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'We are providing and will continue to provide Ukraine with air defence systems' - Blinken


افعال دو قسمتی⁉️

بریم با هم ۳ تا از مهم‌ترین افعال‌ دو قسمتی رایج در زبان انگلیسی رو یاد بگیریم😍

🔻Add on
▪️Meaning: Include in a calculation.
🔺Example: You have to add the VAT on the to the price they give.

🔻Die for
▪️Meaning: Want something a lot.
🔺Example: I’m dying for the weekend, this weeks been so hard.

🔻Pad down
▪️Meaning: Sleep somewhere for the night.
🔺Example: I’m too tired to come home; can I pad down here tonight?

#phrasalverbs #advance #learn_English
💥How 'goblin mode' became Oxford's word of the year
The slang term is defined as a "type of behavior which is unapologetically self-indulgent, lazy, slovenly, or greedy, typically in a way that rejects social norms or expectations."
📌This year, Oxford Languages, the creator of the Oxford English Dictionary, titled "goblin mode" as the 2022 Word of the Year, meaning it best reflected the ethos and mood of the past 12 months.
❇️It's mindlessly binge-watching television without worrying about the time. It's eating snacks in bed without a care about leftover crumbs. And it's wearing the same pair of pajamas all week while working from home. Welcome to "goblin mode."

💥If she's saying that her car is not in her house , there are two possible scenarios
اگر میگه که ماشینش تو خونش نیست ، دو تا سناریو ممکن وجود دارد

1) she may have sold her car to someone.
ممکن است ماشین اش را به کسی فروخته باشد.

2) someone might have borrowed her car from her.
کسی ممکن است ماشینش را از او قرض کرده باشد.

It cannot be otherwise!!
غیر از این نمی‌تواند باشد!!!

🟣 It cannot be otherwise
🟣 غیر از این نمی‌تواند باشد ، حالت دیگری امکان پذیر نیست ، غیر از این ممکن نیست.

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Blacktivity - afro-activity, nigger-deals. Things that only African Americans do.

No one but them has the right to behave that way! And it's not just about "only a nigger can call a nigger a nigger”. For example, dark-skinned people tend to be very loud when having a backyard barbecue.

They like to walk around with a gun tucked under their fly and bully whites, feeling their impunity. After all, if you run over a black man, what do you hear back? That's right, you're a racist. "Blacktivity" also refers to visible changes in a neighborhood when many blacks settle there. And then there's the great comedy "Paranormal Blacktivity," you're well advised to watch.

- Oh man, we should get out of this neighborhood, there's a whole lot of blacktivity going on there.


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Spider Sense [ˈspaɪdər sense]. An advanced sixth sense alerting you to direct danger or a hidden threat.

A kind of bell that your intuition rings when shit creeps up without you noticing. It's one of Spider-Man's trademarks that's gone on to memes and life. In the comics it was portrayed as goosebumps, in the latest film adaptation as hair standing on end. You need to know two things. First, your gut can alert you not only to a bullet in the head, but also to the fact that your girlfriend is sleeping with your friend. Second, it triggers once in a while, even if the danger is obvious! That's what memes are built on.

☄️ My spider sense told me not to drink water from that river, but it was already too late.

#words #vocabulary

Media is too big
A Tradition Like No Other

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☄️Finally. Lionel Messi leads Argentina over France to win a World Cup championship.

📌AL DAAYEN, Qatar — The 2022 World Cup started terribly for Argentina. The shocking opening loss to Saudi Arabia - and the whispers began immediately.
📍Is this it?
📍Will Lionel Messi end his glorious career without winning a World Cup?

🔎The statistics were clear. Losing the first game in group play makes it almost impossible to advance to the knockout round. Not only would Argentina advance, it won the group and kept winning and never stopped.

Now, with a 3-3 (4-2 penalty kick shootout) victory over defending champion France, Lionel Messi can call himself a World Cup champion in what was probably his final World Cup match. It's Argentina's third title and those early whispers have been replaced by tears and cheers.

#reading #soccer #footbal

⚽️ Mixed reaction as Lionel Messi draped in Arab cloak before lifting World Cup

📌Cloak رداء، جبه. عبا، شنل
📌be draped in/with something: to be loosely covered with a cloth
📌lift بالا بردن/بلند کردن

🏆Lionel Messi receives the trophy from Fifa’s president, Gianni Infantino, after being draped in a bisht by the emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani.

📍A bisht known in some Arabic spoken dialects as mishlaḥ (Arabic: مِشْلَح) or ʿabāʾ (Arabic: عَبَاء), is a traditional men's cloak popular in the Arab world.

#words #vocabulary #soccer #footbal

💥💥نگاهى داشته باشيم به برخى كالوكيشن ها و جملات تأثيرگذار و بسيار كاربردى كه ميتواند به بهبود رايتينگ هاى شما (رايتينگ تسك 2) كمك كند:

🔷To play/have a(n) important/key/vital/crucial role in (doing) sth:

(داشتن نقش خيلى مهمى براى چيزى)

📌University education plays a crucial role in improving the quality of human workforce.
تحصيلات دانشگاهى نقش حياتى اى در بهبود كيفيت نيروى كار انسانى دارد.


🔷To make significant/substantial/valuable/ great/outstanding contribution to sth

(كمك قابل توجهى به چيزى)

📌The medical advances have made outstanding contributions to the public’s health care.
پیشرفت های پزشکی کمک های چشمگیری در مراقبت های سلامت عمومی انجام داده است.

🔷To solve the problem

(حل كردن مشكل)

📌Whoever created this problem should solve it.
هر كس اين مشكل را ايجاد كرده، بايد ان را حل كند.


🔷To be key factors influencing something

(عوامل كليدى موثر بر چيزى)

📌The number of the vehicles used is the key factors influencing pollution.
تعداد وسایل نقلیه استفاده شده عامل اصلی مؤثر بر آلودگی است.


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Sticker shock - the shock and surprise of high prices for goods and services.

In ancient times, when money wasn't printed and coins weren't minted,
people exchanged skins for meat, fruit for millet, cattle for metal, and so on purely by eye. A bit impractical, but effective bartering, saving the carnage for the right thing. And then along came money, which made people's lives a lot easier and reduced everything to a dry calculation.

No fucking way, man
. Now you try to bargain with a supermarket clerk and exchange your clothes for food from the store. At the very least, they look at you like you're crazy, at the most, they throw you out the door. All you have to do is wonder at ever-increasing prices and get another dose of "sticker shock" every time you see the number of zeros in the check you get.


- I'm fucking sticker shocked. Should I sell my apartment to buy an Iphone or what?
#grammar_point #grammar

مبحث ساختار wish

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Hillary Clinton calls Zelensky's speech "extraordinary," saying the country's fight against Russian aggression has "proven that they are a really good investment for the United States."
The speech "connected the struggle of Ukrainian people to our own revolution, to our own feelings that we want to be warm in our homes to celebrate Christmas and to get us to think about all the families in Ukraine that will be huddled in the cold and to know that they are on the front lines of freedom right now," Clinton said on CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360" Wednesday.
She said Zelensky's historic address "strengthened both Democrats and Republicans who understand what is at stake in this fight against Putin and Russian aggression and now with their ally, Iran, as well."

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Pele was a true World Cup star who will never be forgotten.


2024/09/30 11:34:41
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