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βœ… Li-Fi, or light fidelity, is a Visible Light Communications (VLC) system.
βœ… Unlike Wi-Fi, which uses radio waves, Li-Fi runs on visible light.
βœ… It transmits data at terabits per second speeds β€” more than 100 times the speed of Wi-Fi.
βœ… It accommodates a photo-detector to receive light signals and a signal processing element to convert the data into β€˜stream-able’ content.


βœ… Li-Fi could make a huge impact on the internet of things, with data transferred at much higher levels with even more devices able to connect to one another.
βœ… Due to its shorter range, Li-Fi is more secure than Wi-Fi.
βœ… Li-Fi systems consume less power.


βœ… Main challenge is to create a Li-Fi ecosystem, which will need conversion of existing smartphones into Li-Fi enabled ones by the use of a converter/adapter.
βœ… Visual light can’t pass through opaque objects and needs line of sight for communication.
βœ… Interference from external light sources, such as sunlight and bulbs.


βœ… Li-Fi can be used in street & traffic lights. Traffic lights can communicate to vehicles and with each other.
βœ…Through use of Li-Fi, traffic control can be made intelligent and real-time adaptable. Each traffic and street light post can be converted into access points to convert roadsides into wireless hotspots.
βœ… Vehicles having LED-based headlights and tail lamps can communicate with each other and prevent accidents by exchanging information.
βœ… Visible light being safer, they can also be used in places where radio waves can’t be used such as petrochemical and nuclear plants and hospitals.
βœ… They can be used in aircraft, where most of control communication is performed through radio waves.
βœ… Li-Fi can easily work underwater, where Wi-Fi fails completely, thereby throwing open endless opportunities
for military & navigational operations.
βœ… Transmitting power wirelessly, wherein smartphones will not only receive data through Li-Fi, but will also receive power to charge itself.



⏳ 31 days for CSM24 [ 20-09-24]
⏳96 days IFoS Mains 2024 ( 24 nov )

⏳278 days left CSP25 [ 25-05-25]
⏳367 days left CSM25 [ 22-08-25]

⏳ 68 days UPPSC prelims 2024 ( 27 Oct )
⏳ 125 days UPPSC RO/ARO prelims ( 22 DEC)


DoPT minister writes to Chairman UPSC to withdraw the Lateral Entry advertisement as per directions of PM
E.M. Forster once said, "How do I know what I think until I see what I say?"β€”literature through its exploration of characters, plots, and themes, literature charts the complexities of our existence, providing valuable insights into our collective struggles, dreams, and values. Just as a map guides us through physical landscapes, literature guides us through the intricacies of human life, capturing experiences across time and culture. For example, Rabindranath Tagore’s Gitanjali delves into spiritual and philosophical musings, reflecting the search for divine connection and human purpose, offering readers insight into universal aspects of existence.



⏳ 30 days for CSM24 [ 20-09-24]
⏳95 days IFoS Mains 2024 ( 24 nov )

⏳277 days left CSP25 [ 25-05-25]
⏳366 days left CSM25 [ 22-08-25]

⏳ 67 days UPPSC prelims 2024 ( 27 Oct )
⏳ 124 days UPPSC RO/ARO prelims ( 22 DEC)


πŸ”†Tri-boelectric Nanogenerator (TENG) Technology

βœ…The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Indore has designed special shoes for soldiers equipped with a Tri-boelectric Nanogenerator (TENG) Technology.
βœ…It is a self-powered, feasible solution to convert mechanical energy into electricity.
The electricity will get stored in a device fixed in the soles and can be used to operate small appliances
βœ…Features: It is equipped with a global positioning system (GPS) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technologies, these shoes can help determine the location of personnel in real-time.


βœ…The TENG technology can be used to track the location of senior citizens suffering from Alzheimer's, school children and climbers and can help monitor the attendance and work of workers in factories.
βœ…These shoes can also accurately analyse the movements of sportspersons to improve their performance.
βœ…For trekking and mountaineering enthusiasts, the shoes provide reliable tracking during expeditions with their self-powered GPS feature, ensuring safety and efficient navigation.

πŸ”†Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA)

βœ…APEDA was established by the Government of India under the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority Act of 1985.

βœ…It works under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.

βœ…Objective: To develop and promote the export of scheduled products.

βœ…The products specified under the APEDA ACT are called scheduled products, and exporters of such scheduled products are required to register under APEDA.

βœ…It provides financial assistance, information, and guidelines for the development of scheduled products.

βœ…Headquarters: New Delhi

βœ…Setting the standards and specifications for the scheduled products.

βœ…Registration of exporters of the scheduled products on payment of required fees.

βœ…Improving packaging and marketing of the Scheduled products.

βœ…Carrying out an inspection of products to ensure the quality of such products.

βœ…Training in various aspects of the industries connected with the scheduled products.

βœ…Development of industries relating to the scheduled products and undertaking surveys, feasibility studies, etc.

βœ…Collection of statistics from the owners of factories or establishments and publication of such statistics.

βœ…Examples of scheduled productsFruits, Vegetable, Meat,Poultry, Dairy Products, Confectionery, Biscuits, Bakery Products, Honey, Jaggery, etc.

⏳ 29 days for CSM24 [ 20-09-24]
⏳94 days IFoS Mains 2024 ( 24 nov )

⏳276 days left CSP25 [ 25-05-25]
⏳365 days left CSM25 [ 22-08-25]

⏳ 66 days UPPSC prelims 2024 ( 27 Oct )
⏳ 123 days UPPSC RO/ARO prelims ( 22 DEC)


πŸ”†Moral and Political Attitudes

βœ…The group of women empowering other women through education in Mumbai is called the "Sakhi Foundation". They have been working since 2001 to provide education and training to girls from low-income families, and have so far helped over 10,000 girls to complete their education.

βœ… In 2022, a group of students at the National Law University in Delhi started a campaign to raise awareness about the issue of sexual harassment on college campuses.
The campaign, called "Not Your Fault", has been met with a lot of positive feedback, and has helped to start a conversation about this important issue.

βœ…In 2019, a group of students in the United Kingdom started a campaign to raise awareness about the issue of climate change.
The campaign, called "Fridays for Future", has inspired millions of students around the world to take action on this important issue.



Equal treatment toward all people. Acceptance of bureaucracy is due to public impartiality. Public impartiality is a constitutional obligation (article 14).
In unequal circumstances, impartiality will be replaced by equity and fairness. E.g. –
βœ… Separate line for old age and women.
βœ… Reservation on social and educational backwardness.


βœ… Acceptance and authority of bureaucracy.
βœ… Credibility and trustworthiness.
βœ… It enables a civil servant to ask an appropriate question to anyone E.g.: Salman Khan, Shashikala etc.
βœ… It helps the civil servant to maintain the queue. v. Political interference can be resisted on this principle.
βœ… Fulfilling all interests equitably.
βœ… It is by constitutional provisions of articles 14, 15.
βœ… It is by professional ethics.
βœ… It will encourage ethical work culture.

Enablers of impartiality/disablers of partiality:

βœ… Interest analysis
βœ… Bias free
βœ… Decision validation
βœ… Decision support system


πŸ”†Land Degradation

βœ… About 29% or about 96.4 million hectares of land in India are considered degraded.
βœ… Desertification and Land Degradation Atlas of India, ISRO: With close to 30% of its geographical area already affected, land degradation is a pressing issue.
βœ… Global Land Outlook Report: Over 70% of the Earth's land area has been altered from its natural state due to human activities.

Desertification :

βœ… According to the Desertification and Land Degradation Atlas of India (2021), there is a cumulative increase of 1.05 million ha area under desertification.
βœ… Rajasthan, with the Thar Desert, is the most affected state, with approximately 61.2% of its area facing desertification; According to the Government’s data recently presented to the UNCCD, India lost 31%, or 5.65 million hectares (MHA), of grassland area in a decade.
βœ… The extent of degraded land in India is over 105 million hectares or about 32% of India's area.
βœ… More than 80% of the country’s degraded land lies in just nine states.


Government Approach Towards Naxalism In The Country :

βœ…Operation Green Hunt and usage of Specialized Forces like Black Panther and Bastariya Battalions with local tribal personnel counter Naxalite tactics.
βœ… Infrastructure Development: Improved road connectivity through RRP-I & II projects.
βœ… LWE Mobile Tower Project: Enhanced mobile connectivity in affected areas.
βœ… Skill Development Initiatives: ROSHNI and Skill India Mission programs provide training and jobs for youth.
βœ… SAMADHAN Policy: A comprehensive strategy combining short and long-term solutions.
βœ… Aspirational District Program: Focuses on development in 35 LWE-affected districts.
βœ… Security Related Expenditure (SRE): Provides financial support to states for fighting LWE.
βœ… Special Central Assistance (SCA): Funds critical public infrastructure and services in LWE areas.
βœ… National Technical Research Organization provides unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for anti-Naxal operations and Improved Intelligence Gathering
βœ… Forest Rights Act (FRA): Ensures benefits reach those covered under the Act, addressing land rights grievances



⏳ 28 days for CSM24 [ 20-09-24]
⏳93 days IFoS Mains 2024 ( 24 nov )

⏳275 days left CSP25 [ 25-05-25]
⏳364 days left CSM25 [ 22-08-25]

⏳ 65 days UPPSC prelims 2024 ( 27 Oct )
⏳ 122 days UPPSC RO/ARO prelims ( 22 DEC)


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