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👩🏻‍💻 Old-timer

☑️کارکشته، باتجربه

🔍Meaning: a very experienced person; veteran 

▪️E.g: hopeful youngsters clashed with old-timers
جوانان امیدوار با افراد باتجربه روبرو شدند.

👴🏼 Age discrimination

☑️رفتار تبعیض گرا علیه افراد پیر 

🔍Meaning: negative behavior toward older people 

▪️E.g: Not interviewing someone because they are too old to 'fit in' with other staff, is an age discrimination act. 

مصاحبه نکردن با کسی بخاطراینکه سنشون زیاد است برای اینکه با بقیه افراد هماهنگ شوند، یک رفتار تبعیض گرایانه علیه آنهاست

💤 Adequate sleep

☑️خواب کافی 

🔍Meaning: satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity 

▪️E.g: aging can be slowed to some extent by having a healthy lifestyle; a balanced diet, proper exercise and adequate sleep. 

پروسه پیری را میتوان با داشتن یک سبک زندگی سالم؛ رژیم غذایی متعادل، فعالیت مناسب و خواب کافی، تا حد زیادی کاهش داد. 
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ترانه‌ی زیبای «کسی که دوستش داشتی» (۲۰۱۸)
با صدای خواننده‌ی جوان اسکاتلندی، لوئیس کاپالدی


یکی از دلایلی که توی ریدینگ و لیسینیگ نمره پایین میاد عدم توانایی ما در تمرکز روی متن، سوالات و فایل صوتی است. این مقاله بصورت کلی روی تاثیر تکنولوژی و کاهش شدید تمرکز ما مطالب خوبی رو مطرح میکنه
*بطور میانگین توی دنیای امروز ما فقط ۴۷ ثانیه میتونیم روی کاری که انجام میدیم تمرکز کنیم*
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Slave driver – a slave minder. A parent, teacher, or boss who stands over their souls with an imaginary whip (sometimes a real one) and makes them work hard.

It's not hard to guess where this expression has its roots, and who might be greatly offended if you mention "slave driver" in their presence. Yet to the white boss from the white subordinate will sound quite on topic: they say, look what a despot, going back and forth, shooting his eyes, shoot, so that no one at work on the cat in Insta did not look. Coz of these characters, people run from offices to work at home like crazy.

- Our teacher is a real slave driver. He hits us with his pointer as if it was a whip.

#idiom #slang #words #practical_english

Forwarded from M. Diargard
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Should we really be aiming to walk 10,000 steps a day, or drink two litres of water?

There are lots of these widely held beliefs about health, but as science and research progresses, we are getting closer to the truth about what is good for our bodies.

#article #reading #learnenglish

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Hurry sickness - hurry up syndrome, or when you need everything at once.

You have 100 things to do each day, your schedule is packed to the minute, and you are always afraid of forgetting something or not getting it done. If there is a bug in the system, and the schedule goes to hell, you get desperate or hysterical. Like a squirrel in a wheel, you rush from work to get food at the store, then home, and so on in a circle, cuz every second counts.

God forbid you have to stand in line or in a traffic jam - your blood boils with anger, and steam rushes out of your ears. While you brush your teeth or cook soup, you mentally prepare a report for the boss, remembering who to call and when to make an appointment with the doctor. In short, "hurry sickness" is very unhealthy shit. It makes you want to say "relax, take it easy", as sooner or later everyone's nerves give out.

- One more month of this hurry sickness and you will put a bullet in your head with a smile on your face, bro.
2024/09/30 09:25:40
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