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Telegram کانال مهندسان شیمی وفرآیند

Created: 2020-09-21

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Telegram کانال مهندسان شیمی وفرآیند, 325449 Telegram Group & Telegram Channel, XX, XX

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کانال مهندسین شیمی و فرآیند Telegram

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To do this, head over to Telegram’s settings by sliding over the hamburger menu from the left of the app. Here, choose ‘Settings’ and then click on ‘Chat Settings’. In this menu, you will see a number of themes and colour options to choose from. Further, you can also change the curve on message boxes and font size. Self-destruct Media in Normal Chats Telegram Premium users will now be able to add animated emoji status on the app. This custom status will replace the Premium Premium Badge in the chat list, in profile and in groups. Premium users will be able to choose from the seven standard statuses that change their color to match different Telegram themes – or choose from an infinite number of custom emoji.

First and foremost, Telegram’s headline feature is privacy, and to ensure this it employs end-to-end encryption. This is what stops those outside a two-way conversation — be it a company, the government, hackers, or someone else — from seeing what has been sent. Launch the Telegram app on your device and navigate to Settings -> Data and Storage. Telegram also has an auto-night mode that you can use to save your eyes at night! Launch the Telegram app on your iPhone or Android device -> navigate to the Settings and choose Devices.

Cons of switching Telegram bots are nothing but regular telegram accounts, which can be coded and used to add more features to enhance user experience. You can find these bots from the top search bar on the homepage. For example, Usernames Go to Settings > Chat Settings to create your own theme.

Read also: WhatsApp vs Telegram vs Signal: Which messaging app should you use? Telegram Chat Background

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