the things in creation, to be born a sentient being requires good luck; even so, to acquire a human body requires considerable merit [punyas]; while it is out of the ordinary for human beings to be endowed with both virtuous tendencies and sharp intellect.

~King Janaka to Rishi Ashtavakra
•Tripura Rahasya, Chapter 17, Verses 35-52

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🌿When Einstein met Shri Rabindranath Tagore🌿

Here is the link to the Complete Conversation

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🌿Guided Meditation - 10 Minutes🌿

This video provides a very simple yet highly effective guided meditation practice that everyone can do. This 10 minute meditation will help one to experience inner peace and bliss very easily. It will enhance mindfulness, bring positive energy and reduce anxiety.

A fine blend of Yogic and Vedantic practices

•Duration - 11:00 mins

👉Video Link -

‼️Subscribe to our Youtube Channel for more such videos!‼️

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☀️In your mother's womb you vowed,
not to be born again.
When will you recall the vow?

☀️Who slays the highway robbers three,
Greed, Lust and Pride,
And yet, in utter humility, serves
his fellowmen -
He truly seeks out the Lord,
disregarding as worthless ashes
all other things.

☀️It is easy to read and to recite;
It is hard to practice what one reads,
And, reading seek out the Self within.
By constant practice, not by books,
Conviction grew in my heart
Of God, Who is Consciousness-Bliss.

☀️Why do you grope thus like the blind?
Pray, doubt not what I say to you:
If you are wise, enter within
And see the Lord Himself is there.
You need not search Him here and there.

~Maa Lalleshwari [Lal Ded] Vakhs

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​​Shubh Navaratri | शुभ नवरात्रि

🌿I move about with the rudras and vasus, and also with the ādityas and vishvadevas. I hold in me both mitra and varuna, and also indra, agni and the two ashvins.

🌿I sustain the pressed soma plant, the gods thvashtru [architect of the gods], pūshan and bhaga. I give wealth/power to the possessor of havis [oblation], to the mindful yajamāna [patron of the sacrifice] and to the person who performs the soma sacrifice.

🌿I am the sovereign ‘queen’ [of all existence], the gatherer of treasures, the knower of the supreme, the first among those worthy of worship. That Me, the gods spread in many directions, so that I have many abodes to enter and live in.

🌿He who eats food, eats through me; he who sees, who breathes, who hears what is spoken, does so through me; those who are ignorant of me, perish; hearken who is capable of hearing, I tell you that which is trustworthy.

🌿I alone myself speak this – which is pleasing to both gods and men. Whoever I wish, him I make powerful, a brahma [i.e., creator god], a rishi [realised sage] or a wise one [learned scholar].

🌿I bend the bow of Rudra for [aiming] the arrow for killing the hater of brahman. I rouse and make wars for the people [fight for the welfare of noble ones]. I have pervaded heaven and earth [all over].

🌿I bring forth the father [i.e. creator] of the heavens above. My womb [source of creation, or genesis] is in the waters, in the deep [cosmic] ocean. From thereon I pervade the entire world and the universe, and touch the apex of heaven with my body.

🌿I verily myself breathe forth like the wind, issuing out form to all the created worlds; beyond the heaven, beyond the world [I Exist eternally - beyond space & time] - so vast am I, in my greatness.

~Devi Suktam
•Rig Veda, Mandala 10

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On this auspicious occasion of Navaratri, may the grace of Ma Shakti bring all the health, wealth, joy, love, peace and wisdom to all of our lives. May the Divine Mother bless us so that we continue to grow spiritually and attain the highest good. 🙏😇

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☀️ शिवः शक्त्या युक्तो यदि भवति शक्तः प्रभवितुं न चेदेवं देवो न खलु कुशलः स्पन्दितुमपि । अतस्त्वामाराध्यां हरिहरविरिञ्चादिभिरपि प्रणन्तुं स्तोतुं वा कथमकृतपुण्यः प्रभवति ॥ १॥

🌿Lord Shiva, only becomes able to do creation in this world along with Shakti. Without Her, Even an inch He cannot move. And so how can, one who does not do good deeds, or one who does not sing your praise, become adequate to worship you, O goddess mine, who is worshipped by the trinity.

~Adi Shankaracharya
•Saundarya Lahiri, Verse 1

May Adi Shakti Maa Jagadamba's Grace always be there to guide and bless us all. 🙏😇

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🌿This world is your best teacher. There is a lesson in everything. There is a lesson in each experience. Learn it and become wise. Every failure is a stepping stone to success. Every difficulty or disappointment is a trial of your faith. Every unpleasant incident or temptation is a test of your inner strength. Therefore nil desperandum. March forward hero!

🌿O Man! Be ever prepared. Live this moment as though it is your last moment on this earth and acquire the maximum spiritual wealth here and now.

~Swami Sivananda

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