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πŸ”†Sweet sorghum

βœ…Sweet sorghum is a hardy, nutritious, biofuel crop that offers solutions in drought-hit southern Africa because of El-Nino phenomenon.

Sweet sorghum:

βœ…It is the most important millet crop occupying largest area among the cereals next to rice.
βœ…One of the key characteristics of sweet sorghum varieties is their drought resistance. It allows them to enter a dormant state during extended periods of dryness and resume growth afterwards.

πŸ“Required climatic conditions
βœ…The crop does not prefer high rainfall as high soil moisture or continuous heavy rain after flowering may hamper sugar increase.
βœ…All soils that have medium depth with good drainage are suited.
βœ…Depending on the soil (red, black, laterite and loamy) and its depth water requirement may vary which in turn decide the suitability of the crop.

πŸ“Unique features of Sorghum
βœ…It has ability to withstand low water and nitrogen inputs, as well as its tolerance for salinity and drought stress, makes it an ideal crop for farmers in arid regions.
βœ…Research has shown that, under intense water scarcity conditions, sweet sorghum makes use of its stalk juice to supplement its plant needs.

βœ…It is used in food industry and its stalk is used for the production of value-added products like ethanol, syrup and jaggery and bioenriched bagasse as a fodder and as a base material for cogeneration.
βœ…It can produce grains, animal feed and sugary juice, making it unique among crops.
βœ…The grains from sweet sorghum are prepared as steamed bread or porridge malt for traditional beer, as well as in commercial beer production across the continent.
Critical Minerals

βœ… Definition: Critical Minerals - high economic vulnerability and supply chain risk

βœ… Rare Earth (RE): 17 elements, divided into Light REE and Heavy REE
βœ… Major Producers: Chile, Indonesia, Congo, China, Australia, South Africa
βœ… India's RE Elements: Lanthanum, Cerium, Neodymium, Praseodymium, Samarium
βœ… India's Reserve Status: 5th-largest rare earth reserves, double Australia's


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India’s FTA

βœ…India has signed 13 FTAs with various countries.
πŸ”ΈThese include Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Thailand, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Mauritius, United Arab Emirates and Australia.
βœ…Exports to countries/regions with which India shares trade agreements such as FTAs have registered a growth of 20.75% in the last five years.

Recent developments in FTAs of India:

βœ… Innovative design: For the first time, India has included digital trade within the ambit of its FTA with UAE.
βœ… Addressing NTBs: Recently, signed FTAs like Australia-India also address the non-tariv barriers (NTBs).
βœ… Focus on the services sector: Previous agreements did not pave for a robust trade in services.
βœ… Natural trading partners: The trade baskets of these nations show a good degree of complementarity, thus classifying them as natural trading partners.
βœ… India-ASEAN FTA: India and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have agreed to conclude the review of the existing FTA in goods by 2025.


Post Mauryan Architecture

βœ…With the decline of the Mauryan Empire several small dynasties rose to power. Among them, Shungas, Kanvas, Kushanas & Shakas in the north & Satvahanas, Ikshavakus, Abhiras, & Vakatakas in Southern & Western India gained prominence
βœ…The architecture in the form of rock-cut caves & stupas continued, with each dynasty introducing some unique features of their own
βœ…Similarly, different schools of sculpture emerged and the art of sculpture reached its climax in the post-Mauryan period
βœ…The construction of rock caves continued as in the Mauryan period.However, this period saw the development of 2 types of rock caves Chaitya and Viharas. Chaitya was a rectangular prayer hall with a stupa placed in the center, for the purpose of prayer & Viharas were used as the residences of the monks
βœ…Post Mauryan period stupas became larger.
βœ…Post Mauryan empire three prominent schools of the sculpture came into prominence in 3 different regions of India namely Gandhara, Mathura & Amravati schools

βœ… founded by Basava in the 12th century.
βœ…Lingayat, also called Virashaiva, member of a Hindu sect with a wide following in southern India that worships Shiva as the only deity.
βœ…The followers take their name (β€œlingam-wearers”) from the small representations of a lingam, a votary object symbolizing Shiva.
βœ… both the men and the women always wear hanging by a cord around their necks, in place of the sacred thread worn by most upper-caste Hindu men.

β–ͺ️Its Doctrine and Philosophy:

βœ… Philosophically, their qualified monism and their conception of bhakti (devotion) as an intuitive and loving knowledge of God show the influence of the 11th–12th-century thinker Ramanuja.
βœ…Strongly opposed Brahmanical Hinduism.
βœ… strongly anti-Brahmanical and opposed to worship of any image other than the lingam.
πŸ”Έ Against Caste System.
πŸ”Έ Rejected Authority of Vedas.
πŸ”Έ Rejected Transmigration of soul.
πŸ”Έ It was also kind of social reform movement and supported widow remarriage and opposed child marriage.



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