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This video [in Hindi] is very touching. It shows how the strong Past Life Samskaras flower beautifully and fight against all the odds and hurdles. This is surely due to the Grace of God only.

Otherwise, generally, in such a family having Tamasic Acharan and Swabhava, it's next to impossible to cultivate this level of devotion and intense faith towards the saints, from the scratch.

✈️@HinduismAsItIs || @SpiritualGroup
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☀️God is the All-Seer who generates, permeates, sustains and destroys the universe. He is Shiva, He is Vishnu, He is Brahma, the Sun, the Moon, etc. He is the One whom the different sects call their own; He [God] is not Shiva, nor Vishnu, nor Brahma, nor any other "exclusively" [God doesn't have any one specific form alone].

☀️Still, if devotees worship and contemplate Him with a body [in some form] according to their own inclinations, He shows them grace, assuming such a body. For He is unique and fulfils the desires of His devotees. Nevertheless, the conclusion must be reached that He is pure intelligence and His consciousness is absolute and transcendental.

☀️Such is the consciousness-intelligence in purity, Absolute Being, the One Queen, Parameswari [Transcendental Goddess], overwhelming the three states [waking, dreaming and deep sleep] and hence called Tripura. Though She is the undivided whole, the universe manifests in all its variety in Her, being reflected as it were, in a self-luminous mirror.

☀️The reflection cannot be apart from the mirror and is therefore one with it. Such being the case, there cannot be difference in degrees [e.g., Shiva, or Vishnu being superior to each other]. Bodies are mere conceptions in the lower order of beings and they are not to the point in the case of God. Therefore, be wise, and worship the one pure, unblemished Transcendence.

☀️If unable to comprehend this pure state [of Transcendental Consciousness], one should worship God in the concrete form [Saguna Rupa] which is most agreeable to Him; in this way, too, one is sure to reach the goal, though gradually. Though one attempted it in millions of births, one would not advance except in one of these two ways [via Bhakti or Jnana].

~From: Tripura Rahasya
•Verses From Chapter 7

✈️@HinduismAsItIs || @SpiritualGroup
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🌿How to see God?🌿

Does God Exist? Why people normally cannot see God? What to practice and what to avoid, in order to have an experience of God? How to Surrender to God?

Explained By: Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

•Duration - 11:30 mins

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Man's real nature is Absolute Bliss and Knowledge. He tries to reach this state with the help of his mind and intellect. But the mind constantly gravitates to the sense objects for sensual pleasures from the external world. By such extroverted pursuits man gets involved more and more in the world of objects and accumulates desires which veil the divinity in him. Man is thus in a helpless condition consumed by numerous desires. The ancient masters knew that he has to turn his attention inwards to gain the state of Absolute Bliss and Knowledge which he foolishly seeks in the external world. With this view of mind, they introduced various rituals and festivals throughout the year to remind man of his supreme goal and ideal. Dussehra or Vijaya Dasami are prominent among them.

Dussehra indicates as the word suggests, Dasa-papa-hara, the end or the liquidation of ten sins ten bad qualities. The ten sins [Kama-Lust, Krodha-Anger, Moha-Attachment, Lobha-Greed, Mada-Pride, Matsara-Jealousy, Swartha-Selfishness, Anyaaya-Injustice, Amanavta-Cruelty and Ahankara-Ego] are attributed to the 10 sense-organs through which the mind contacts and gains knowledge of the phenomenal world, and also reacts to the stimuli received from the world of objects. Therefore the idea is that on this sacred day, the ten sins are ended which signifies the end of the mind and therefore the end of the world of plurality [duality] when one becomes rooted in the Transcendental Experience – the Vijaya Dasami Day, the day of Sri Parameswara Prapti.

The 9 days Navaratri Pooja ends in the Great Grand festivity and Joy inexpressible, on the 10th day – the Vijaya Dasami Day. The 9 days Devi Pooja has removed the 9 great sins of man. On the last Vijaya Dasami Day, the devil is burnt down indicating the “transcendence of ego”, when man attains the great victory – Vijaya – over his sense-life and revels in the ecstatic experience of the Transcendental Reality! The 10th day ends the last of his sins and the mortal limited man in himself discovers that he is one with God! Live thy Life of Dasara! Burn down the ugly monstrous Rakshasa Roopa that we had ourselves built up in the previous nights; and in joy and revelry, dance round the wrecked blazing Monster — the “I”. 

The great Victory — the Vijaya! The Home-Coming — the great Vijaya Dasami Day! “Dasa hara” is the victory over the senses – means, end of Mind; which ends in the disappearance of the dreadful shadow “I”. When the mind is “off”, what remains is the Blissful, the Omnipotent and Omniscient mass of Beauty and Grandeur, the Supreme Mother! Make thy life a Mahanavami Celebration! With songs and dance, with puja and worship, with feasting and illumination, with Japa and Tapa, invoke the Powers of the Self, the Eternal Nature of Thee! Sivoham! Bring about a Dasara in Thy life – celebrate the life’s Vijaya Dasami – through Purushartha, which in the bhakta is not a stupendous task of adventure and strife, but a pleasure Puja Festival!

~Swami Chinmayananda

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🌿Under God's dispensation now and again, man has to suffer violent blows. Do you know that these blows are God's Grace? Without them it would be impossible for the person concerned to experience a change of heart at this particular stage.

🌿Try always to bear in mind that God sends all the worries of life for purifying yourself.

🌿Always remain calm and remember that whatever God does at any time is beneficent. When circumstances change in the course of events, what is there to worry about? Everything that happens at any moment happens by His will.

🌿The mind has been engaged so far in [sense] objects. Now, engage it towards God. You’ll see the path will gradually open up. Thoughts of sense objects are sure to leave, the veil will also gradually disappear. What is impermanent will certainly be destroyed.

~Anandamayi Ma

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🌼The Conquest of Hell [Naraka] The Puranas say that Lord Narayana has killed the demon [of misery], Naraka-Asura. This demon is none other than the one who lives as “I am this body, the source of misery”. One who seeks Naraka-Asura’s [i.e., the ego’s] source, and thus annihilates him, is truly Lord Narayana Himself.

🌼The Deepavali-bath, which is taken by all people on the fourteenth moon in remembrance of the conquest of Naraka, signifies the bath of Jnana, which is taken after destroying the ego Naraka-Asura, by searching for his source.

The above two verses were summarised in the following verse by Sri Bhagavan:

🌿He who kills Narakasura [the ego]
with the Wheel [i.e.weapon] of Jnana,
by enquiring, “Where is the source of Narakasura, who rules over Narakaloka, this wretched body, as ‘I’?”, is Lord Narayana; and that day [of the ego’s destruction] is the auspicious day of the fourteenth moon.

🌿Deepavali signifies the great Self-Effulgence which shines after destroying the reflected light [i.e. the ego], Narakasura, who was ruling this filthy body, which is the form of hell, as ‘I’.

🌿Deepavali signified the shining of Self after the destruction, through enquiry, of the greatest sinner, Naraka [the ego], who took the abode of this filthy body, which is the form of hell, as ‘I’.

🌿He is Narakasura [a demon] who feels attached in the thought that he is the body. That attachment to the body itself is a Naraka [hell].

🌿The life of a person who has that attachment, even if he be a Maharaja, is hellish. Destroying the attachment to the body, and the Self shining by itself, as Self, is Deepavali.

🌿He is the king of hell who says that he is the body which is hell itself. He is Narayana who ascertains who Naraka is, and destroys him with His vision of wisdom, Jnana-Drishti. That is the auspicious day of Narakachathurdasi.

🌿The false belief that this hell-like house called body is me, is Naraka himself. To destroy that false belief and let the self shine as Self, is Deepavali.

~Verses from: Guru Vachaka Kovai

Wishing you all a very auspicious and joyful Deepavali! 🪔 May by God's grace your life gets filled with peace, love, light and joy. 🙏😇

@ramanamaharishi || @ramana_maharishi✈️
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Wishing you all a very auspicious Diwali! 🙏😇

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🌿A real prayer will never contain any suggestions, instructions or demands. The sincere devotee will simply say, ‘O Lord, I do not know what is good or what is bad for me. I am nobody—nothing. You know everything. I know whatever you do must be for the best; therefore, do as you wish.’ In real prayer you bow down, surrender and declare your helplessness to the Lord.

🌿If you try to pursue happiness, you will miss it because the search for happiness will cause discontent. Searching is bound to create turbulence within. A turbulent mind is an unhappy mind. Your search for happiness is always in the future, it is never in the present. The future is outside; the present is within. Bliss awaits you within.

~Mata Amritanandamayi

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The biggest reason why one doesn't succeed in their sadhana.

🪔By Swami Brahmananda🪔

•Duration - 4:37 mins

✈️@HinduismAsItIs || @SpiritualGroup
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2024/10/01 14:30:00
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