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صدقة جارية 💛🌾 Telegram
First and foremost, Telegram’s headline feature is privacy, and to ensure this it employs end-to-end encryption. This is what stops those outside a two-way conversation — be it a company, the government, hackers, or someone else — from seeing what has been sent. Telegram is kind of a big deal for me. In general, Telegram is as safe or safer than most other chat apps. It could be argued that WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption on all messaging is a better approach, but the company’s ties to Facebook/Meta may turn off privacy advocates.
Also, it enables you to send the current location as well. But live location is much more valuable because it’s easy to find your friend or someone in a wide range of situations. Telegram has a unique feature called Channels that allow you to broadcast messages to large audiences. Unlike Groups, Telegram Channels can have an unlimited amount of subscribers, and only admins have the right to post content. Most people use third-party apps to make sure that no one gets a hand on their private conversations. Telegram, however, has its own lock function to hide privates messages behind a passcode. This will allow us to offer all the resource-heavy features users have asked for over the years, while preserving free access to the most powerful messenger on the planet.
Scheduled: Night mode will start when the sun goes down and turn off when the sun rises again. If you like, you can instead set your own times for it to turn off and on. Do you know that Telegram offers a handful of readymade app icons so that you can change the look of the icon depending on your home screen layout? Ever since I stumbled upon this hidden Telegram hack, I have been using it to amp up the home screen customization game. If you are also in the same boat, you would find it pretty cool as well. However, If you’re still using WhatsApp, Viber, or one of the other messaging app, you may be interested in why Telegram is so popular. Telegram offers two types of APIs for developers. Both are free of charge.
Whether you no longer want to let redundant chats clutter the precious storage of your device or wish to shield your personal chats, the auto-delete timer is for you. When you set an auto-delete timer for a specific Telegram chat, all of its content including images, videos, and documents are automatically deleted after the timer expires. You can also customize your chat background image in “Chat Background” in Chat Settings.
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