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መልካም የወዳጅነት ቀን! 💛 
ዛሬ ከወዳጆ ጋር ምን ለማድረግ አስበዋል?

Happy Friendship Day!💛
How do you spend your time with your friends?

#CANALPLUSEthiopia #friends #friendshipday #happyday
እንደምን አደሩ 🌞 መልካም የሥራ ሳምንት ይሁንሎት! ሳምንቶ እንደ ንፁህ ወረቀት ነው! እንዴት ሊጠቀሙበት እንዳሰቡ ኮመንት ላይ ይፃፉልን!

Good morning,🌞 and have a successful week! The new week is like a blank sheet of paper. What will you do with it? Post a comment!

#CANALPLUSEthiopia #Entertainment #PayTv #newday #newweek #monday
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በዚህ ሳምንት በCANAL+ ላይ ብቻ በሚተላለፉ ፊልሞች እና ስፖርታዊ ፕሮግራሞች ይዝናኑ!

Enjoy! This week movies and Sport programms only on CANAL+!

#CANALPLUSEthiopia #PayTv #Entertainment
የደንበኝነት ክፍያዎን በጊዜ መፈጸም አይርሱ!

Don't forget to renew your subscription on time!

#CANALPLUSEthiopia #renewal #CBE #Awashbank #Abyssiniabank #COOPbank #Telebirr #CANALPLUSstore
"ሌማት ምዕራፍ 2" የምግብ ዝግጅት በCANAL+ ገበታ ላይ እንዴት አገኙት? 🍜🍪🌶🥬🍕

How did you find the cooking show "LEMAT S2" on CANAL+ Gebeta? 🍜🍪🌶🥬🍕

#CANALPLUSEthiopia #PayTv  #Cookingshow #CANALPLUSEGebeta
በCANAL+ ሪሞትዎ ላይ የሚገኘው የወላጆች መቆጣጠሪያ ልጆችዎ ለእድሜአቸው የማይመጥን ይዘት ያላቸውን ዝግጅቶች እንዳይመለከቱ ታቅዶ የተዘጋጀ ሲሆን፤ የሚስጥር ቁጥርዎን በማስገባት ቻናሎችን መቆለፍም ሆነ መክፈት ያስችሎታል!

ለተጨማሪ መረጃ እኛን ይከተሉን!

The parental control on your CANAL+ remote prevents your kids from watching programs with age inappropriate content. You can lock and unlock it using your password.

For more information follow us!

#partentalControl #remoteControl  #CANALPLUSEthiopia
የዕረፍት ጊዜዎ የደስታና የፌሽታ ይሁንሎ!😊

Wishing you a happy weekend!😊

#CANALPLUSEthiopia #weekend #relax
ነገ ምሽት በCANAL+ ስፖርት ላይ በቀጥታ የሚተላለፍ  ጨዋታ Crystal Palace Vs Lyon ግጥሚያ በ 12፡30 ላይ እንዳያመልጦ! 

Don't miss out tomorrow's live football match Crystal Palace Vs Lyon at 6:30pm on CANAL+Sport !

#CANALPLUSEthiopia #CANALPLUSSport #Livegame #Lyon #Crystalpalace
ዛሬ ምሽት በCANAL+ ስፖርት ላይ በቀጥታ የሚተላለፍ  ጨዋታ Crystal Palace Vs Lyon ግጥሚያ በ 12፡30 ላይ እንዳያመልጦ! 

Don't miss out on today's live football match Crystal Palace Vs Lyon at 6:30pm on CANAL+Sport !

#CANALPLUSEthiopia #CANALPLUSSport #Livegame #Lyon #Crystalpalace
መልካም የሥራ ሳምንት ይሁንሎት!

Have a successful week!

#CANALPLUSEthiopia #Entertainment #PayTv #newday #newweek #monday
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በዚህ ሳምንት በCANAL+ ላይ ብቻ በሚተላለፉ ፊልሞች እና ስፖርታዊ ፕሮግራሞች ይዝናኑ!

Enjoy! This week movies and Sport programms only on CANAL+!

#CANALPLUSEthiopia #PayTv #Entertainment
9229 ሲደውሉ CANAL+ን ያሉበት ድረስ አቅርበን በሰለጠኑ የድርጅታችን ባለሞያዎች እንደምናስገጥምልዎ ስንገልፅ በደስታ ነው!

We are happy to announce that you can now call 9229 for delivery and installation of CANAL+ by our trained and certified technicians.

#CANALPLUSEthiopia #delivery #newOffer #offer #technician
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በፀደይ ጊዜ ነገ በCANAL+ ኖቬላ ላይ ይጀምራል። እንዳያመልጦ!

The new series Betsdey Gize on CANAL+ Novela will Start tomorrow.
Don't miss it!

#CANALPLUSEthiopia #PayTv #Entertainment #CANALPLUSNovela
የ CANAL+ ወርኃዊ የደንበኝነት እድሳት ክፍያዎን በአቅራቢያዎ በሚገኙ "እዚህ ያድሱ" የሚል ፅሁፍ ባለበት ሁሉ መፈፀም እንደሚችሉ ስንገልፅሎ በታላቅ ደስታ ነው!

We are pleased to announce that you can Renew your monthly CANAL+ subscription at the nearest shop with this signage "እዚህ ያድሱ"!

ከታች ያለውን ሊንክ በመጫን በአቅራቢያዎት የሚገኝ ሱቅ ማግኘት ይችላሉ!

#CANALPLUSEthiopia #renewal #Souk
ዛሬ ምሽት በCANAL+ ስፖርት ላይ በቀጥታ የሚተላለፍ  ጨዋታ AI Ahli Vs AI Hazem ግጥሚያ በ 2:55 ላይ እንዳያመልጦ! 

Don't miss out on today's live football match AI Ahli Vs AI Hazem at 8:55pm on CANAL+Sport !

#CANALPLUSEthiopia #CANALPLUSSport #Livegame #AIAhli #AIHazem
ዛሬ ምሽት በCANAL+ ስፖርት ላይ በቀጥታ የሚተላለፍ  ጨዋታ Marseille Vs Reims ግጥሚያ በ 11:55 ላይ እንዳያመልጦ! 
ማን እንደሚያሸንፍ ይገምቱ!🔥

Don't miss out the Match  today's live football match Marseille Vs Reims at 5:55pm on CANAL+Sport !
Predict the results on super Saturday!🔥

#CANALPLUSEthiopia #CANALPLUSSport #Livegame #Marseille #Reims
አዲሱ የባየርሙኒክ አጥቂ የሆነው ሀሪ ኬን ዛሬ የመጀመሪያውን ጨዋታ ይጫወታል። በዛሬው የሱፐር ካፕ የፍፃሜ ጨዋታ ላይ ስንት ጎል የሚያገባ ይመስሎታለ? ውጤቱን ይገምቱ!🔥
ዛሬ ማታ በ3፡40 በCANAL+ስፖርት ላይ ይጠብቁ!

Herry Kane unveiled as new Bayern palyer on four year contract confirmed. Today he's playing the first game on his new club. Predict the results on super Saturday 🔥
Tonight at 9:40pm on CANAL+ Sport don't miss it!

#CANALPLUSEthiopia #CANALPLUSSport #Livegame #Bayernmunich #Leipzig
ዛሬ ቀን ላይ በCANAL+ ስፖርት በቀጥታ የሚተላለፍ  ጨዋታ Brest Vs Lens ግጥሚያ በ 7:55 ላይ እንዳያመልጦ! 
ማን እንደሚያሸንፍ ይገምቱ!🔥
መልካም እሁድ!😀

Don't miss out the Match! Today's live football match Brest Vs Lens  at 1:55pm on CANAL+Sport !
Predict the results on super Saturday!🔥
Happy Sunday!😀

#CANALPLUSEthiopia #CANALPLUSSport #Livegame #brest #lens
ከሰዓት በኋላ በCANAL+ ስፖርት ላይ በቀጥታ የሚተላለፍ  ጨዋታ Rennes Vs Metz ግጥሚያ በ 11:55 ላይ እንዳያመልጦ! 
ማን እንደሚያሸንፍ ይገምቱ!🔥
መልካም እሁድ!😀

Don't miss out the Match! Today's live football match Rennes Vs Metz at 5:55pm on CANAL+Sport !
Predict the results on super Saturday!🔥
Happy Sunday!😀

#CANALPLUSEthiopia #CANALPLUSSport #Livegame #rennes #metz
ዛሬ ማታ በCANAL+ ስፖርት ላይ በቀጥታ የሚተላለፍ  ጨዋታ Strasbourg Vs Lyon ግጥሚያ በ 3:45 ላይ እንዳያመልጦ! 
ማን እንደሚያሸንፍ ይገምቱ!🔥
መልካም እሁድ!😀

Don't miss out the Match! Today's live football match Strasbourg Vs Lyon at 9:45pm on CANAL+Sport !
Predict the results on super Saturday!🔥
Happy Sunday!😀

#CANALPLUSEthiopia #CANALPLUSSport #Livegame #strasbourg #lyon
2024/09/30 13:20:20
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