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🖊 The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.
~ Nelson Mandela (South African leader 1918-2013)
✍️ بزرگترین شکوه در زندگی، نه در هرگز شکست نخوردن، که در دوباره برخاستن است پس از هر بار شکستن.

👈 برگردان:
تیز، نافذ، برخورنده

✍️ meaning:
adj. Keen, penetrating, vigorously effective, sharp and to the point.

📚 Related words:
Keen: تیز، زیرک
Penetrating: نافذ، رسوخ کننده
Vigorously: پرزور، نیرومند
Effective: اثربخش، کارگر
Forceful: قوی، موثر
Acute: تیزرو، نوک تیز
Incisive: برنده، قاطع

👈 نمونه:
His speech was a powerful and trenchant attack against apartheid.
سخنرانیش در ستیز با تبعیض پرقدرت و تاثیر گذار بود.

The short-tempered actress was known for being trenchant with her employees.
آن بازیگر بد اخلاق با رفتار تندش با همکارانش شناخته شده بود.

#L4 #L4G1
📚 آموزه های بیشتر – پارت دوم

0409 Trenchant – Part 2

Synonyms of trenchant include forceful, acute, and incisive.

Incisive (in-SY-siv) applies to expression that gets right to the point or penetrates the heart of the matter.

Cutting and biting imply harsh or sarcastic expression that hurts the feelings.

▪️sarcastic: نیشدار، طعنه آمیز

Trenchant, which comes from a French verb meaning to cut, suggests both the forcefulness of incisive and the sharp, painful implication of cutting and biting.

A trenchant analysis is keen and vigorous;

a trenchant style is sharp and clear;

a trenchant remark displays penetrating insight and has the ability to wound.

🎼 Erudite English Lyric & Translation

Song: Gravity
Artist: Two Feet
Album: Shape & Form
Released: 2022
Genre: Alternative/Indie

Lyric & Translation

Daytime (daytime)
Is blacked in with bright lights(bright lights, bright lights)
And your eyes (and your eyes baby)
They tempt me to stop by (stop by, stop by)
هنگام روز
با نورهای روشن سیاه شده است
و چشمانت
مرا برای (به تو) سر زدن وسوسه میکند

Cause I don't wanna come through (come through)
Cause I don't wanna come through (come through)
Cause I don't wanna come through (come through)
Cause I don't wanna come through (come through)
زیرا که نمیخواهم تا انتها ادامه دهم

I try (I try)
To pretend to not hide (to not hide, to not hide)
And I try (and I try baby)
To act like I’m alright (alright, alright)
کوشش میکنم
تا وانمود کنم خود را پنهان نکرده ام
و کوشش میکنم عزیزم
وانمود کنم که خشنود هستم

Cause I don't wanna come through
Cause I don't wanna come through
Cause I don't wanna come through
Cause I don't wanna come through
(تکرار ترجمه)

🖊 Keywords

daytime: هنگام روز
Black in: سیاه شدن، لکه دار شدن
Tempt: اغوا کردن، وسوسه کردن
stop by: سر زدن، ملاقات کوتاه کردن
come through: باقی ماندن، تاب آوردن، به پایان رساندن
alright: خشنود و راضی

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🖊 Stop expecting. Start accepting. Life becomes much easier.
~ Buddha (Ascetic and spiritual teacher of Nepal - the latter half of the first millennium BCE)
✍️ انتظار را پایان ده. پذیرش را آغاز کن. تا زندگی بسیار آسان شود.
🖊 The right mindset precedes the proper movement.
~ Rany Gage (American author 1959-present)
✍️ نگرش درست کردار راستین را بدنبال دارد.

👈 برگردان:
خود گردان، خودران

✍️ meaning:
. Independent, self-governing, not under the control of something or someone else.

📚 Related words:
Autobiography: خود زیستنامه، زندگی نامه به نگارش خودش
Autograph: دستخط، نوشتار شخصی
Automobile: خودرو
Automatic: خودکار، غیر ارادی
Autocracy: خودکامگی
Autonomy: خودمختاری

📚 Etymology:
Greek autos
(self) + nomos (law)

👈 نمونه:
Each of the states has an autonomous government in the federal US system.
هر یک از ایالتها یک دولت مستقل در سیستم فدرال آمریکا دارند.

Teachers aim to help children become autonomous learners.
آموزگاران میخواهند به کودکان یاد دهند تا خودیادگیر باشند.
#L4 #L4G1
📚 آموزه های بیشتر – پارت دوم

0410 Autonomous – Part 2

comes from the Greek autos, self, and nomos, law, and means literally self-ruling.

From the Greek autos, self, comes the English combining form auto-, which also means self.

Auto- appears in many English words, including

autobiography, a story of oneself, of one's own life;
✍️ خود زیستنامه (زندگی نامه‌ی کسی به نگارش خودش)

autograph, one's own signature;

automobile, literally a self-moving vehicle;
✍️ خودرو

automatic, literally self-thinking, done without conscious thought;
✍️ خودکار

and autocracy, not self-government but rule by one self or one person—hence, dictatorship, tyranny, despotism.
✍️ خودکامگی

The corresponding noun autonomy means self-government, independence.
✍️ خودمختاری، استقلال

The heart is an autonomous organ; it functions by itself.
✍️ قلب یک عضو خودکار است.

An autonomous company is independent, not a subsidiary of another corporation.
✍️ شرکت مستقل

When the United States won its independence from Great Britain, it became an autonomous nation.
✍️ ملت مستقل

🎼 Erudite English Lyric & Translation

Song: If You Were A Sailboat
Artist: Katie Melua
Album: Pictures
Released: 2007
Genre: Acoustic, blues

Lyric & Translation

If you were a cowboy I would trail you
If you were a piece of wood I'd nail you to the floor
If you were a sailboat I would sail you to the shore
اگر یک گاوچران بودی به دنبالت می آمدم
اگر تکه چوبی بودی تو را به زمین میخ میکردم
اگر قایق ماهیگیری بودی تو راه به سمت ساحل هدایت میکردم

If you were a river I would swim you
If you were a house I would live in you all my days
If you were a preacher I’d begin to change my ways
اگر یک رودخانه بودی درونت شنا میکردم
اگر خانه ای بودی تمام روزهایم را در آن زندگی میکردم
اگر واعظی بودی راهم را در زندگی دگرگون میساختم

Sometimes I believe in fate
But the chances we create
Always seem to ring more true
You took a chance on loving me
I took a chance on loving you
گاهی به سرنوشت باور دارم
اما شانسهایی که ما خلق میکنیم
همیشه انگار واقعی ترند
شانس این را داشتی که مرا دوست داشته باشی
و شانس این را داشتم که تو را دوست داشته باشم

If I was in jail I know you'd spring me
If I was a telephone you'd ring me all day long
If I was in pain I know you'd sing me soothing songs
اگر در زندان بودم میدانم که مرا آزاد میساختی
اگر یک تلفن بودم در تمام روز مرا به صدا درمی‌آوردی
اگر یک درد بودم میدانم که تو آنرا در ترانه ی آرامی می‌سرودی

Sometimes I believe in fate
But the chances we create
Always seem to ring more true
You took a chance on loving me
I took a chance on loving you
(تکرار ترجمه)

If I was hungry you would feed me
If I was in darkness you would lead me to the light
If I was a book I know you’d read me every night
اگر گرسنه بودم مرا خوراک میدادی
اگر در تاریکی بودم مرا به سوی روشنایی رهنمون میشدی
اگر کتاب بودم میدانم که مرا هر شب میخواندی

If you were a cowboy I would trail you
If you were a piece of wood I’d nail you to the floor
If you were sailboat I would sail you to the shore
If you were sailboat I would sail you to the shore
(تکرار ترجمه)

If you were sailboat I would sail you to the shore
(تکرار ترجمه)

🖊 Keywords

cowboy: گاوچران
trail sb: به دنبال کسی رفتن
nail: میخ زدن
shore: ساحل
preacher: واعظ
fate: سرنوشت
ring more true: واقعی تر بودن
spring sb: کسی را آزاد کردن
soothing song: ترانه ی آرام

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🖊 I will eather find a way or make one.
~ Hannibal Barca (Carthaginian general 247BC-183BC)
✍️ یا راهی خواهم یافت و یا راهی خواهم ساخت.
🖊 You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself, any direction you choose.
~ Theodor Seuss (American children's author 1904-1991)
✍️ در سرت مغز و در کفشت پا، به تو توان رهبری به هر سو که بخواهی میدهد.
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📚 بازخوانی واژه های دسته ی چهار گروه اول:
پرسشها را بخوانید و حدس بزنید که پاسخ چیست. بلی یا خیر؟

Let's review the ten keywords you've just learned. Consider the following questions and decide whether the correct answer is yes or no.

1. Does the provident person save for a rainy day?

2. Can you impute an error to carelessness?

3. Would an astute observation point out the obvious?

4. Is a neophyte experienced?

5. Is an enigma easy to understand?

6. Can an unsupported rumor gain the public's credence?

7. When you venerate something, do you criticize it?

8. Is a garrulous speaker charming and sophisticated?

9. Can trenchant humor be both sarcastic and insightful?

10. Is an autonomous decision made independently?

#L4 #L4G1
🎼 Erudite English Lyric & Translation

Song: Minefields
Artist: John Legend, Faouzia
Released: 2022
Genre: R&B/Soul, Pop

Lyric & Translation

Now this might be a mistake
That I'm calling you this late
But these dreams I have of you ain't real enough
شاید که نادرست باشد
که تو را اینگونه دیر فرا میخوانم
اما این رویاهایی که از تو دارم به اندازه ی کافی واقعی نیستند

Started bringing up the past
How the things you love don't last
Even though this isn't fair for both of us
آغاز کرد به بازگو کردن گذشته
که چگونه چیزهایی که دوست داری دوام نمی آورد
و این حتی برای هر دوی ما عادلانه نیست

Ooh-ooh, maybe I’m just a fool
I still belong with you
Anywhere you, anywhere you are
آه شاید که نادان باشم
من هنوز به تو تعلق دارم
هر کجا تو و هر کجا که باشی

Ooh-ooh, these minefields that I walk through
Ooh-ooh, what I risk to be close to you
Ooh-ooh, these minefields keeping me from you
Ooh-ooh, what I risk to be close to you
آه این میدانهای مین که در میان آن میروم
آه چه زیانی به جان میخرم که کنارت باشم
آه این میدانهای مین مرا از تو دور میدارد
آه چه زیانی به جان میخرم که کنارت باشم

Close to you-ooh
کنارت باشم

I didn’t notice what I lost
Until all the lights were off
And not knowing what you’re up to tortured me
آنچه از دست میدهم به چشمم نیامد
تا اینکه همه ی پرتوها خاموش شد
و ندانستم که آنچه تو میخواهی مرا آزار میداد

Now this might be a mistake
We're broken in so many ways
But I piece us back together slowly
اکنون شاید که این نادست باشد
ما از راههای گوناگون شکسته شده ایم
اما به آرامی خودمان را به هم برمیگردانم

Ooh-ooh, maybe I'm just a fool
I still belong with you
Anywhere you, anywhere you are
(تکرار ترجمه)

Ooh-ooh, these minefields that I walk through
Ooh-ooh, what I risk to be close to you
Ooh-ooh, these minefields keeping me from you
Whoa, what I risk to be close to you
(تکرار ترجمه)

Close to you-ooh
Ooh-ooh-ooh (to be close to you)
Close to you-ooh
Ooh-ooh-ooh (to you, to you)

Now this might be a mistake
That I'm calling you this late
But these dreams I have of you ain't real enough
(تکرار ترجمه)

🖊 Keywords

bring up: پرورش دادن
Even though: حتی، با اینکه
fair: عادلانه
belong with sb: به چیزی تعلق داشتن
to be up to: خواستن، انجام دادن
torture: آزار دادن، شکنجه کردن
piece back: باز گرداندن، وصله کردن

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2024/10/01 07:51:47
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